conservatives "Devastated As Poll Finds That Americans Love Their Obamacare"

When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?

I resent anyone who thinks me keeping more of what I earned working the hours I work is greedy yet thinking a penny of it that they didn't do a damn thing to get belongs to them.

If you think someone deserves what another person makes, give them more of yours voluntarily. If you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you think I should be forced to do, you should see the pathetic one by looking the mirror.

When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?

I resent anyone who thinks me keeping more of what I earned working the hours I work is greedy yet thinking a penny of it that they didn't do a damn thing to get belongs to them.

If you think someone deserves what another person makes, give them more of yours voluntarily. If you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you think I should be forced to do, you should see the pathetic one by looking the mirror.


Thank you for confirming that you are just a pathetic, selfish, money obsessed conservative that doesn't actually live the "values" that you claim are American.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?

I resent anyone who thinks me keeping more of what I earned working the hours I work is greedy yet thinking a penny of it that they didn't do a damn thing to get belongs to them.

If you think someone deserves what another person makes, give them more of yours voluntarily. If you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you think I should be forced to do, you should see the pathetic one by looking the mirror.


Thank you for confirming that you are just a pathetic, selfish, money obsessed conservative that doesn't actually live the "values" that you claim are American.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Wanting to keep what I've earned doesn't make me selfish. Someone piece of shit thinking that what they didn't earn is somehow theirs is.

You can quote all that you want. None of it means that one person should ever be forced to support another person. They are welcome to come legally but they aren't welcome to what someone else has earned unless the earned voluntarily gives it to them. If that support comes, it should come from a voluntary mode not because assholes like you think someone should have it handed to them. I don't go out and work 60 hours/week in order that someone working none has what I have to earn to get.
Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?

I resent anyone who thinks me keeping more of what I earned working the hours I work is greedy yet thinking a penny of it that they didn't do a damn thing to get belongs to them.

If you think someone deserves what another person makes, give them more of yours voluntarily. If you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you think I should be forced to do, you should see the pathetic one by looking the mirror.


Thank you for confirming that you are just a pathetic, selfish, money obsessed conservative that doesn't actually live the "values" that you claim are American.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Wanting to keep what I've earned doesn't make me selfish. Someone piece of shit thinking that what they didn't earn is somehow theirs is.

You can quote all that you want. None of it means that one person should ever be forced to support another person. They are welcome to come legally but they aren't welcome to what someone else has earned unless the earned voluntarily gives it to them. If that support comes, it should come from a voluntary mode not because assholes like you think someone should have it handed to them. I don't go out and work 60 hours/week in order that someone working none has what I have to earn to get.

When you invite someone to your house do you insist that they must pay for their food and drink?

That quotation is an invitation.

Those that arrived here with nothing were fed and clothed and given the opportunity to make something of their lives and the odds are that amongst those poor homeless tired masses were your ancestors.

Your ancestors understood that in turn they should help those less fortunate than themselves just as they were helped when they needed it.

But that lesson is lost on the greedy "conservatives" of today who believe that they are "owed" the "right" to treat those less fortunate then themselves as less than human and less deserving than they are.

That you don't understand the social contract that this nation was built upon and prospered because everyone willingly contributed to the betterment of all. They weren't selfish like you. They knew that there but for a stroke of bad luck might be themselves in need of help.

E Pluribus Unum is not just a slogan, it is something to live by.

You are just lucky at the present time. Things can change and then it will be you who needs Obamacare because your job was outsourced in order to fatten the wallets of the Wall Street Casino Bosses. You might find yourself unable to work because of illness. You are not immune to what life holds. Then you will be the one who is being "supported" by others. It could happen on your way home today.
That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?

I resent anyone who thinks me keeping more of what I earned working the hours I work is greedy yet thinking a penny of it that they didn't do a damn thing to get belongs to them.

If you think someone deserves what another person makes, give them more of yours voluntarily. If you aren't willing to voluntarily do what you think I should be forced to do, you should see the pathetic one by looking the mirror.


Thank you for confirming that you are just a pathetic, selfish, money obsessed conservative that doesn't actually live the "values" that you claim are American.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Wanting to keep what I've earned doesn't make me selfish. Someone piece of shit thinking that what they didn't earn is somehow theirs is.

You can quote all that you want. None of it means that one person should ever be forced to support another person. They are welcome to come legally but they aren't welcome to what someone else has earned unless the earned voluntarily gives it to them. If that support comes, it should come from a voluntary mode not because assholes like you think someone should have it handed to them. I don't go out and work 60 hours/week in order that someone working none has what I have to earn to get.

