Congressman Says Americans Need Guns To Protect The Nation From Sharia Law


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Igor Volsky

Tea Party Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told a conservative radio show on Thursday that the GOP must oppose gun regulations to protect the country from the threat of “Sharia Law.”

Appearing on The Voice of Freedom, Gohmert said he “hoped and prayed” that Congress rejects gun safety legislation, arguing that Americans may need to use the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment to avoid succumbing to Muslims:

[The Second Amendment] is for our protection and the founders’ quotes make that very very clear and including against a government that would run amuck. We’ve got some people who think Sharia Law should be the law of the land, forget the Constitution. But the guns are there… to make sure all of the rest of the Amendments are followed.​

More: Congressman Says Americans Need Guns To Protect The Nation From Sharia Law
Louie is my favorite Texas lunatic. I love it when he's saying crazy shit on the House floor - while snacking...
Liberals can't see two inches past their lying Pinocchio noses.

Radical Muslim ideology is timeless and eternally patient. This nation is not much over 250 years old.
That's a piss in the ocean of time to those lunatics.

I would put the threat of Sharia Law on a par with the espoused policies of a renegade President with a background steeped in Marxist ideology.
The congressman has a point. Guns have kept the Middle East safe from Sharia Law, right?
In the middle East the guns are not owned by law abiding citizens.......
so, NOPE! hasn't helped. That is why they plead for America to supply them with weapons.
They should fight a war of independence to earn their own rights.
There is a price to pay for lack of vigilance. A nation not much more than 1/4 century old oversus a centuries old dogma-driven, doctrine-entrenched peoples focused on the destruction of free thought. I think I'll keep my guns... just in case I may need them. Or my children may need them. Or my grandchildren may need them. Or my great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren...

I'd gladly lay down my life today if it ensured the survival or Democracy centuries into the future.

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