Cons: NK is goooood. Cuba n Iran baaaaaad.


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Dude the only high ranking politician I trust is Nikki..and she has been bitching about Iran lying ...
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Wait, NK is good? You swore we would be at war with them soon. What happened?
See Timmy, the idea is to keep the tyrannical dictators from nuking their neighbors. North Korea being less nukey is a good thing. Giving Iran cash with the promise that they wouldn't be bad little terrorists, bad thing. Stay with me. The idea is to Stop the dictators. Dictators bad.
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Dummy, repubs bad dems good
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Dimmy hates trump more than he loves his country and sez rubes are petty. Hilarious
have we hurt Iran's feelings?

what do suggest we do? fire up the jets and send another billion cash?
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .

It is an Obama thing, because that fuckin' Jaboni is as anti-American as you

Maybe we should send supplies to Cuba so those Russian Sailors at their
Nuke Sub Base in Cuba can eat more than just red cabbage.
Wait, NK is good? You swore we would be at war with them soon. What happened?

Knee [bent] not bent

N. Korea to release 3 U.S. captives: Cheong Wa Dae official

SEOUL, May 9 (Yonhap) -- North Korea is expected to release three U.S. citizens held in the communist state on Wednesday, an official from Seoul's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said, in an apparent goodwill gesture ahead of a historic meeting between its leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Wait, NK is good? You swore we would be at war with them soon. What happened?

The same as always . NK throws tantrums , they get attention and calm down. Same as it ever was.
See Timmy, the idea is to keep the tyrannical dictators from nuking their neighbors. North Korea being less nukey is a good thing. Giving Iran cash with the promise that they wouldn't be bad little terrorists, bad thing. Stay with me. The idea is to Stop the dictators. Dictators bad.

Lol! Dictators bad ? Unless of course they are Mid East dictators who BUY a lot of our weapons n shit like Saudi Arabia. Or if they make all our stuff like China . Or if Putin is your pal like Russia .

That dictator argument is so disingenuous.
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .

we didn't praise Kim, wtf are you talking about. we praised the supreme ruler(trump)
iran is full of shit and sponsors terrorism and has fucked us over in Syria and Iraq, fuck those camel jockeys.

as for Cuba, until they ditch the repressive regime, why not keep sanctions?
'Good/Bad' has nothing to do with it. It's about Empire and World Domination. As long as we continue this Empire-Building, we will always seek to install Puppet Regimes all over the world. And those who don't go along, will be forcibly removed.

What do people really think the 'Regime Change' Policy is about? Americans better start realizing that all Empires fall. Their country won't be an exception. They should seriously reconsider supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .
Wait, NK is good? You swore we would be at war with them soon. What happened?

The same as always . NK throws tantrums , they get attention and calm down. Same as it ever was.
Amazing what can change a child’s behavior when you don’t reward them for the tantrum.
The history challenged left wing might conveniently forget that it was JFK who illegally used the CIA to raise an invasion army to overthrow the Cuban government and it was Bill Clinton who sold or gave N.K. enough nuclear technology to build a freaking Bomb. Barry Hussein sent boxcars loaded with dollars and euros to Iran in the worst deal in freaking history. Thank you President Trump for kicking some ass instead of being a patsy for extortion schemes.
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .

we didn't praise Kim, wtf are you talking about. we praised the supreme ruler(trump)
iran is full of shit and sponsors terrorism and has fucked us over in Syria and Iraq, fuck those camel jockeys.

as for Cuba, until they ditch the repressive regime, why not keep sanctions?

This is what I’m talking about

Trump praises Kim Jong-un: ‘Very open and very honorable’

As for Cuba . We are just helping the oppression. Better to open things up . Economic and Social pressure will change them .
Cons are so petty . They cheer Trump when he praises Kim . But we can’t have relations wh Cuba or Iran?

It’s the obama thing isn’t it? Trump and the cons are so petty that they would cut off the obama nose to spite America’s face .

we didn't praise Kim, wtf are you talking about. we praised the supreme ruler(trump)
iran is full of shit and sponsors terrorism and has fucked us over in Syria and Iraq, fuck those camel jockeys.

as for Cuba, until they ditch the repressive regime, why not keep sanctions?

This is what I’m talking about

Trump praises Kim Jong-un: ‘Very open and very honorable’

As for Cuba . We are just helping the oppression. Better to open things up . Economic and Social pressure will change them .

wait you said we praised him, we didn't. trump did, but it's to negotiate.
no wonder you guys get nothing done and make bad deals like iran. you have no clue how people tic.

yeah because reducing sanctions helps remove bad regimes......said no ever

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