When you invite someone to your house do you insist that they must pay for their food and drink?

That quotation is an invitation.

Those that arrived here with nothing were fed and clothed and given the opportunity to make something of their lives and the odds are that amongst those poor homeless tired masses were your ancestors.

Your ancestors understood that in turn they should help those less fortunate than themselves just as they were helped when they needed it.

But that lesson is lost on the greedy "conservatives" of today who believe that they are "owed" the "right" to treat those less fortunate then themselves as less than human and less deserving than they are.

That you don't understand the social contract that this nation was built upon and prospered because everyone willingly contributed to the betterment of all. They weren't selfish like you. They knew that there but for a stroke of bad luck might be themselves in need of help.

E Pluribus Unum is not just a slogan, it is something to live by.

You are just lucky at the present time. Things can change and then it will be you who needs Obamacare because your job was outsourced in order to fatten the wallets of the Wall Street Casino Bosses. You might find yourself unable to work because of illness. You are not immune to what life holds. Then you will be the one who is being "supported" by others. It could happen on your way home today.

"When you invite someone to your house do you insist that they must pay for their food and drink?"

No, because it's my offer, MY money, and my choice.

"That quotation is an invitation."

It doesn't mean you can invite people then demand I pay for it.

"Those that arrived here with nothing were fed and clothed and given the opportunity to make something of their lives and the odds are that amongst those poor homeless tired masses were your ancestors."

You confuse being given an opportunity and being handed someone else's money. My family came somewhere around 1905 from E. Europe. If they received anything it was because those giving it did so by choice since the socialist welfare programs of today didn't exist then.

"But that lesson is lost on the greedy "conservatives" of today who believe that they are "owed" the "right" to treat those less fortunate then themselves as less than human and less deserving than they are."

I don't think I have right to treat someone with less than me as less than human. I also don't think that if they didn't earn it, the only way they get it is if those giving do it voluntarily like it was done IF my family got anything when they came.

" That you don't understand the social contract that this nation was built upon and prospered because everyone willingly contributed to the betterment of all. They weren't selfish like you. They knew that there but for a stroke of bad luck might be themselves in need of help."

I completely understand it. Your problem is that if those who do give it voluntarily don't give enough you think it's OK to take more from them. You equate someone not doing as much as you think they should means they should have it forced from them. Someone expecting a penny be taken from another person to give to them is selfish. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves nor do they care where the money comes from as long as they have it handed to them. Many people are in a bad situation for no other reason than they made bad choices and now want someone else to pay the price. That includes the high school dropout, the felon that no one wants to hire, the drug addict/alcoholic, or the woman who made a choice with her body that she said was not my business when she made it but now can't afford her choices. I didn't make those bad choices nor is it my place to offset them.

"E Pluribus Unum is not just a slogan. It's something to live by"

Those that demand the taxpayers support them should start doing so.

"You are just lucky at the present time. Things can change and then it will be you who needs Obamacare because your job was outsourced in order to fatten the wallets of the Wall Street Casino Bosses. You might find yourself unable to work because of illness. You are not immune to what life holds. Then you will be the one who is being "supported" by others. It could happen on your way home today"

So you call luck as working my way to the #2 person where I work lucky? I guess you think the three college degrees I've EARNED, two of which are advanced played no role in that? I guess you think receiving a full ride by academic and athletic scholarships for my first degree was just a matter of luck rather than hard work in the classroom and the football field? I guess you think the other two, both mostly funded by tuition reimbursement, were luck?

I've lost my job twice. While I was at home for a brief period, neither time did I take a dime of taxpayer money. That means I practice what I preach. I could retire today financially and pay my bills.
I have no bills except my monthly utility bills. What I have for retirement would easily cover them and my wife, a nurse manager, works and does well. I choose to continue working because I’m still youn(er), I like what I do, my employer likes what I do, the money is good, and what my wife and I have after covering our basic bills goes toward school for out two children, an RV, plenty of trips, etc. I don’t continue to work when I retire so the money I earn can be taken to fund those who claim poor ‘ole me, I didn’t have the same “chances” as you. I’ll pay for my kids college but it’s not my job to pay for someone else’s kids to go.
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In other words you are just selfish and lack empathy and compassion for those less fortunate than yourself. You believe that you "earned" everything you have and no one else actually provided you with all of those opportunities that others never had.

