Congress is 90% of our country's problems.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
In 200 years we've created so many laws & regulations that it's like a noose around our neck. Congress creates one law or regulation and for every one created it creates another problem that apparently needs another law or regulation. And so the cycle never end .

An ideal situation would bring congress critters to DC for two, three month Sessions a year. A salary of maybe 40k per year. A requirement to live in the district you represent when not in DC. And remain on standby for international emergencies or natural disasters.

There is no need for these ass hats to live off my dime day after day, creating laws that are unnecessary which in turn create the need for more laws. Micromanagement of this nature is never good. I dunno how we got manipulated into believing we needed to be babbysat in this manner.

As long as this disastrous system is in place we will sink further & further into debt. We simply do not have the financial engine to finance these congress critters and their pet projects anymore. The era of the US being the only financial engine as it was post ww2 is long over and it seems many have yet to figure that out.
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Yeah....this is kind of juvenile.....

What this nation cannot afford is another experiment with Supply Side Idiocy.......If you want to understand the genesis of our current debt situation, you need look no further than the two rounds of that scam to which we have been subjected....
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The American people are the problem. Congress only has the power we give it
Indeed.the american people are to blame for the country it has become,they kept their faces buried in the sand and let us become the facist dictatership we really are. Land of the free that is the funniest propaganda. the majoprity of congress is corrupt,bought off the american people are to blame for letting this happen and not doing something about it.
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The American people are the problem. Congress only has the power we give it

You’re 90% right.

The other 10% is the silence of our Constitution that allows crap like the filibuster and de facto pocket vetoes by the Speaker/Majority Leader. It’s great to elect a Congressman that feels 100% the way you do and would vote 100% the way you would vote; if the bills are never allowed consideration out of the committee…well, that’s just too bad; they never get to vote.

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