
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?
colluding is not a crime, it's just wrong, conspiracy is a crime, as in criminal statutes broken.

but to answer your question, we need to see the Mueller report, to know what should be done...

its time for transparency, release the report... it should answer both your and my questions, so we can move forward...
we have been saying collusion isn't a crime since day one began. You all argued wait and see. And now, you finally agree when there isn't anything there in Mueller's finding. Release everything all the documents regarding the collusion report Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application. you all seem to never state let's see it all. Yet we are! Why are you only for transparency if it's trump related? rhetorical, I know.
let's see it ALL...
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?
colluding is not a crime, it's just wrong, conspiracy is a crime, as in criminal statutes broken.

but to answer your question, we need to see the Mueller report, to know what should be done...

its time for transparency, release the report... it should answer both your and my questions, so we can move forward...
we have been saying collusion isn't a crime since day one began. You all argued wait and see. And now, you finally agree when there isn't anything there in Mueller's finding. Release everything all the documents regarding the collusion report Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application. you all seem to never state let's see it all. Yet we are! Why are you only for transparency if it's trump related? rhetorical, I know.
let's see it ALL...
it's what I said.
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
son, no he didn't. why did you just blatantly lie? He actually told them to share the hitlery emails if they had them. he did it at a debate. And you know what, that isn't illegal. no matter howwwwwwwwwww bad you want it to be.
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
son, no he didn't. why did you just blatantly lie? He actually told them to share the hitlery emails if they had them. he did it at a debate. And you know what, that isn't illegal. no matter howwwwwwwwwww bad you want it to be.
The same day that Trump said "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.", Kremlin Intel agents hacked HIllary's emails. Go figure.
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?

Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?

It was not a "hoax", because Trump Jr, said to Russia agents that he would be willing to take anti-hillary stuff from them.

However, he didn't. And that knowledge was known ages ago.

So while the investigation was not a 'hoax'... it should have been finished wrapped up, and closed, back in 2017.

Everything we now know that is directly related to this case, was known in 2017. Everything since then has been just dealing with people who lied to the FBI about secondary stuff.

This whole thing should have ended over a year ago at a minimum.
Russian Agents? You mean Fusion GPS Employees...



These poor people were all set up.

The only Russian Dirt on anyone was purchased propaganda from Clinton and Obama.

Go back to your troll farm in North Korea, Russia or Macedonia and tell your superiors you failed again.
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
You asked Mueller to search your underpants for your lack of manhood.

Did we remove you from the Forum, and did Mueller actually search your underpants?

Mueller couldn't find anything in your underpants just like he couldn't find Russian Collusion in The Trump Campaign.

You damn well know what the president said was a campaign joke on the campaign trail after Clinton had already deleted 33,000 emails to obstruct an investigation in to her and Obama Bin Spying's Criminal Activities.

Seriously, you are a chump, a dimwit, a troll. Why you aren't on everyone's ignore list by default is beyond me.

You people look so small, and petty, and vindictive, I think it's going to give The President a Landslide in 2020 and a Super Majority.

Its the folks that new special prosecutor will be looking at that will need to worry.

Its been more than TWO years for your moronic "lock her up" bullshit........
Aren't you Trump cult members a bit lazy......LMAO
Its the folks that new special prosecutor will be looking at that will need to worry.

Its been more than TWO years for your moronic "lock her up" bullshit........
Aren't you Trump cult members a bit lazy......LMAO

You are the one who brought up Hittlary. Not me. Will she be one of the ones investigated??

Who knows. Only time will tell.

Oh and I'm about the most un lazy person you will ever meet.
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

....and, just in case the Trump cult members missed it........Trump asked to HACK (a kind of criminal act) Clinton's emails.....of A HOSTILE FOREIGN GOVERNMENT, no
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
son, no he didn't. why did you just blatantly lie? He actually told them to share the hitlery emails if they had them. he did it at a debate. And you know what, that isn't illegal. no matter howwwwwwwwwww bad you want it to be.
The same day that Trump said "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.", Kremlin Intel agents hacked HIllary's emails. Go figure.
well son, that's impossible. they were deleted off of her server when trump made that comment. now, how the fk did they hack her email when her server was at the FBI?

Can't make this shit up at all.
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?

What would they do in Kenya?
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger. Some feel the Russian Collusion was all a hoax, perpetrated by the media, select members of Congress and other high ranking government officials. Adam Schiff, for one claimed to have evidence of collusion, yet has not provided any of that evidence, at the very least not to Mueller. So what should the penalty be for committing such a heinous act? Anything?
colluding is not a crime, it's just wrong, conspiracy is a crime, as in criminal statutes broken.

but to answer your question, we need to see the Mueller report, to know what should be done...

its time for transparency, release the report... it should answer both your and my questions, so we can move forward...
we have been saying collusion isn't a crime since day one began. You all argued wait and see. And now, you finally agree when there isn't anything there in Mueller's finding. Release everything all the documents regarding the collusion report Dossier used in the FISA Warrant application. you all seem to never state let's see it all. Yet we are! Why are you only for transparency if it's trump related? rhetorical, I know.
let's see it ALL...

Yea, unfortunately we won't be able to see it ALL, due to limitations Democrats instituted during the Clinton days.
Yea, unfortunately we won't be able to see it ALL, due to limitations Democrats instituted during the Clinton days.

Did Bill Clinton testify before a grand jury as president???

Did the orange clown testify before a grand jury as president?
Ok, by now most people are aware the Mueller report is a nothing burger.

NO, you eternal dimwit........Barr, who auditioned Trump for the job of AG and IS a Trump stooge told you that the Mueller report is a "nothing burger".....UNTIL we see the full report and not the tidbits that Barr (Trump's stooge) is willing to share, only a moron will call Mueller's report a nothing burger.....and YOU are certainly one of those morons.......LOL

Of course these Trump cult members CANNOT ever reconcile the "nothing burger" bullshit conclusion.....while fighting to keep this "nothing burger" from being released........WHY is that, dimwits???
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
You asked Mueller to search your underpants for your lack of manhood.

Did we remove you from the Forum, and did Mueller actually search your underpants?

Mueller couldn't find anything in your underpants just like he couldn't find Russian Collusion in The Trump Campaign.

You damn well know what the president said was a campaign joke on the campaign trail after Clinton had already deleted 33,000 emails to obstruct an investigation in to her and Obama Bin Spying's Criminal Activities.

Seriously, you are a chump, a dimwit, a troll. Why you aren't on everyone's ignore list by default is beyond me.

You people look so small, and petty, and vindictive, I think it's going to give The President a Landslide in 2020 and a Super Majority.

You write a reply like that, then accuse me of being "small, and petty, and vindictive".

Seriously? Talk about irony!
Trump publicly asked the Russian government to hack Clinton's emails.

That alone is just cause for removal from office.
You asked Mueller to search your underpants for your lack of manhood.

Did we remove you from the Forum, and did Mueller actually search your underpants?

Mueller couldn't find anything in your underpants just like he couldn't find Russian Collusion in The Trump Campaign.

You damn well know what the president said was a campaign joke on the campaign trail after Clinton had already deleted 33,000 emails to obstruct an investigation in to her and Obama Bin Spying's Criminal Activities.

Seriously, you are a chump, a dimwit, a troll. Why you aren't on everyone's ignore list by default is beyond me.

You people look so small, and petty, and vindictive, I think it's going to give The President a Landslide in 2020 and a Super Majority.

You write a reply like that, then accuse me of being "small, and petty, and vindictive".

Seriously? Talk about irony!



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