You really are utterly clueless because you have never suffered any hardship in your life. You have had an easy life with everything handed to you on a silver platter.

Having you ever volunteered at a homeless shelter or a food bank? Have you ever lifted a finger for anyone else without expecting something for yourself?

Doubtful given your egotistical boasting about yourself and your empty "accomplishments" and the way you look down and despise those who never had your advantages in life to begin with.

But thanks for tacitly admitting to lacking everything that makes us human. Your pitiful epitaph will be of someone who had every material possession but nothing of any genuine value inside himself and who gave nothing back to society in spite of all that he leached out of it.

Have a nice day.
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.
In other words you are just selfish and lack empathy and compassion for those less fortunate than yourself. You believe that you "earned" everything you have and no one else actually provided you with all of those opportunities that others never had.

You really are utterly clueless because you have never suffered any hardship in your life. You have had an easy life with everything handed to you on a silver platter.

Having you ever volunteered at a homeless shelter or a food bank? Have you ever lifted a finger for anyone else without expecting something for yourself?

Doubtful given your egotistical boasting about yourself and your empty "accomplishments" and the way you look down and despise those who never had your advantages in life to begin with.

But thanks for tacitly admitting to lacking everything that makes us human. Your pitiful epitaph will be of someone who had every material possession but nothing of any genuine value inside himself and who gave nothing back to society in spite of all that he leached out of it.

Have a nice day.
Stealing money from people to buy votes isn't charity you dumb shit. Redistributing wealth by force isn't charity you marxist piece of shit.
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.

Isn't it interesting how the Obamacare supporters don't have a problem thinking those leeching off the government deserve another person's money yet someone who earns what they have and want to keep more of it because they earned it is pathetic.

Far too many think the taxpayers owe them a living and showing by voting for those who will simply hand them one.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.

Isn't it interesting how the Obamacare supporters don't have a problem thinking those leeching off the government deserve another person's money yet someone who earns what they have and want to keep more of it because they earned it is pathetic.

Far too many think the taxpayers owe them a living and showing by voting for those who will simply hand them one.
They are predatory animals... More particularly they are cannibals. They look at their neighbors as prey. That's why they think we are pitiful. They think we are easy prey.
Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.

Isn't it interesting how the Obamacare supporters don't have a problem thinking those leeching off the government deserve another person's money yet someone who earns what they have and want to keep more of it because they earned it is pathetic.

Far too many think the taxpayers owe them a living and showing by voting for those who will simply hand them one.
They are predatory animals... More particularly they are cannibals. They look at their neighbors as prey. That's why they think we are pitiful. They think we are easy prey.

In this type of situation I'm not sure that those being preyed upon aren't wanting to be preyed upon. They sell themselves out, get what they think should be handed to them, and all they have to do is bend over, grab their ankles, and take one for the team. It's easier for most to get as much or more handed to them as it would be for them to earn it. When they can get the same thing and not spend 2080 plus working hours/year doing it, there is no incentive for them to go to work. The left talks about people wiling to work if jobs were there. I say bullshit. If people wanted to work, they could find a job. It might not be exactly what they want but at least they would be EARNING what they get instead of someone else doing it for them.
Once again folks who don't know definitions and terminology, or do and simply twist them to their own far fascist right uses, reveal their collective ass.
That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.

Isn't it interesting how the Obamacare supporters don't have a problem thinking those leeching off the government deserve another person's money yet someone who earns what they have and want to keep more of it because they earned it is pathetic.

Far too many think the taxpayers owe them a living and showing by voting for those who will simply hand them one.
They are predatory animals... More particularly they are cannibals. They look at their neighbors as prey. That's why they think we are pitiful. They think we are easy prey.

In this type of situation I'm not sure that those being preyed upon aren't wanting to be preyed upon. They sell themselves out, get what they think should be handed to them, and all they have to do is bend over, grab their ankles, and take one for the team. It's easier for most to get as much or more handed to them as it would be for them to earn it. When they can get the same thing and not spend 2080 plus working hours/year doing it, there is no incentive for them to go to work. The left talks about people wiling to work if jobs were there. I say bullshit. If people wanted to work, they could find a job. It might not be exactly what they want but at least they would be EARNING what they get instead of someone else doing it for them.
Why hunt for food when you can vote for the government to feed you from the flesh of your neighbor.
Pay attention to far right fascists like Brown above; check his bank accounts and follow the money. Taxation is not socialism.
So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
Leech off your own family and get the eff off mine, ya scum.

