Congressional hearings are a joke


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
First of all.....the ridiculous time limit of 5 mins. placed on questioners....makes the whole thing ineffective as in that is simply not enough time to deal with such an important matter as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Nor for any other matter of importance.
First of all.....the ridiculous time limit of 5 mins. placed on questioners....makes the whole thing ineffective as in that is simply not enough time to deal with such an important matter as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Nor for any other matter of importance.

It's called "kabuki theater"

First of all.....the ridiculous time limit of 5 mins. placed on questioners....makes the whole thing ineffective as in that is simply not enough time to deal with such an important matter as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

That is almost as stupid as telling a president that it is all on him to prove massive, organized election rigging auditing six states and preparing and prosecuting all of the cases therein with nothing but resistance from the states and he only has six weeks to get it all done in otherwise, they will choose a winner for president even if it is not the real winner!

Meantime, it took them how many years just to figure out that OJ really killed his wife?
That is almost as stupid as telling a president that it is all on him to prove massive, organized election rigging auditing six states and preparing and prosecuting all of the cases therein with nothing but resistance from the states and he only has six weeks to get it all done in otherwise, they will choose a winner for president even if it is not the real winner!

Meantime, it took them how many years just to figure out that OJ really killed his wife?
Good point.
Good point.
Anyhow, I watched a little bit of it....the black guy in charge just irritated me too much.

Blinken just does not get his vain attempt to blame it all on Trump....the fact remains joe Biden was President.

He wss not beholden to Trump.....or as the democrats like to say...'had his hands tied by Trump' from the moment he was inaugurated he had the power to do what was needed for a orderly and safe withdrawal.

If he needed more troops....he could have brought them in.

One questioner in the hearing made a good point....biden trashed everything else Trump had done but we are supposed to believe he felt he was beholden to Trump or had his hands tied by Trump on this one single issue?

Blinken claims biden only had 2 options renew the war or follow Trump's lead and withdraw.

First of all Biden did not understand the Taliban wanted us out more than we wanted out.

Though I think it is accurate that the majority of people in America wanted us was not that hot of a topic.

Biden obviously was counting on the Afghan Army to provide support for the withdrawal....despite being told by intelligence officers that the Afghan Army would likely fold very quickly.

Not sure what General Milley told him....but Milley lied when he said no one expected the afghan army to fold so quickly.

When things started going in when the taliban launched their offensive....biden should have immediately brought in more troops and escalated attacks by our drones and fighter-bombers.

We should have bombed them like hell and that would have stopped the taliban offensive in its tracks.

In addition it would have motivated the Afghan Army to fight harder.

One of the main reasons they collapsed so quickly was that they had little or no air support.

Then since biden wanted out even more than Trump.....he could have negotiated his own deal for us to withdraw. As in he would have been able to negotiate from a position of strength thus having the upper hand on the taliban

Instead he let the Taliban man boss him around.

We may not know for sure what Trump would have done.....but one thing for sure he would not have let the Taliban boss him around.
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People are sometimes good and sometimes bad. People are sometimes sharing and sometimes selfish. People are sometimes conscientious and sometimes cruel. A person does not do anything without gaining moral or material gain. So for a politician, a person doesn't matter if they don't have the money to vote or lobby for them.

It was a mistake for the United States to even engage in such a military operation itself. Because the majority of the US society is not Muslim. And this creates a perception among stupid radicals that the USA wants to dry our lineage, so they are doing these things. However, what the US bureaucrats do is 1- Cruelty for self-interest, 2- Stupidity.

I don't understand politicians and strategic leaders. If you are very helpful, work in charity. If you are very smart, be an engineer, technician, inventor, produce something, develop it. If you want to change and improve people, become a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you want to heal people's wounds, become a doctor. Become an impartial and ethical journalist to protect people's rights. If you want to be rich, become a merchant. If you want to impress people with a different personality, become an actor. If you want to know and analyze the past well, become a historian.

Politicians are people who try to get the most more moral and material gain in the shortest way by imitating the nice and easy moves of these professions.
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First of all.....the ridiculous time limit of 5 mins. placed on questioners....makes the whole thing ineffective as in that is simply not enough time to deal with such an important matter as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Nor for any other matter of importance.
That's been my perception for years.

Politics is a shit show. They got on TV, acted like bitter enemies, and in the end shitty laws were still passed. I specifically recall McLame pretending to be disgusted with pieces of shit like schumer, only to be pictured weeks later arm-in-arm sharing guffaws at God Knows what. More recently the political whores seem to maintain character, but the same status quo exists. No one is ever held accountable for what are obvious crimes. While banks in Panama and the Caribbean are over flowing with cash that can be traced back to all these political whores, it's NEVER exposed because it would also expose the complicity of the people who have the same sorts of accounts and are supposed to be watching the ruling class. Instead the media protects the ruling class.

How on earth could hitlary have gotten away with her crimes if she didn't have dirt on nearly every scumbag in DC? Her crimes were well documented, it's not even hidden at this point. Comey in as much said she is guilty of high crimes and felonies, but that no prosecutor in the country would risk their lives to indict her. Naturally he pretended it was because the offenses were "trivial", as if bribery, obstruction of justice, theft, perjury and destruction of government property are "trivial". Every cognizant person knows what happens to people when the Clintons want them quiet.

First of all.....the ridiculous time limit of 5 mins. placed on questioners....makes the whole thing ineffective as in that is simply not enough time to deal with such an important matter as the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Nor for any other matter of importance.

Their purpose is to allow members of Congress to grandstand in front of the cameras so they can get on tv and make their constituents at home think they are actually doing something for them.

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