Congressman refers to tax money as "my money"


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2006
If any of you out there actually believe either party is working towards your benefit, you need education.

If you vote to reelect any incumbents (besides perhaps Jeff Flake) YOU are part of our national problem.

July 18, 2007
Read More: Spending

North to Alaska

Rep. Don Young attacked his fellow Republicans on the House floor Wednesday, as he defended education funds allocated to his home-state of Alaska.

"You want my money, my money," Young stridently declared before warning conservatives that, "Those who bite me will be bitten back."...

Full story:
Alaska is a very rich state running surplusses with the money they get for their oil.

There is no reason why Federal Tax dollars needs to go to this particular state in surplus.

Alaska gets already, because of all of their pork from the king of Pork Senator Stevens. and Representative Young $1.87 back in Federal Funds for all the Federal tax dollars they sent in....

If this were a very poor state, like Louisianna or Mississippi or West Virginia, I could almost understand the need to get more in Federal Revenues than what they pay in, because these states are very poor states, but Alaska gets Royalties for all of their oil, and they are a fairly wealthy state?

States like Massachusetts only get back about 77 cents for ever federal dollar of taxes they send in....and New Jersey only gets back about 55 cents for every dollar they send in...Connecticut only about 65 cents on every dollar sent in.

If you really analyze this chart, it shows that the Senators and Representatives that are on the committees with financial power or power of any kind, they get the federal pork money to go to their own states....moreso than deserved, like this situation with Alaska. :(

Federal Spending per
Dollar of Federal Taxes Rank
New Mexico $2.00 1
Alaska $1.87 2
West Virginia $1.83 3
Mississippi $1.77 4
North Dakota $1.73 5
Alabama $1.71 6
Virginia $1.66 7
Hawaii $1.60 8
Montana $1.58 9
South Dakota $1.49 10
Oklahoma $1.48 11
Arkansas $1.47 12
Louisiana $1.45 13
Kentucky $1.45 14
Maryland $1.44 15
Maine $1.40 16
South Carolina $1.38 17
Tennessee $1.30 18
Arizona $1.30 19
Missouri $1.29 20
Idaho $1.28 21
Utah $1.14 22
Kansas $1.12 23
Vermont $1.12 24
Iowa $1.11 25
Wyoming $1.11 26
North Carolina $1.10 27
Nebraska $1.07 28
Pennsylvania $1.06 29
Florida $1.02 30
Rhode Island $1.02 31
Ohio $1.01 32
Indiana $0.97 33
Oregon $0.97 34
Georgia $0.96 35
Texas $0.94 36
Washington $0.88 37
Michigan $0.85 38
Wisconsin $0.82 39
Delaware $0.79 40
Colorado $0.79 41
New York $0.79 42
California $0.79 43
Massachusetts $0.77 44
Nevada $0.73 45
Illinois $0.73 46
Minnesota $0.69 47
New Hampshire $0.67 48
Connecticut $0.66 49
New Jersey $0.55 50
District of Columbia $6.64 na
Federal Spending in Each State Per Dollar of Federal Taxes
FY 2004
Source: Tax Foundation, Census Bureau.

Gosh! Look at D.C.!
Alaska is a very rich state running surplusses with the money they get for their oil.

There is no reason why Federal Tax dollars needs to go to this particular state in surplus.

Alaska gets already, because of all of their pork from the king of Pork Senator Stevens. and Representative Young $1.87 back in Federal Funds for all the Federal tax dollars they sent in....

If this were a very poor state, like Louisianna or Mississippi or West Virginia, I could almost understand the need to get more in Federal Revenues than what they pay in, because these states are very poor states, but Alaska gets Royalties for all of their oil, and they are a fairly wealthy state?

States like Massachusetts only get back about 77 cents for ever federal dollar of taxes they send in....and New Jersey only gets back about 55 cents for every dollar they send in...Connecticut only about 65 cents on every dollar sent in.

If you really analyze this chart, it shows that the Senators and Representatives that are on the committees with financial power or power of any kind, they get the federal pork money to go to their own states....moreso than deserved, like this situation with Alaska. :(

Gosh! Look at D.C.!

First, I don't believe in revenue sharing for states. Poor states need to increase revenue or the people need to get smart and go somehwere that does.

Second, ever been to DC? Southeast-East DC are easily as bad if not worse than any of the worst inner-cities in this Nation where poverty and crime are concerned.
Senator Stephens may soon be facing jail time, so Alaskan citizens may want to start tightening their belts before that particular sugar-teat dries up.
agreed, the republican party has abandoned conservatives, and the democratic party has gone crazy left, all the way to the edge of sanity, by going not moderate left, but full tilt left, with no room for difference of opinion or dissent.

If any of you out there actually believe either party is working towards your benefit, you need education.

If you vote to reelect any incumbents (besides perhaps Jeff Flake) YOU are part of our national problem.

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