Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
so now we know why both sides of the aisle are fuming at Obama. Turns out the sneak knew he was violating the law but was so worried about taking the heat off of the VA scandal he was willing to risk that no one will do a thing to Barrack Millhouse Obama.

President Obama’s aides met with unanimous opposition from Congress when they first raised the possibility of releasing five Taliban guerrillas from Guantanamo Bay in 2011 and 2012, and administration officials publicly and repeatedly vowed to return to Capitol Hill before making any final moves

Read more: Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl - Washington Times
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Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

Did you miss the part about being unanimous? Obviously like most liberal Obama lovers you didn't bother to read the article. You just go off with the same old tired talking points. WTF is the use of laws to liberals? Oh right to force the right to do your will.

It was UNAIMOUS what part of that don't you understand???

Maybe the 5 released will lead to more Americans dying then you can really be proud of the criminal in chief.

It is normal the lying from the left.
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Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal

In this case, following the law would have been both right AND legal.
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Ewww...a terrorist sympathizer.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Doing what is right and what is legal are not mutually exclusive. Obama is ONE man, ONE man makes mistakes. The opposition in Congress to him doing so was unanimous both side of the aisle seen this as a mistake.
Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

I guess your dear leader swearing to take care that the laws be faithfully executed mean nothing to you. Don't want to hear you complain about any republican breaking a law.
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Ewww...a terrorist sympathizer.:cuckoo:

Obviously the white devil thinks it is right to release 5 sworn enemies of the US back into the wild.
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

Since when do we care about domestic law let alone international law? It is against international law to use drones as the US is using them, no one seems to give a crap.

So when the war is over would the Taliban release its prisoner?
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

another pesky fact that continues to escape partisan hacks, not to mention the fact the Constitution gives a POTUS the power to make military decisions without the blessing of congress.
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

another pesky fact that continues to escape partisan hacks, not to mention the fact the Constitution gives a POTUS the power to make military decisions without the blessing of congress.

The law that Obama signed DOES in fact say he will give 30 days notice. When did the liberal left fall in love with the constitution? Especially considering they don't know what it actually does say nor do they usually care what it says?
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

I guess you are ignorant to the FACT the United Nations wanted two of those men for the mass murder of thousands.
Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal

In this case, following the law would have been both right AND legal.
And it would have cost the soldier his life. Read the latest report that it would have put his life in danger because Taliban didn't want it publicized.
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Ewww...a terrorist sympathizer.:cuckoo:
Ewww an idiot who believes everything her government tells her.

Yeah right, I have tons of confidence in the government.:lol: You're super creepy choosing to believe that those radicals aren't the enemy of should fly over there and have a cookout with them.:thup: :D
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Do tell, when the military decided in 2010 there would be no extraordinary efforts to find him because he walked away, was that 'political too'?
CaféAuLait;9217089 said:
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

I guess you are ignorant to the FACT the United Nations wanted two of those men for the mass murder of thousands.

Not ignorant, just ignoring.
Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal

In this case, following the law would have been both right AND legal.
And it would have cost the soldier his life. Read the latest report that it would have put his life in danger because Taliban didn't want it publicized.
Like I said. Want shit done like saving a soldiers life then must do what's right not what's legal. Someone's life isn't something politicians should be playing with. Obama understands that and acted accordingly. MOST if not ALL those men in Gitmo are not guilty of anything more than defending their country from foreign invaders. Same thing any of us would do if someone invaded our country.

Ewww...a terrorist sympathizer.:cuckoo:
Ewww an idiot who believes everything her government tells her.

Isn't believing everything the democrat controlled government says exactly what the left is doing, why yes it is.
Bullshit Bergdahl’s life was never in danger. obama made it up like he makes everything up. Bergdahl was a member of the tribe. He had friends. Maybe a loved one.

He may not appreciate being sent back to the US. He didn't look very happy about it.
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

Not necessarily, terrorist fight under no flag, international law applies to uniformed soldiers. At least two of the fab 5 were guilty of killing thousands of Afghans, your dear leader is really smart isn't he, unleash a new plague on the Afghan people.
so now we know why both sides of the aisle are fuming at Obama. Turns out the sneak knew he was violating the law but was so worried about taking the heat off of the VA scandal he was willing to risk that no one will do a thing to Barrack Millhouse Obama.

President Obama’s aides met with unanimous opposition from Congress when they first raised the possibility of releasing five Taliban guerrillas from Guantanamo Bay in 2011 and 2012, and administration officials publicly and repeatedly vowed to return to Capitol Hill before making any final moves

Read more: Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl - Washington Times
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How can something reported multiple times since 2011 be "fresh news"?

Politicians Scramble to Delete Pro-Bergdahl Tweets
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

Not necessarily, terrorist fight under no flag, international law applies to uniformed soldiers. At least two of the fab 5 were guilty of killing thousands of Afghans, your dear leader is really smart isn't he, unleash a new plague on the Afghan people.

Republicans released a plague on the Iraqi people:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

And now all their women live in Burkas and a million Christians have "vanished". Is that what Republicans call fighting for "freedom" these days?

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