Isn't it interesting how the Obamacare supporters don't have a problem thinking those leeching off the government deserve another person's money yet someone who earns what they have and want to keep more of it because they earned it is pathetic.

Far too many think the taxpayers owe them a living and showing by voting for those who will simply hand them one.
They are predatory animals... More particularly they are cannibals. They look at their neighbors as prey. That's why they think we are pitiful. They think we are easy prey.

In this type of situation I'm not sure that those being preyed upon aren't wanting to be preyed upon. They sell themselves out, get what they think should be handed to them, and all they have to do is bend over, grab their ankles, and take one for the team. It's easier for most to get as much or more handed to them as it would be for them to earn it. When they can get the same thing and not spend 2080 plus working hours/year doing it, there is no incentive for them to go to work. The left talks about people wiling to work if jobs were there. I say bullshit. If people wanted to work, they could find a job. It might not be exactly what they want but at least they would be EARNING what they get instead of someone else doing it for them.
Why hunt for food when you can vote for the government to feed you from the flesh of your neighbor.

To use the old adage, why would they learn to fish when the government will give them one.
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
D_T, my wife and I are fortunate enough to be able to donate hundreds of dollars a month to needy people through programs and charities. I know many others who donate to worthy causes. All of us are also taxpayers. We don't mind giving to the unfortunate but we highly resent a government who forces us to pay taxes, then redistribute the wealth to the majority of the ones who are unwilling to work, refuse to work and who demand a share of the results from our labors. There are just too many leeches who fit that category and it must come to a halt. That's what we are trying to get over to the left, that we don't resent the unfortunate. Only the freeloaders..
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
D_T, my wife and I are fortunate enough to be able to donate hundreds of dollars a month to needy people through programs and charities. I know many others who donate to worthy causes. All of us are also taxpayers. We don't mind giving to the unfortunate but we highly resent a government who forces us to pay taxes, then redistribute the wealth to the majority of the ones who are unwilling to work, refuse to work and who demand a share of the results from our labors. There are just too many leeches who fit that category and it must come to a halt. That's what we are trying to get over to the left, that we don't resent the unfortunate. Only the freeloaders..
Not sure how the link will work. It's embedded in a Facebook post that I came across...

When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

So you waste your own life resenting those who are less fortunate than yourself?

Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you appear?
D_T, my wife and I are fortunate enough to be able to donate hundreds of dollars a month to needy people through programs and charities. I know many others who donate to worthy causes. All of us are also taxpayers. We don't mind giving to the unfortunate but we highly resent a government who forces us to pay taxes, then redistribute the wealth to the majority of the ones who are unwilling to work, refuse to work and who demand a share of the results from our labors. There are just too many leeches who fit that category and it must come to a halt. That's what we are trying to get over to the left, that we don't resent the unfortunate. Only the freeloaders..

Good for you, Hossfly! :thup:

Yes, there are leeches but if you help out at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter you won't see any leeches. Just people less fortunate than ourselves.

I come from humble beginnings myself. My parents couldn't afford to send me to college so I ended up getting my degree while I worked for a living. Going to classes at night, studying into the wee hours and turning in papers is like having 2 full time jobs. Some people say that I should be proud of that but that to me is just doing what is necessary. Like having a family, paying off a mortgage, sending my kid to college, those are just what everyone does. It is nothing special.

The thing I am most proud of was helping my community build a new library. The same library that was open the day after Hurricane Sandy where there was standing room only as our neighbors without power came in get warm, recharge their cell phones and send emails to let their friends and families know that they were safe and sound.

That is what it means to be an American to me. Giving back to the community that helped me and my family get to where we are today.

So no, I don't have a lot of time for those that resent our less fortunate brethren. Three times in my life I have lost everything except my loved ones. I know what really matters in this life and possessions and money are meaningless things. Material possessions don't care who owns them. Money doesn't care whose wallet or bank account it is in. But people do care. Sharing a joke with a homeless man is touching a common chord. The smile on a small child's face when you give them an extra helping of dessert at the soup kitchen is priceless.

So all the selfish whining by Conservative65 and RKMBrown just tell me that they lead miserable empty lives obsessed by meaningless things like money and possessions. They are their own worst enemies because they believe that everyone on the left is a "freeloader" and a "leech". They don't understand the reality of what life is really like for millions of their fellow Americans who but the grace of whatever deity you believe in go they.

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