Conservative David brooks;"I'm Totally Pro-Obama" For Calling Out Christian "Self-Righteousness"


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
David Brooks is a flaming liberal who regularly has his liberal claptrap printed in the New York Times.

David Brooks - Op-Ed Columnist -

Liberals hate Christians. That's why liberals are happy to have muslims do their killing for them.

Agreed. Brooks was a liberal in college, he's a globalist now masquerading as a conservative for government controlled media. He only identifies with conservative economics, that is about as far as his "conservative" credentials go. He's pro gay marriage. How conservative is that? He just does what they pay him to do.

"Ottawa Citizen conservative commentator David Warren has identified Brooks as the sort of conservative pundit that liberals like, one who, in contrast to hardliners like Charles Krauthammer, is "sophisticated" and "engages with" the liberal agenda.[32] When asked what he thinks of charges that he's "not a real conservative" or "squishy," Brooks has said that "if you define conservative by support for the Republican candidate or the belief that tax cuts are the correct answer to all problems, I guess I don’t fit that agenda. But I do think that I’m part of a longstanding conservative tradition that has to do with Edmund Burke, which is be cautious, don't think you can do all things by government planning, and Alexander Hamilton, who wanted to use government to help people compete in the capitalist economy." In the same interview with Howard Kurtz in September 2012, Brooks talked about being criticized from the conservative side, saying: "if it’s from a loon, I don’t mind it. I get a kick out of it. If it’s Michelle Malkin attacking, I don’t mind it." With respect to whether he was "the liberals' favorite conservative" Brooks said he "didn't care," stating that "I don’t mind liberals praising me, but when it’s the really partisan liberals, you get an avalanche of love, it’s like uhhh, I gotta rethink this."[33]

Brooks describes himself as having originally been a liberal before, as he put it, "coming to my senses." He recounts that a turning point in his thinking came while he was still an undergraduate, during a televised debate with free-market economist Milton Friedman. As Brooks describes it, "was essentially me making a point, and he making a two-sentence rebuttal which totally devastated my point. That didn’t immediately turn me into a conservative, but ....”[34]
David Brooks journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

How is any Conservative "Pro-Obama"? It's like a Jew, a real Jew too, being "Pro-Hitler"
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

How is any Conservative "Pro-Obama"? It's like a Jew, a real Jew too, being "Pro-Hitler"
Why yes, Oblama has done what Adolph has done...
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

David Brooks is to Conservative as MTV is to Music.
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

How is any Conservative "Pro-Obama"? It's like a Jew, a real Jew too, being "Pro-Hitler"
Why yes, Oblama has done what Adolph has done...

If I compared Obama to the Titanic would that make him a boat?
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

How is any Conservative "Pro-Obama"? It's like a Jew, a real Jew too, being "Pro-Hitler"
Why yes, Oblama has done what Adolph has done...

If I compared Obama to the Titanic would that make him a boat?
Please inform us what Oblama has done that Adolph has done...
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

David Brooks is to Conservative as MTV is to Music. the kazoo is to classical music.

"That first encounter is still vivid in Brooks’s mind. “I remember distinctly an image of--we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.” In the fall of 2006, two days after Obama’s The Audacity of Hope hit bookstores, Brooks published a glowing Times column. The headline was “Run, Barack, Run.”
The Courtship The New Republic
Some Conservatives get it,

On Friday's edition of PBS NewsHourBrooks called what the president said "admirable" and "a recognition of historical fact."

Today, Brooks went all in and said he is "totally pro-Obama" for expressing his "gospel of humility" and calling out "our own self-righteousness."

David Brooks on Obama Prayer Speech I m Totally Pro-Obama For Calling Out Our Self-Righteousness Video RealClearPolitics

How is any Conservative "Pro-Obama"? It's like a Jew, a real Jew too, being "Pro-Hitler"
Stranger things have happened. Be wary of government indoctrination and the MSM sir.

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ever hear of former Israeli Prime minister Yitzhak Shamir? Yeah, he fought on the same side as the Nazi's.

Nazism, Zionism. . . same difference. They both believe in manifest destiny and racial supremacy.

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