Congresswoman Moves To Protect Senate Pages From Accused Molester Roy Moore

It seems that democrats want to forgive everyone for past deeds and crimes except republicans, never mind 40 year old unproved accusations. Too bad Gwen wasn't around when Hillary's husband molested the pizza delivery girl.
no. I'm ok with her taking steps to keep young girls away from a known child molester.
Isn't it odd how some posters would make negative comments about her rather than applaud any attempt to keep teens safe from molesters. It's as if keeping teens safe from molesters is a bad thing or something.........

I expect nothing more or less from trumpers

well, to them if the molester has an R after their name there's nothing to see.... it's all good.

Yeah, leaving them to die in a flooded car is A-OK though.

how many years has kennedy been dead? personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

now go support the sexual predator in the white house and the child molester in Alabama like a good little lowlife.
personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

YOu were 3 when that happened?

How old were you when Moore was reportedly molesting teenagers?

(that was about 40 years ago)

If one is too old to bring up, why isn't the other?

kennedy is dead.

you're fine with women being sexually molested whether they're older or younger.

it's all good. we get it.

trumpscum are awesome.
Why is that crazy, Will?
She's been in Congress since 2004, and just now taking a stand on 'protecting' pages and aides?
I can sort of see that, considering the goings on that we've been hearing about lately. Maybe I need to amend my statement to "If I had a teenaged daughter, I would not send her to the Congress as a page" Period.
Moore IS the only guy we've heard of that likes 'em THAT young who would be roaming Congress's halls, though.
not from him just your side. they made it up. it's what they do best, it's called a ploy!!! it's been exposed, the yearbook is the ploy!
Rep. Gwen Moore is worried about the Senate’s teenage interns if he wins election.

NEW YORK ― As accused molester Roy Moore heads into a special election for a U.S. Senate seat this week, Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) is taking steps to protect the teenagers in the Senate Page Program from predatory members.

The congresswoman asked the Senate Sergeant at Arms in a letter on Monday to “take steps to prepare the Page Program for the possible election of Roy Moore,” the Alabama Republican accused of pursuing sexual relationships with girls as young as 14. The 30 Senate pages, who are essentially interns, are mostly rising high school juniors and seniors, some as young as 16.

“I write you today to share my urgent concern regarding the threat to the safety of the young men and women working in the United States Senate Page Program if Roy Moore becomes the U.S. senator to Alabama,” Rep. Moore wrote.

“The nature of life on Capitol Hill necessitates long hours in close proximity to lawmakers and staff that can create power dynamics of which young people are not fully aware,” she added.

More: Congresswoman Moves To Protect Senate Pages From Accused Molester Roy Moore

I applaud this Congresswoman for trying to protect Senate pages - if Moore wins. Why aren't Republicans doing the same?
why, the accusations are he likes teenage women. are there teenage pages?
It was okay for Barney Frank to pork the teenage male pages, and not a peep from the left....

except that never happened, you delusional freak.

and I'm pretty sure barney frank isn't in congress anymore.

but your orange sexual predator is sure in the white house.

and you're peachy keep with a child molester from Alabama in the senate.

what freaking disgusting losers you are.
sure it did, there's no need for evidence, just allegation makes it so.
Isn't it odd how some posters would make negative comments about her rather than applaud any attempt to keep teens safe from molesters. It's as if keeping teens safe from molesters is a bad thing or something.........

I expect nothing more or less from trumpers

well, to them if the molester has an R after their name there's nothing to see.... it's all good.

Yeah, leaving them to die in a flooded car is A-OK though.

how many years has kennedy been dead? personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

now go support the sexual predator in the white house and the child molester in Alabama like a good little lowlife.
personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

YOu were 3 when that happened?

How old were you when Moore was reportedly molesting teenagers?

(that was about 40 years ago)

If one is too old to bring up, why isn't the other?

kennedy is dead.

you're fine with women being sexually molested whether they're older or younger.

it's all good. we get it.

trumpscum are awesome.
you're fine with women being sexually molested whether they're older or younger.

Where have I ever implied that?

it's all good. we get it.

It'll be better when you acknowledge the facts.

Tho I doubt your politics will allow that

trumpscum are awesome.

Your opinion.

I find them as ridiculous as Hillaryscum
no. I'm ok with her taking steps to keep young girls away from a known child molester.
Isn't it odd how some posters would make negative comments about her rather than applaud any attempt to keep teens safe from molesters. It's as if keeping teens safe from molesters is a bad thing or something.........

I expect nothing more or less from trumpers

well, to them if the molester has an R after their name there's nothing to see.... it's all good.

Yeah, leaving them to die in a flooded car is A-OK though.

how many years has kennedy been dead? personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

now go support the sexual predator in the white house and the child molester in Alabama like a good little lowlife.
personally, I think I was 3 when that happened and think you're a moron for making that your response to a real and current problem.

YOu were 3 when that happened?

How old were you when Moore was reportedly molesting teenagers?

(that was about 40 years ago)

If one is too old to bring up, why isn't the other?
dude, spot fking on!!!!! THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It seems that democrats want to forgive everyone for past deeds and crimes except republicans, never mind 40 year old unproved accusations. Too bad Gwen wasn't around when Hillary's husband molested the pizza delivery girl.
You do know we cannot go back in time, right? And what is this about "Hillary's husband molested the pizza delivery girl"? Making stuff up.................again?
It seems that democrats want to forgive everyone for past deeds and crimes except republicans, never mind 40 year old unproved accusations. Too bad Gwen wasn't around when Hillary's husband molested the pizza delivery girl.
what about Monica?

I can't find her name on any list asking Franken or Conyers to step down...

Has anyone else?
But she isn't worried about Conyers?
He's been removed.....a good thing too. Alabama is about to elect their pervert.

He has another year
No. He doesn't.

He resigned. Effective immediately/
no he didn't. you didn't listen to his lawyer.
Yes, he did, poop-eyed.

John Conyers retires after 53 years in office amid sexual harassment claims

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