Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl

so now we know why both sides of the aisle are fuming at Obama. Turns out the sneak knew he was violating the law but was so worried about taking the heat off of the VA scandal he was willing to risk that no one will do a thing to Barrack Millhouse Obama.

President Obama’s aides met with unanimous opposition from Congress when they first raised the possibility of releasing five Taliban guerrillas from Guantanamo Bay in 2011 and 2012, and administration officials publicly and repeatedly vowed to return to Capitol Hill before making any final moves

Read more: Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl - Washington Times
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How can something reported multiple times since 2011 be "fresh news"?

Politicians Scramble to Delete Pro-Bergdahl Tweets


So you admit the reports in 2009 and 2010 that he walked away and had intentions of deserting are not 'fresh' allegations from the right??
Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

The last time details of this deal went public, the negotiations broke apart.

This was a deal McCain and others were comfortable with and knew about for quite some time now, contrary to the right-wing meme that somehow Obama just sprung this on them out of nowhere.

The President actually notified Congress of this deal more than 2 years ago now. It even made the papers and the internets.

The law gives the CIC the flexibility to arrange prisoner swaps. Prisoner swaps are nothing new.

Republicans are having a phony outrage attack because of their Obama Derangement Syndrome. They think the POTUS should have to run to the Congress and beg their permission to do something his job title already allows him to do.

When asked now what Republicans would have done instead, they all come up with the same "uhhhh, ummmm, errrrr, derp" kind of response.

Anybody who goes up against the notion of "we leave no man behind" will lose that fight every single time, just as the desperate Republicans are now. It also doesn't help their case that many of the deaths cited had nothing to do with searching for Bergdahl and everything to do with being in one of the most hostile areas at the time and coming under attack by the enemy.

Like everything else that matters, Republicans come to their conclusions before getting proper information. Their gut has told them everything they need to know about this story. I say wait for the people who use their heads and see what they conclude as Bergdahl goes through the transition of getting back into daily American life. The truth about him will come out and we'll actually get good answers instead of all this right-wing hyperbole and claptrap they're so good for.
Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

Did you miss the part about being unanimous? Obviously like most liberal Obama lovers you didn't bother to read the article. You just go off with the same old tired talking points. WTF is the use of laws to liberals? Oh right to force the right to do your will.

It was UNAIMOUS what part of that don't you understand???

Maybe the 5 released will lead to more Americans dying then you can really be proud of the criminal in chief.

It is normal the lying from the left.

Since we have McCain on tape from the past saying he was open to such a deal, your 'unanimous' bullshit is just that.
Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

Did you miss the part about being unanimous? Obviously like most liberal Obama lovers you didn't bother to read the article. You just go off with the same old tired talking points. WTF is the use of laws to liberals? Oh right to force the right to do your will.

It was UNAIMOUS what part of that don't you understand???

Maybe the 5 released will lead to more Americans dying then you can really be proud of the criminal in chief.

It is normal the lying from the left.

Since we have McCain on tape from the past saying he was open to such a deal, your 'unanimous' bullshit is just that.

Nah, he never said he would be open to trading 5 terrorists for Bowe he said he would have to review details and see if he was amenable to them.

Given even democrats are stating there was bipartisan NO's to the deal as presented to them is quite telling.
Everyone knows the Gitmo prisoners will all be released when we leave Afghanistan, It's international law.

another pesky fact that continues to escape partisan hacks, not to mention the fact the Constitution gives a POTUS the power to make military decisions without the blessing of congress.

OK, when what war is over? We use the excuse that the war on terror is everywhere so we can send in drones and kill the guilty and the innocent in countries that are our ally. So when exactly is the war on terror going to end?
Want to get shit down go around the republican terrorists in congress and get it done. I applaud the president for doing so. Fuck the assholes in congress. They want to play politics instead of making sure a US Soldier was returned or not. Bunch of pricks.

The last time details of this deal went public, the negotiations broke apart.

This was a deal McCain and others were comfortable with and knew about for quite some time now, contrary to the right-wing meme that somehow Obama just sprung this on them out of nowhere.

The President actually notified Congress of this deal more than 2 years ago now. It even made the papers and the internets.

The law gives the CIC the flexibility to arrange prisoner swaps. Prisoner swaps are nothing new.

Republicans are having a phony outrage attack because of their Obama Derangement Syndrome. They think the POTUS should have to run to the Congress and beg their permission to do something his job title already allows him to do.

When asked now what Republicans would have done instead, they all come up with the same "uhhhh, ummmm, errrrr, derp" kind of response.

Anybody who goes up against the notion of "we leave no man behind" will lose that fight every single time, just as the desperate Republicans are now. It also doesn't help their case that many of the deaths cited had nothing to do with searching for Bergdahl and everything to do with being in one of the most hostile areas at the time and coming under attack by the enemy.

Like everything else that matters, Republicans come to their conclusions before getting proper information. Their gut has told them everything they need to know about this story. I say wait for the people who use their heads and see what they conclude as Bergdahl goes through the transition of getting back into daily American life. The truth about him will come out and we'll actually get good answers instead of all this right-wing hyperbole and claptrap they're so good for.
A post so nice

it should be seen twice.

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