Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Damn. The questioned her for 11 hours?
They got trolled by Hill

the GOP Mental Midgets get trolled

After hours of inquiries, a question from Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) made Clinton erupt with laughter.

"Who else was at your home, were you alone?" Roby asked.

"I was alone, yes," Clinton replied.

"The whole night?" Roby asked.

"Well, yes, the whole night," Clinton said, bursting with laughter.

"Well, I don't know why that's funny," Roby said.....
Its funny because you are a raving Lunatic Martha is the short answer....

Trey Gowdy Howls ‘This Is Not A Prosecution’ But His Impotent Rage Fools No One
House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) lost his temper during Thursday's hearings, during an exchange with California Democrat Adam Schiff.
"Yet the more that Gowdy and his sycophants fumed, the clearer it became that the committee’s sole purpose was to try to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her misdeeds, be they real or imagined. Gowdy’s impotent rage highlighted the chairman’s thin skin. Ironically, Gowdy crumbled in the face of mild criticism, even though the accusations that his actions were politically motivated were true and patently obvious to anybody but the most die-hard Republican partisan.

Trey Gowdy and House Republicans have cynically tried to exploit the Benghazi attack to try to pummel Hillary Clinton and influence the outcome of the 2016 election. They may succeed in influencing the outcome of the election, but perhaps not in the way they had intended. Gowdy can scream and holler that the investigation isn’t a prosecution of Hillary Clinton, but his protests are not fooling anybody. Gowdy’s insistent denial of what is absurdly obvious, only reveals how pathetically insignificant he and his phony investigative committee have become."

What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.
Rush did his best to make a big deal out of it, but it was dull and most likely put people to sleep
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
This issue had dropped off my radar. Its awesome to see the GOP look like ass clowns yet again. :laugh:

Hence, another reason the average conservative is breaking away from their leadership. I pretty much said this in another thread.

Forget national politics for a second--Conservative Philosophy denounces the incompetent ass clown. The GOP leadership is about to get wiped out for stupid stunts like these hearings that tends t go no where.

Gowdy need real charges that will stick Hillary in Jail. Anything less is failure.
GOP leadership wiped out? its just as establishment as ever. I WISH it were wiped out
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
That's irrelevant. What's relevant is if you have determined she did not do well and your being able to explain that with supporting evidence. Go ahead....we're waiting.
So stop spinning, rightwingers. Even your "thought leaders" think it was a disaster for Republicans.
I listened to FOXNEWS Radio yesterday. Both John Gibson and Tom Sullivan were saying it was a failure. Gibson kept using the word "yet", in hopes that the Republicans would make Hillary look bad. Well, "yet" never came...for him. LoL!

BTW, Sullivan routinely mentions my name via my tweets. He did yesterday stating that we finally agreed on something.

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The notion that Clinton 'did poorly' is blind partisan idiocy.

The shrill, hostile, accusatory demeanor of the republican committee members reflected poorly on republicans, reaffirmed the fact that the sole purpose of the 'hearings' was to 'get Clinton,' and likely helped garner support for Clinton.
At some point perhaps the GOP will decide to step out of its bizarre, self-destructive echo chamber and start providing the electorate with a clear, positive, reasonable vision for the future of America.
If it does that the insane clown posse that is the Republican base would freak..................
The Gowdy clip in rotation is of him stating to the Press that his investigation found nothing new new about Benghazi.


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