Some reactions to Donald Trump's anti-immigration rally in AZ

Hard to give it any credibility when it will not admit the error in the op...loses before it starts.
I'm convinced the OP is bat shit nuts

You can be convinced of anything you want to be convinced of. G-d knows that Rrrraging Rrrrrighties are convinced of all sorts of weird, medieval things. Unlike whacked out rrrrraging rrrrrighties like you, I don't tell people to "STFU" or any variation of that worthless tripe, for in spite of the fact that you cannot even do simple math much less rhyme together two sentences in English that do not sound like a second grader with her finger caught in her school locker, I respect your right to your opinion.

Just as I respect my right to laugh at fools like you all that I want.

Ahhhhh, gotta love that 1st amendment.

You see, SassyHidingLesbiThingy, your first mistake is in thinking that you can someone make Lefties angry. That will never work.

You could always try bold and seven point print, maybe a couple of pretty colors. That could make your otherwise boring and unintelligence babble look halfway interesting. Who knows...
I'm convinced the OP is bat shit nuts

You can be convinced of anything you want to be convinced of. G-d knows that Rrrraging Rrrrrighties are convinced of all sorts of weird, medieval things. Unlike whacked out rrrrraging rrrrrighties like you, I don't tell people to "STFU" or any variation of that worthless tripe, for in spite of the fact that you cannot even do simple math much less rhyme together two sentences in English that do not sound like a second grader with her finger caught in her school locker, I respect your right to your opinion.

Just as I respect my right to laugh at fools like you all that I want.

Ahhhhh, gotta love that 1st amendment.

You see, SassyHidingLesbiThingy, your first mistake is in thinking that you can someone make Lefties angry. That will never work.

You could always try bold and seven point print, maybe a couple of pretty colors. That could make your otherwise boring and unintelligence babble look halfway interesting. Who knows...

You lied in the credibility what so ever. Thread is you. Now GFY
Hard to give it any credibility when it will not admit the error in the op...loses before it starts.

ahhh, but there is no lie in the OP.

At Trumps candidacy speech, he did not refer to illegal immigration. He only referred to Mexico.
Go watch his candidacy speech again, if you are smart enough to be able to youtube or vimeo....

And then realize that no one believes him now that he has just started to use the words illegal immigration more than three weeks after setting a big bomb off within the GOP.

Please do remember that if you spend the entire day dragging your knuckles and grunting really, really loud, you may want to wash those hands at least once a month, which is once more than most Cons do!!!
I'm convinced the OP is bat shit nuts

You can be convinced of anything you want to be convinced of. G-d knows that Rrrraging Rrrrrighties are convinced of all sorts of weird, medieval things. Unlike whacked out rrrrraging rrrrrighties like you, I don't tell people to "STFU" or any variation of that worthless tripe, for in spite of the fact that you cannot even do simple math much less rhyme together two sentences in English that do not sound like a second grader with her finger caught in her school locker, I respect your right to your opinion.

Just as I respect my right to laugh at fools like you all that I want.

Ahhhhh, gotta love that 1st amendment.

You see, SassyHidingLesbiThingy, your first mistake is in thinking that you can someone make Lefties angry. That will never work.

You could always try bold and seven point print, maybe a couple of pretty colors. That could make your otherwise boring and unintelligence babble look halfway interesting. Who knows...

You lied in the credibility what so ever. Thread is you. Now GFY

they are a good little tool for the DNC. and as we see Lying doesn't bother them one bit. but it runs in that nasty party. Look at Obama, Hillary, etc
Hard to give it any credibility when it will not admit the error in the op...loses before it starts.

ahhh, but there is no lie in the OP.

At Trumps candidacy speech, he did not refer to illegal immigration. He only referred to Mexico.
Go watch his candidacy speech again, if you are smart enough to be able to youtube or vimeo....

And then realize that no one believes him now that he has just started to use the words illegal immigration more than three weeks after setting a big bomb off within the GOP.

