Conservative writer resigns after opinion piece censored for “cultural insensitivity”

Do conservatives and/or right-wing viewpoints get unfairly censored in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
Short story is this woman Daniella Greenbaum wrote an article for Business Insider regarding the controversy about actress Scarlett Johansson assigned to play the role of a transgender male. Her position was that it shouldn’t be a big deal for Johansson to fill the role bc she is playing a part, which is what actors are paid to do, ie Greenbaum is essentially saying “you don’t have to be a transgender male to play a transgender male.”

Backlash ensued and the article was pulled. Greenbaum resigned and this article In 2018, Being Conservative Became a Microaggression was written about the incident in Psychology Today.
On a side note, whoever is making this movie can do better than Scarlett Johansson... she’s nice to look at but her acting skills are far from captivating...

Does this remind anyone of when the activist left had a fit that a white person was going to play Michael Jackson? LOL he looked like a white guy for the last at least twenty years of his life! Why would any filmmaker have a dark-skinned person fill that role?
A story about an actor playing a transgender male role doesn't meet my expectations of what I want to get from Business Insider. While I would have skipped the article, the in-your-face persistence of this stuff infiltrating everywhere would have annoyed me perhaps to point of registering a complaint. I voted "unsure", I don't see example of it in this case but am leaning towards it elsewhere.
She choose to resign rather than be subjected to the "culturally sensitive" editing. Good for her!
A story about an actor playing a transgender male role doesn't meet my expectations of what I want to get from Business Insider. While I would have skipped the article, the in-your-face persistence of this stuff infiltrating everywhere would have annoyed me perhaps to point of registering a complaint. I voted "unsure", I don't see example of it in this case but am leaning towards it elsewhere.

Thanks for your thought out opinion. I don’t care about a woman playing the role of a transgender male either, but the thing is that there was likely passionate commentary from liberals about this subject and this Greenbaum (who happens to be a conservative) writes for Business Insider, which gives her a platform to express her own opinion on the matter—which she’s entitled to just like anyone else. Her article gets published and those who disagree with her stance bitch and whine until it’s pulled, highlighting the far left’s intolerance of different viewpoints. I’m not about to say the right doesn’t have its share of intolerant mindsets, but I see this sort of backlash from the left far more often... that, or else people are more willing to cater to the left’s agenda over the right’s.
Bottom line: no one should have their opinion censored bc those who think differently can’t handle being challenged. Don’t like free speech, go somewhere where there is none and see how well you like it when your opinion is censored for no good reason.
Bottom line: no one should have their opinion censored bc those who think differently can’t handle being challenged. Don’t like free speech, go somewhere where there is none and see how well you like it when your opinion is censored for no good reason.

She was another victim of the Gaystopo
Kind of an aside but related tangentially. Apparently there is a rather deep rift between the crossdressing community and the more recent, rapidly emerging transsexual community of the last two decades. I kind of picked up on this living in Santa Monica & Hollywood CA. There are many long time crossdressers who get into 'beotch' tiffs whit the new generation of trans who seem to think that they have the moral high ground on the issue since they have drastically changed their God given anatomy (and / or) endocrinology.. I've stopped keeping track of the nuances of the subculture since moving to the E-coast... lol!
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Kind of an aside but related tangentially. Apparently there is a rather deep rift between the crossdressing community and the more recent, rapidly emerging transsexual community of the last two decades. I kind of picked up on this living in Santimonica & Hollywood CA. There are many long time crossdressers who get into 'beotch' tiffs whit the new generation of trans who seem to think that they have the moral high ground on the issue since they have drastically changed their God given anatomy (and / or) endocrinology... I've had to intervene in more of these tiffs than I can remember, lol. I've stopped keeping track of the nuances of the subculture since moving to the E-coast... lol!
Why you? Are you a bartender?
Kind of an aside but related tangentially. Apparently there is a rather deep rift between the crossdressing community and the more recent, rapidly emerging transsexual community of the last two decades. I kind of picked up on this living in Santimonica & Hollywood CA. There are many long time crossdressers who get into 'beotch' tiffs whit the new generation of trans who seem to think that they have the moral high ground on the issue since they have drastically changed their God given anatomy (and / or) endocrinology... I've had to intervene in more of these tiffs than I can remember, lol. I've stopped keeping track of the nuances of the subculture since moving to the E-coast... lol!
Why you? Are you a bartender?
Not a bartender, but I lived a block off of Santa Monica blvd. in both Santa Monica itself near PCH and then a bit further west into Hollywood at the very end of the 90's while going to college. Sunset strip and all the clubs were where my college fends & I hung out wk-ends and sometimes party night Wed.'s... lol

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