Quick Look Over There!
Which words are too big for you? Or are you just stoned out of your mind as usual?A republic is what we are. Never was a democracy. A republic is a representative democracy.
Everyone study the above and see if you get the same laugh I did.
You said we are not a democracy - we are a democracy.
"Cons say we are not a democracy, we are a representative republic"
The problem is most conservatives are inconsistent with their perception of our Constitutional Republic.
When states enact measures conservatives approve of, such as denying women their right to privacy or gay Americans their right to access marriage laws, they’re all in favor of the ‘will of the people’ – the Constitution, its case law, and respect for the rule of law be damned.
When states enact measures conservatives disapprove of, however, such as banning semi-automatic rifles, it’s the will of the people be damned, and conservatives are filing suit in Federal court citing the Constitution and its case law, and demanding that the rule of law supersedes the ‘will of the people’ in our Constitutional Republic.
Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
If states cannot ban certain firearms where the ‘will of the people’ is discarded in favor of Constitutional case law and the rule of law, then so too the states cannot prohibit same-sex couples from marrying, where the ‘will of the people’ is no more valid than when they sought to ban a given class of firearms.
See how the far left does not understand anything other than their religious dogma..
The US not a democracy.
The US is supposed to be a represented government for the people.
The US does not participate in the popular voting system, it is done through delegates..
These delegates do not have to follow the popular vote, but they often do..
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