Please do remember that if you spend the entire day dragging your knuckles and grunting really, really loud, you may want to wash those hands at least once a month, which is once more than most Cons do!!!
If Trump as POTUS, were to successfully limit illegal immigration and the off shoring of American jobs, that would be a success presidency in my book.
I'm convinced the OP is bat shit nuts

You can be convinced of anything you want to be convinced of. G-d knows that Rrrraging Rrrrrighties are convinced of all sorts of weird, medieval things. Unlike whacked out rrrrraging rrrrrighties like you, I don't tell people to "STFU" or any variation of that worthless tripe, for in spite of the fact that you cannot even do simple math much less rhyme together two sentences in English that do not sound like a second grader with her finger caught in her school locker, I respect your right to your opinion.

Just as I respect my right to laugh at fools like you all that I want.

Ahhhhh, gotta love that 1st amendment.

You see, SassyHidingLesbiThingy, your first mistake is in thinking that you can someone make Lefties angry. That will never work.

You could always try bold and seven point print, maybe a couple of pretty colors. That could make your otherwise boring and unintelligence babble look halfway interesting. Who knows...

You lied in the credibility what so ever. Thread is you. Now GFY

There you are again, thinking you can boss people around. This is fun to watch. Hey, I thought you were going to put me on ignore, n'est ce pas? But I knew you probably wouldn't, because attention whores need to get any and all kinds of attention. It's part of their mental disorder, even among secret lesbians!

Now, back to the OP, you know, the material that you are incapable of reading.

This is my favorite quote:

"The only thing I can tell you is that it is awakening the Hispanic community," said Eduardo Sainz, 22. "We're keeping a tally of who is on our side and who isn't. The Hispanic community won't forget in 2016."

Pretty strong stuff.
I'm convinced the OP is bat shit nuts

You can be convinced of anything you want to be convinced of. G-d knows that Rrrraging Rrrrrighties are convinced of all sorts of weird, medieval things. Unlike whacked out rrrrraging rrrrrighties like you, I don't tell people to "STFU" or any variation of that worthless tripe, for in spite of the fact that you cannot even do simple math much less rhyme together two sentences in English that do not sound like a second grader with her finger caught in her school locker, I respect your right to your opinion.

Just as I respect my right to laugh at fools like you all that I want.

Ahhhhh, gotta love that 1st amendment.

You see, SassyHidingLesbiThingy, your first mistake is in thinking that you can someone make Lefties angry. That will never work.

You could always try bold and seven point print, maybe a couple of pretty colors. That could make your otherwise boring and unintelligence babble look halfway interesting. Who knows...

You lied in the credibility what so ever. Thread is you. Now GFY

they are a good little tool for the DNC. and as we see Lying doesn't bother them one bit. but it runs in that nasty party. Look at Obama, Hillary, etc
Lying is not a partisan trait. Both parties are notorious for it...however Mrs. BJ and Big Ears are more accomplished at it and the MSM likes to give them a pass.
Hard to give it any credibility when it will not admit the error in the op...loses before it starts.

ahhh, but there is no lie in the OP.

At Trumps candidacy speech, he did not refer to illegal immigration. He only referred to Mexico.
Go watch his candidacy speech again, if you are smart enough to be able to youtube or vimeo....

And then realize that no one believes him now that he has just started to use the words illegal immigration more than three weeks after setting a big bomb off within the GOP.

Please do remember that if you spend the entire day dragging your knuckles and grunting really, really loud, you may want to wash those hands at least once a month, which is once more than most Cons do!!!
If Trump as POTUS, were to successfully limit illegal immigration and the off shoring of American jobs, that would be a success presidency in my book.

If it's not too LATE after this traitor OBama and his backers in there now. Thankfully if Trump did anything it was to bring this into the light what this administration has been up to
Anti illegal immigration....GFY.

You seem angry, but then again, you are a Rightie, I expect you to be angry.

Not angry...simply dismissive or your mischarcterizations and lies. You are a Libtard drone.

Slight correction...a MINDLESS Libtard drone

Ahh, A SassyLesbiAss moment... interesting.

And you also lack the ability to actually read an OP.

Funny that.

