Conservative Editor: GOP Are Losing Because Of Family Guy

I like Family Guy. It's funny. For whatever political bias Mcfarlane my have, and whatever jokes he makes at the expense of my philosophy FG doesn't diminish anything in my eyes.

It's kinda sad to me that someone with SM's talent can be stupid enough to be a liberal, but he's a part of the entertainment community. He has to fit in.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.
Please remember what you said here the next time you feel the need to bitch about FOX or cite a liberal bitching about FOX.
how does Raw story know this guy is conservative...

that is like something that came from their site the other day, A TEA PARTIER blaa blaa name but they know they are a Tea Partier..... ....but then expect people to just take their word on it

Integrity in what they use on their site isn't their strong suit..It would be nice if the troll had some integrity on what he post on here....this one was stupid like most of them are
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I like Family Guy. It's funny. For whatever political bias Mcfarlane my have, and whatever jokes he makes at the expense of my philosophy FG doesn't diminish anything in my eyes.

It's kinda sad to me that someone with SM's talent can be stupid enough to be a liberal, but he's a part of the entertainment community. He has to fit in.

Obviously you’re unaware of how idiotic this is: he’s a ‘liberal’ just to ‘fit in.’

He ridicules your philosophy because your philosophy is ridiculous.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.

myth sure....that is why the majority of the people polled said the media are liberal and now don't have much faith in them reporting unbiased......the only myth is in your head and in this post...but expected from a left wing partisan hack

wait!.....Jones does not think he is a hack.....just ask him....oh wait that's right.....he never reply's....forget it....
how does Raw story know this guy is conservative...

that is like something that came from their site the other day, A TEA PARTIER blaa blaa name but they know they are a Tea Partier..... ....but then expect people to just take their word on it

Integrity in what they use on their site isn't their strong suit..It would be nice if the troll had some integrity on what he post on here....this one was stupid like most of them are

How tedious and unoriginal, another rightist whining about the ‘liberal media,’ a myth contrived by his fellow conservatives.

myth sure....that is why the majority of the people polled said the media are liberal and now don't have much faith in them reporting unbiased......the only myth is in your head and in this post...but expected from a left wing partisan hack

wait!.....Jones does not think he is a hack.....just ask him....oh wait that's right.....he never reply's....forget it....

he says some of the dumbest stuff..
and a hack he is
What would the left do without Media Matters curve ball to Huffington every day? Think?
What would the left do without Media Matters curve ball to Huffington every day? Think?

They would be just fine and few even go to those outlets.

Now if fox, beck, and limbaugh were gone, it would reign in the apocalypse as the right wingers would have no idea what to do or how to think as their puppet masters would be gone.
we could be going to war and what some "conservative" editor say's about a dumb T.V. show is what they find important to bring on here

shows how shallow our youngsters and some liberals are today
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What would the left do without Media Matters curve ball to Huffington every day? Think?

They would be just fine and few even go to those outlets.

Now if fox, beck, and limbaugh were gone, it would reign in the apocalypse as the right wingers would have no idea what to do or how to think as their puppet masters would be gone.

Here's the deal about information sources. Limbaugh and Fox offer information that allows their viewers and listeners to think and reason. The right wing has no such sources like tax exempt propaganda centers like Media Matters and "Newshounds". The right wing isn't outraged by the liberal propaganda spewed by ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS,PBS and even Al-Jazeera but the left wing tax exempt propaganda sources offer a constant stream of cherry picked statements that fuel the hate mongers on the left every single day 24/7=365..
What would the left do without Media Matters curve ball to Huffington every day? Think?

They would be just fine and few even go to those outlets.

Now if fox, beck, and limbaugh were gone, it would reign in the apocalypse as the right wingers would have no idea what to do or how to think as their puppet masters would be gone.

Here's the deal about information sources. Limbaugh and Fox offer information that allows their viewers and listeners to think and reason. The right wing has no such sources like tax exempt propaganda centers like Media Matters and "Newshounds". The right wing isn't outraged by the liberal propaganda spewed by ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS,PBS and even Al-Jazeera but the left wing tax exempt propaganda sources offer a constant stream of cherry picked statements that fuel the hate mongers on the left every single day 24/7=365..

This is the most hilarious post I've read in a while, thanks for the :lol:
Family Guy hasn't been funny in years, but adding it to the ever-growing list of entities that are persecuting Conservatives is beyond ridiculous.
This is just nuts,..:cuckoo:

Republicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”

“But if you’re a young person out there today and you can finish the theme song from Family Guy, then all the anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-morality messages of Family Guy are in your head as completely and thoroughly as that theme song is.”

Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy | The Raw Story

what the rw writer fails to comprehend is that back when superman was popular, America exported things other than weapons and financial instruments of mass destruction. We've become a country that relies on retail and financial *cough* "services". :thup:
Family Guy hasn't been funny in years, but adding it to the ever-growing list of entities that are persecuting Conservatives is beyond ridiculous.

The continuation of a long conservative tradition of casting the blame everywhere but where it belongs.
Yes, that is it!

Republicans are losing the war of ideas because of Stewey Griffin.

That nasty little boy! ;)
They would be just fine and few even go to those outlets.

Now if fox, beck, and limbaugh were gone, it would reign in the apocalypse as the right wingers would have no idea what to do or how to think as their puppet masters would be gone.

Here's the deal about information sources. Limbaugh and Fox offer information that allows their viewers and listeners to think and reason. The right wing has no such sources like tax exempt propaganda centers like Media Matters and "Newshounds". The right wing isn't outraged by the liberal propaganda spewed by ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS,PBS and even Al-Jazeera but the left wing tax exempt propaganda sources offer a constant stream of cherry picked statements that fuel the hate mongers on the left every single day 24/7=365..

This is the most hilarious post I've read in a while, thanks for the :lol:

I rest my case about the hate filled pablum fed to the left. When challenged they laugh.

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