Cons say we are not a democracy, we are a representative republic

What do you know, the representatives don't like Trump! Bwah ha ha! Yo Trump, it's been like this throughout U.S. history.
The representatives don't like Bernie either, that's why Shrillary has 500 unearned super delegates.
Are voters starting to figure out that both parties don't give a damn about what the voters want? Are the people in this country starting to understand that the government is made up of con artists with their hands in your pocket for over two hundred years?
Is the electoral college going to coronate Clinton because they don't like Trump? Maybe the SCOTUS will overturn the electoral college....again.
Democracy,,,,what a scam!
More mindless nonsense from the village useful idiot.
^^^^^^Rubbed his two brain cells together to come up with his attempt at an intelligent
Given you and your post, any attempt at an intelligent response is a waste of time and effort.
Yeah we are a republic. And that's good.
Cons force democracy on Iraq and get a Shiite government that allies with Iran.....forces fake democracy on Afghanistan....but cons don't have the integrity to have a democracy in the we get a POTUS appointed by the SCOTUS....or the electoral college overturns the will of the voters. Your "republic" sucks dog shit!
We are none of the above.
We are supposed to be a representative republic, but for the past 30 years we have edged closer and closer to finally now a total Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
What do you know, the representatives don't like Trump! Bwah ha ha! Yo Trump, it's been like this throughout U.S. history.

The representatives don't like Bernie either, that's why Shrillary has 500 unearned super delegates.

Are voters starting to figure out that both parties don't give a damn about what the voters want? Are the people in this country starting to understand that the government is made up of con artists with their hands in your pocket for over two hundred years?

Is the electoral college going to coronate Clinton because they don't like Trump? Maybe the SCOTUS will overturn the electoral college....again.

Democracy,,,,what a scam!

De Jure

we are a Constitutional Republic where our rights are secured by the Constitution (1787)

De Facto

We are a democracy where our rights depends on political majorities - since the political majority is composed of PARASITES we are a bankrupt gargantuan welfare/warfare police state.

"United" is bullshit. This is the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA, owned and run by corporations.
Corporate lobbies own congress...they run up a $19 trillion national debt, and pay NO TAXES to pay any of it off.
$3 trillion in tax cut welfare was given to their millionaire minions.
They changed the constitution to read that "money is free speech"...if you don't have money you have no voice.
The constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness is dependent on their ability to profit from it.
The American economy is war based...without war there is recession.
The corporate defense contractors dictate how to create new enemies for the next war profit.
We are none of the above.
We are supposed to be a representative republic, but for the past 30 years we have edged closer and closer to finally now a total Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
And that is why Trump and Clinton are the choices. Both owned by the corporate monster.
We are none of the above.
We are supposed to be a representative republic, but for the past 30 years we have edged closer and closer to finally now a total Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
And that is why Trump and Clinton are the choices. Both owned by the corporate monster.

I am glad you see both sides this way, few people do. It is always left vs. right here and everywhere else in this divided country - which is of course what they want us to do.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.
pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

"one nation, under God,................

why did you leave that out?
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?
The people in power always tend to be ademocratic kind of like how some people are asexual. It is this reason democracy rarely exist and why we establish rules by which the people in power have to operate by.
A republic is what we are. Never was a democracy. A republic is a representative democracy.

What you are failing on is that the people elect their representatives and that is NOT what's happening with delegates, the people aren't picking their representatives in many cases. The establishments on both sides are selecting them to protect their own interests.

The word you are searching for is corruption. With the government confiscating and borrowing $4 trillion dollars a year the temptation for corruption is pretty high.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?

I understand that is how they get there. But that has little to do with how they govern once there.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?

I understand that is how they get there. But that has little to do with how they govern once there.

congress passes laws by majority vote, congressmen are elected by majority vote, amendments are passed by majority vote, local bond issues are passed by majority vote. The bill of rights was made part of the constitution by majority vote.

I was mostly responding to the clowns who say we don't live by majority rule. Because we do.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?

I understand that is how they get there. But that has little to do with how they govern once there.

congress passes laws by majority vote, congressmen are elected by majority vote, amendments are passed by majority vote, local bond issues are passed by majority vote. The bill of rights was made part of the constitution by majority vote.

I was mostly responding to the clowns who say we don't live by majority rule. Because we do.

Technically you are any description of U.S. Government we are certainly majority ruled via proxy. That is what a republic is.
All I am saying that our republic has been hijacked by corruption via corporations and the major investor class/system. They are better represented than we are...for sure.
The word "republic" has a couple of definitions. At the time of the writing of the Constitution its primary definition was not a monarchy. When the lady (Mrs. Powell??) asks Franklin at the end of the convention have you given us a republic or a monarchy she and Franklin were using the word in those terms.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?

I understand that is how they get there. But that has little to do with how they govern once there.

congress passes laws by majority vote, congressmen are elected by majority vote, amendments are passed by majority vote, local bond issues are passed by majority vote. The bill of rights was made part of the constitution by majority vote.

I was mostly responding to the clowns who say we don't live by majority rule. Because we do.

Technically you are any description of U.S. Government we are certainly majority ruled via proxy. That is what a republic is.
All I am saying that our republic has been hijacked by corruption via corporations and the major investor class/system. They are better represented than we are...for sure.

NO, that is NOT what a REPUBLIC as intended by our Founding Fathers, is.

In a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic rights are secured by the Constitution

In a CONSTITUTIONAL republic the government authority is SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED

In the US today our rights depend on political majorities and the federal government's power are completely and totally Unrestricted - they do whatever the want to do WITHOUT judicial review.

Not really. A republic is by definition a representative government...whereas the power rest in elected officials ruling by agreed upon laws.

We are a "RINO" in Republic In Name Only
What we really are is a Plutocratic Corporatocracy - PERIOD.

a majority vote made us a republic, understand?

I understand that is how they get there. But that has little to do with how they govern once there.

congress passes laws by majority vote, congressmen are elected by majority vote, amendments are passed by majority vote, local bond issues are passed by majority vote. The bill of rights was made part of the constitution by majority vote.

I was mostly responding to the clowns who say we don't live by majority rule. Because we do.

Technically you are any description of U.S. Government we are certainly majority ruled via proxy. That is what a republic is.
All I am saying that our republic has been hijacked by corruption via corporations and the major investor class/system. They are better represented than we are...for sure.

NO, that is NOT what a REPUBLIC as intended by our Founding Fathers, is.

In a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic rights are secured by the Constitution

In a CONSTITUTIONAL republic the government authority is SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED

In the US today our rights depend on political majorities and the federal government's power are completely and totally Unrestricted - they do whatever the want to do WITHOUT judicial review.


you are missing the point. the rights enumerated in the constitution were established by majority vote. Minority rights were established by majority vote.

The constitution can be changed by majority vote. We live in a country where the majority opinion prevails, legally.

If you don't like that move to North Korea, they have minority rule.

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