Conservative Editor: GOP Are Losing Because Of Family Guy


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

When people ask me if I'm a homophobe, (playing the Gay card instead of the race card), I go the extra mile and say that I am and quote Leviticus 20:13.

13 If an ish also lie with zachar, as he lieth with an isha, both of them have committed to’evah; they shall surely be put to death; their dahm shall be upon them.

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
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Wingnuts were saying this same shit about The Simpsons.

Turns out that The Simpsons is rated as one of the most positive depictions of religion and faith on TV.

But Wingnuts gotta hate!
“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

And what's wrong with that? Those are positive messages.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

I am old enough to recall when comics like superman were blamed for all of the ills of this world. Oddly enough the message back then came from people just like Whittle. SSDD!
So what do the problems that Republicans have in elections and Family Guy have to do with one another? Stop trolling, Black_Label.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.

Especially since Family Guy is broadcast on Fox, the rightwinger's media choice.

Also funny that they should pick an illegal alien (Superman) to represent all that is good in America.
The Daily Show & Colbert Report do play a big role in shaping the opinion of young people. I'm not convinced that Family Guy does.

The Daily Show & Colbert Report goof on conservatism and the GOP for an hour a night, and are both very funny shows. It's quite effective.

I think both shows were much better when in "opposition" though. Making the GOP a national laughingstock during the Bush years was easier because Dubya and his minions and goons made so many mistakes.
Wingnuts were saying this same shit about The Simpsons.

Turns out that The Simpsons is rated as one of the most positive depictions of religion and faith on TV.

But Wingnuts gotta hate!

i cant see where Family Guy is that political.....but the stories about Peter are starting to get stupid....but the ones about Brian and Stewie are still funny....:eusa_angel:
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.

kind of like your posts.....
He makes a good point but where is the part where he says "republicans are losing"?
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.

myth sure....that is why the majority of the people polled said the media are liberal and now don't have much faith in them reporting unbiased......the only myth is in your head and in this post...but expected from a left wing partisan hack
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the troll's life it seems is to surf the web for anything conservative, tea party or Republican...

my life wouldn't of been compete without knowing about some editor and family guy.....

of course it from Raw story so take with a grain of salt..they scrape the bottom of the barrel and post it on their site...petty


yesterday they posted on a LIBTARD hating police chief....I said they should hang him
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