Conservatives,Can We Predict Obama's Next Excuses For His Failing Economic Policies?

Feb 13, 2011

Remember back in the Spring Of 2009(give or take a month) when someone said "Well We Didn't Realize How Bad The Economy Was"(it may have been Biden or an economic advisor),then throughout 2009,everything that went sour in the "Obama Economy" was Bush's Fault. Then all the staunch Liberal Commentators began using the "The Dog Ate My Homework" excuses on the evening Fox Programs when they couldn't think of an answer of why the economy kept tanking under Obama. And this month it's the "Laughable Bump In The Road" scenerio. Did anyone actually buy that? {well except for the 25% of the population who still think Obama is Jesus&Can do no wrong),,anyhow, what's Bambi gonna tell us on July 1st when we are still at 9.1% if not 9.2%? got any suggestions?:eusa_shhh:
It'll be more of the same:


I'll just repeat what I said in another thread:

Personally, I think Bush, and the GOP controlled congress he had, left us in such a fiscal mess there is no recovery from it. If the Democrat mantra is "tax and spend", the GOP mantra is surely "spend and borrow (political fall out will come later when we can blame it on someone else)".
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The economy was worse then the previous administration thought.
Our plan was a resounding success.If we didn't do what we did the Sun would have exploded.
It would have been even better but we didn't spend enough.
Just be patient and give the Stimulus a couple a three more years or so and we will start to see it work.
Obama's perpetual excuses are BOOOOOSSSHHHH and the GOP.

But he finds temporary ones as well. Right now it's Europe's and Japan's fault as well.
Before the right zingers can down someone else, they have to explain how their policies were "good" for the economy.:popcorn:
"Republican threats to vote against raising the debt ceiling is causing a double dip recession". We'll be hearing that from Obama and the MSM any minute now.
and like i mentioned in another post, you know that Joy Bearwipe and Whoopie Stienburg will always use a "We Are Still In The Bush Recession,you need to give Obama more time" Excuse.
yah right,,,more time for what? we are paying about 65 Billion in interest on the debt every month,,,and we dont have the money!!! Romney Can't be our President fast enough !!!
and the libs wont stop blaming bush. it's as if we are supposed to beleive that Bush oversaw all the mortgages that were being processed in Fanny&Freddie, It was Bush who spent alot of his spare time on Wall Street managing all those Billion dollar accounts. Yup,,Bush made sure that all the Banks & Financial institutions created a few trillion dollars in thin air that was loaned out to people who knew they could never pay it back. did I miss anything else Bush did to cause 11 or so trillion dollars to have just vanished from our accounts in 2008?
It doesn't matter how much time Obama gets. Bush, and the GOP controlled congress he was gifted with, left us with such a huge debt, there IS no recovery from it. GOP mantra: "Spend and borrow: let the political fall out come at a later date when we can confuse our sheep into believing it's someone else's fault."
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I have always wondered if Obama will demand a Library be built in his honor after he gets shown the door in 2013. (and who's gonna pay for it?)
It doesn't matter how much time Obama gets. Bush, and the GOP controlled congress he was gifted with, left us with such a huge debt, there IS no recovery from it. GOP mantra: "Spend and borrow: let the political fall out come at a later date when we can confuse our sheep into believing it's someone else's fault."

Obama will increase the deficit more by the end of end of his first term than Bush increased it in his two terms. Obama isn't even trying to cut deficit spending. He's accelerating it.

You seem to be whining about the Obama policy, not Bush's
...he gets shown the door in 2013.

For that to happen, the Republicans had better nominate McCain, or someone whose name hasn't been thrown out there yet. The rest of the potential candidates who've been paraded in front of the media may be getting the hard line right wingers get excited, but they'll never capture the necessary moderate independent vote in the general election.
Why even bother with this thread. We already know the right winger's "solution".

"Cut taxes." That's it. Their answer for everything economic. Nothing else. "Cut taxes". And look how well it's worked out so far.
Obama will increase the deficit more by the end of end of his first term than Bush increased it in his two terms. Obama isn't even trying to cut deficit spending. He's accelerating it.

There's a difference between deficit spending that'll put money back into the economy and deficit spending that ends up kept outside of the economy. Regardless, the deficit is like a snowball that Bush sent down the hill, and by the time someone else stepped into to try and stop it, became as big as a locomotive.
is Obama gonna spend another 20 days on Martha's Vinyard again this summer? when in the meantime 75% of Americans are outraged and in panic mode? Obama is just like Pelosi,,,uses our tax dollars as it was coming from a free money ATM machine.
I can just see it a year from now, MSNBC will be trashing Mitt Romney on a daily basis, and Obama will be asking his campaign crowds of around 3000 to just give him 4 more years to create the 6 million jobs he lost. and will be begging for re-election with a 40% approval rating, 15 Trillion in debt,average home worth about $85,000, and will try to convince America that Mitt Romney is unqualified and too stupid to be president! yah,,,go ahead and try.
Why even bother with this thread. We already know the right winger's "solution".

"Cut taxes." That's it. Their answer for everything economic. Nothing else. "Cut taxes". And look how well it's worked out so far.

Cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulation.

When have we ever tried it in the last 50 years?
well not just cut taxes,,,,FIRE THE CZARS,,,And Fire anyone caught watching porn under Obama's watch!
and with Obama's "Realisitic 40% Approval" why would anyone wanna contribute to his Billion Dollar Campaign when they know Romney has already won the election? {now thats assuming there will be no voter fraud this time around}. Obama needs to raise 100 Million a month to come up with a Billion by next spring. No one has ever even come close to that!!! {well maybe Lady Gaga} she makes a hell lot more than Obama !!!!

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