Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

The Gowdy clip in rotation is of him stating to the Press that his investigation found nothing new new about Benghazi.


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Watching those insane crazed Benghazoids going at Hillary was like being forced to watch Fox news ....I am going to make a Dr appointment to see if it hurt my health....
That was a stunning performance: calm, collected, in command-- knowledgeable of the intricacies of all parts of government. She slaughtered the Republican nut cases and exposed them for who they really are. She withstood 11 HOURS of ASSAULT, and came out on top. There was no one in that room with the amount of intelligence Hillary displayed.....
:thup::thup: Agree. There is no other candidate, Republican or Democrat, who is better prepared and better equiped to be the next president of the US.
Can you imagine her debating that idiot trump. It would be laughable.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
That's irrelevant. What's relevant is if you have determined she did not do well and your being able to explain that with supporting evidence. Go ahead....we're waiting.

So, it's irrelevant that someone decided Hillary did well BEFORE she testified? Thanks for proving my point.

I determined it based on what she said AFTER having watched it.
Watching those insane crazed Benghazoids going at Hillary was like being forced to watch Fox news ....I am going to make a Dr appointment to see if it hurt my health....
You need to see a psychiatrist if you thing Hillary isn't responsible because you're crazy. After that, see a Proctologist and see if he can pull your head out of your ass.
The pointless grilling of Mrs. Clinton, who fielded a barrage of questions that have long been answered and settled, served only to embarrass the Republican lawmakers who have spent millions of dollars on a political crusade. In recent days, some prominent Republicans have even admitted as much.

If there was any notion that the Select Committee on Benghazi might be on to something, it was quickly dispelled. In a flailing performance, the committee’s chairman, Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, made it evident that he and his colleagues have squandered more than $4.6 million and countless hours poring over State Department records and Mrs. Clinton’s email. They produced no damning evidence, elicited no confessions and didn’t succeed in getting an angry reaction from Mrs. Clinton.
The New York Times

What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
That's irrelevant. What's relevant is if you have determined she did not do well and your being able to explain that with supporting evidence. Go ahead....we're waiting.

So, it's irrelevant that someone decided Hillary did well BEFORE she testified? Thanks for proving my point.

I determined it based on what she said AFTER having watched it.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
That's irrelevant. What's relevant is if you have determined she did not do well and your being able to explain that with supporting evidence. Go ahead....we're waiting.

So, it's irrelevant that someone decided Hillary did well BEFORE she testified? Thanks for proving my point.

I determined it based on what she said AFTER having watched it.
I didn't prove your point. You really had no point; you just made an unsupported accusation. You need to get on top of this: what was asked was for you to prove, with evidence, that she didn't do well. Can you do that? Go ahead, we are waiting.

Or did you determine she did well? You are not very clear.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.

My record of NOT supporting Hillary Clinton is well documented for all to see right on this forum.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.

My record of NOT supporting Hillary Clinton is well documented for all to see right on this forum.
This is true. I've seen it.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015

This was the danger for Republicans in going ahead with this. If Clinton didn't make any mistakes and looked presidential 'enough' and no great new revelations came out, which she did, they would lose and she would win.

And she did.
Libs are a willfully self-deluded and tragically silly lot.

They will often INSIST that President George W. Bush was "at the helm" on 9/11/2001 and so he bears responsibility for those tragic attacks. (They cackle over the fact that GOP candidate Donald Trump implied as much himself.)

But who was at the helm when the American consular office in Benghazi was attacked by some terrorist shits? Oh yeah. That's right. President Barack Inane Obumbler was. And his Secretary of State was Shrillary Rotten Clinton herself. But in liberal land, Obumbler and Shrillary bear no responsibility for what the terrorist shits did in Benghazi.
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.
That's irrelevant. What's relevant is if you have determined she did not do well and your being able to explain that with supporting evidence. Go ahead....we're waiting.

So, it's irrelevant that someone decided Hillary did well BEFORE she testified? Thanks for proving my point.

I determined it based on what she said AFTER having watched it.
I didn't prove your point. You really had no point; you just made an unsupported accusation. You need to get on top of this: what was asked was for you to prove, with evidence, that she didn't do well. Can you do that? Go ahead, we are waiting.

Or did you determine she did well? You are not very clear.

From the minute she started talking, or lying, until she finished talking, or lying.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Never heard of any of these people.
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Liberals were impressed with Hillary. Even they didn't know she could lie that much.

This poster is exactly the kind of circle the wagons deadender who is still going to try to claim that Clinton did poorly.

When they are all that's left, you know who won the battle.

You're the kind that had already determined Clinton did well before she ever answered a question. When you do that, it proves what I said.

My record of NOT supporting Hillary Clinton is well documented for all to see right on this forum.

Next thing you'll tell us is that you won't vote for her if she gets the nomination.

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