I repeat, fug off, clown

Such a bitter and angry rightwing white christian

The times they are a changin' and changes are happening . Either be part off the national conversation on the change or pray that America will return to the 1950's, your choice
How is this an "anti-immigration" rally? Did you watch this? He even stated something to the tune of I love legal immigration. My wife is a legal immigrant. I think we should speed it up and make it more available.

OTH, he does sort of scare me. His sub-context, when you read behind the lines, leads me to believe he might declare war on Mexico. lol

The OP clearly hasn't watched this whole speech though. He is more truthful and honest than most politicians.
Seems like they are getting all hopped up for their visit to their rightwing churches this morning to get fed more crazy stuff
I thought his anti-globalist economic policies were the most interesting, don't you Statist? With a rebuilt economy, the US could afford jobs for both more Americans and more immigrant, I think that is the point.

The globalist will never allow this guy to even get the nomination. They will rig the nominating process before his candidacy goes to far.

Either that or they'll bribe, blackmail, or destroy him before he gets to far. Don't worry about him.
Trump got the left's panties in a twist so it's a win :)

You are too stupid to be one person.

The left would LOVE to have Trump run as the Republican candidate. He's pro-choice, for gay marriage, he's been married three times, has no political experience, he's a birther, a racist, and his companies have gone bankrupt four times. The hard-core fundamentalist wing of the Republican Party won't support him because he's not right wing enough for them. He's pandering to the racists in the party, and that won't go over well with anyone who isn't racist.

Only racist idiots like you think his running is a good idea. Even the Republican Party sees him as a problem.
First, here is the whole thing:

Second, tidbits from many sources:

Relishing polls Trump rails against U.S. presidential race rivals Reuters

His rally, originally planned for a hotel ballroom, was moved to a convention center after more than 9,000 people asked for tickets, organizers said.

Numbers inside the standing-room-only room were far smaller than that total, although Trump said "thousands" could not get in. Trump was joined at the rally by local sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has been sued by the Justice Department for racially profiling Latinos.


"I'm really smart," he said.

-and this detail may be especially interesting to note:
"The only thing I can tell you is that it is awakening the Hispanic community," said Eduardo Sainz, 22. "We're keeping a tally of who is on our side and who isn't. The Hispanic community won't forget in 2016."

Donald Trump Antes Up On Immigration Stance

So, how big is the Phoenix Convention Center?

In the 4,200-capacity Phoenix convention center packed with flag-waving supporters, Trump took a different view — for a moment — and said: "I love the Mexican people. I love 'em. Many, many people from Mexico are legal. They came in the old-fashioned way. Legally."

He quickly returned to the sharp tone that has brought him scorn as well as praise. "I respect Mexico greatly as a country. But the problem we have is their leaders are much sharper than ours, and they're killing us at the border and they're killing us on trade."

His speeches in both venues were long on insults aimed at critics and short on solutions to the problems he cited. When he called for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the audience in Las Vegas groaned.

-and this detail is quite interesting:

As Trump lambasted Univision for cancelling its broadcast of the Miss USA pageant, one of his many business enterprises, a group of young Latinos unfurled a banner pointed toward the stage and began chanting insults. They were quickly drowned out by the crowd, and nearby Trump supporters began to grab at them, tearing at the banner and pulling and pushing at the protesters. Security staff managed to get to the group and escorted them out as Trump resumed speaking.

"I wonder if the Mexican government sent them over here," he said. "I think so."

Yes, we can see quite clearly that Trump is doing just excellently with Latinos.

Donald Trump storms Phoenix - Ben Schreckinger - POLITICO

A day later, he came to Arizona and said, “We have to stop illegal immigration. We have to. We have to,” to the cheers of 4,000 supporters.

On Monday, RNC Chairman Reince Preibus called Trump to congratulate him on his success and reportedly ask him to “tone it down.”

But Donald Trump only tones it in one direction: up...

...“They’re taking our jobs. They’re taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.”


“This crowd today blows away anything that Bernie Sanders has gotten,” Trump said (10,000 people recently came out to cheer Sanders in Madison, Wisconsin).

