Congressmen Want to Bring Obama to Court for Not Faithfully Executing Laws

Congressmen know the Court wouldn't touch that case, it would be similar to Obama taking the House to Court for not doing their job. Another waste of time, and money, all for political purposes.
No, congressman don't know that. With Hussein's approval ratings sinking faster than the Titanic, I think just about anything can happen at this point. I don't see this going on for another three years without nothing being done about it.

If Congressmen don't know the history of the Court they shouldn't be in government. The Court has said in more than one case: that's a political decision, not judicial.

You got some citations or are we expected to take your word for it?
OP- What a joke the TP and the hater dupes are becoming lol....You think Obama can get away with anything illegal- hilarious...
OP- What a joke the TP and the hater dupes are becoming lol....You think Obama can get away with anything illegal- hilarious...

Of course not. His majesty just has to have his court jester (Eric Holder) make it legal before he does it (or promise not to enforce the laws).

Obama can't tie his shoe.

We just got our butts kicked again, and we gonna make with the tears.

We just got our butts kicked again, and we gonna make with the tears.

No, Your New Messiah hasn't been impeached yet so save the tears for when you need them.
An excellent idea, Pole Rider. You posting a picture here of a gun pointing at the President of the United States. :D

Someone's getting a visit from the men in black!!!

Enjoy your four hour interview Mr. 007.


Pfft.... who's wearing the tinfoil hats now? ...

Where's your pic?
This is what really needs to be done to the filthy little piece of American hating, lying, radical trash...


An excellent idea, Pole Rider. You posting a picture here of a gun pointing at the President of the United States. :D
Most dangerous criminals are arrested at gun point, you gash licking bull dyke.

Found the picture on a google search... must be in a coupe million different places by now. Have fun with that, idiot.

What picture, Pole Rider?
Well you folks did lower the bar with Clinton..with the blowjob thing.

What now? Feet on the desk? Funny name? Selfie? Looking at a girl's ass?

Still lying eh??

No real surprise.

The real surprise will be the day you stop lying.
Their messiah and leader is a liar, so they just figure lying is part of what they're supposed to do, and they see nothing wrong with it.

They are getting more out of touch with America and reality as time goes by. They are actually destroying themselves.

The only ones around here who use the term "messiah" are the mentally challenged like Pole Rider.
This will go no where fast. If the courts were worried about legality both caucuses would be in jail for the Patriot Act and the NDAA. Our system serves it's masters not the people.

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