Ahead of the event, John McCain called Trump’s immigration comments “offensive.” Arizona’s other Republican senator, Jeff Flake, called his views “coarse, ill-informed and inaccurate.” News outlets and fact-checkers pointed out that Trump’s assertion — that the undocumented immigrants coming from Mexico are that country’s criminal element — appears to be flat wrong.

But while the press and the party condemn Trump’s rhetoric, many voters are eating it up. When Trump mentioned McCain, the crowd booed.

Trump blasts US immigration policy trade agenda Fox News

View attachment 44379

(Notice the number of attendees that FOX NEWS reported)

Trump's speeches were filled with tangents and insults leveled at business partners such as Univision and NBC that have dropped him in the wake of his comments that Mexican immigrants bring drugs and crime to the U.S. and are rapists. He also directed familiar barbs at other presidential contenders, including Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton ("the worst secretary of state in the history of the country"), news media figures ("lyin' Brian Williams") and President Barack Obama ("such a divisive person"). He called journalists "terrible people."

Trump We have to take back the heart of our country - The Washington Post

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, whose caustic comments about Mexicans have inflamed the immigration debate, told thousands of cheering supporters here Saturday that “we have to take back the heart of our country.”

In a rambling, defiant speech delivered in this border state that has been the epicenter of the nation’s divisive battle over immigration reform, Trump declared: “These are people that shouldn’t be in our country. They flow in like water.” One man in the crowd of 4,200 shouted back, “Build a wall!”

Basking in polls that show he has risen to the top of the crowded Republican field, Trump took obvious glee in mocking former Florida governor Jeb Bush, the establishment favorite who is setting fundraising records.

“Jeb Bush, let’s say he’s president — Oy, yoy, yoy,” Trump said. He asked the crowd: “How can I be tied with this guy? He’s terrible. Terrible. He’s weak on immigration.”

Trump’s 70-minute address here, which sounded more like a stream-of-consciousness rant than a presidential-style stump speech, put an exclamation point on his bombastic push since his presidential announcement last month to return immigration to the forefront of the national conversation.


Republican leaders say they believe the celebrity billionaire has virtually no chance of being their nominee, much less of making it to the White House. And, for now at least, his following seems limited to the far right as opposed to the party’s mainstream...

...Party leaders increasingly fear that Trump could do damage to more viable candidates, such as Bush, who could lose their own footing on immigration. These candidates confront a familiar challenge: During the primary season, they must deal with the anger and anxiety that many on the right feel about illegal immigration. But they must do it in a way that will not damage their appeal to a broader electorate in November 2016.

Republicans are handling Trump delicately for another reason as well: They fear that he could leave the GOP entirely and wage a well-funded third-party campaign, a possibility that Trump has not ruled out...

...But it was his crusade against illegal immigrants that had Trump’s crowd most enthused. After expressing shock that his immigration message has resonated so strongly with the GOP base, Trump said, “The silent majority is back, and we’re going to take the country back.” He walked off the stage to Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

More to come, this is just the beginning....

So, Don Trump had success in front of a crowd of Libertarians in Nevada and a bunch of white, hard-core Righties in Arizona. Now, let's see what his words do on the national stage, when he's not preaching to his own choir.

Discuss. How did yesterday go for Trump?

Illegal immigration is just that, ILLEGAL. I can't even believe we have to discuss this.

Any group that unrolls a banner is bought and paid for so meaningless

I think trump's rhetoric is harsh and definitely non PC but Americans are fed up with illegal immigration.
Trump got the left's panties in a twist so it's a win :)

You are too stupid to be one person.

The left would LOVE to have Trump run as the Republican candidate. He's pro-choice, for gay marriage, he's been married three times, has no political experience, he's a birther, a racist, and his companies have gone bankrupt four times. The hard-core fundamentalist wing of the Republican Party won't support him because he's not right wing enough for them. He's pandering to the racists in the party, and that won't go over well with anyone who isn't racist.

Only racist idiots like you think his running is a good idea. Even the Republican Party sees him as a problem.
Fighting against illegal immigration is not racist.

Remember that Hispanics are WHITE. Ever since George Zimnerman.

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