conservatives "Devastated As Poll Finds That Americans Love Their Obamacare"

They need government assistance for their housing because they can't afford regular rent payments on the pittance they earn for working 8 hours a day.

They make a low wage for a reason. It's because they offer low level skills. Please explain why someone with little to no skills should get a wage that is for someone with higher level marketable skills.

When you don't pay someone a living wage for working 8 hours a day you create a tax burden for yourself one way or another.

That you don't understand the obvious is why you are a rightwing extremist bigot.
Government assistance does require reform.

First and foremost, a mandatory works project requirement for all job able adults.

Second, mandatory job training for all training able adults.

Third, mandatory support in person of soup kitchens, food pantrys, or other such service.

Who the hells pays for all that?

It pays itself back in the end.

Libertarians fail to understand that they WILL ALWAYS FAIL in the fight to stop this assistance.

Not as far as I'm concerned. Trillions have been spent on the war on poverty in the last 50 years. What do we have. We have just about the same percentage living in poverty as before we spent that money. That's not paying anything back.

When morons like you and those who think the taxpayers owe them something get to vote, it will be hard. Maybe someday those who think someone owes them something will spend half as much time trying to better themselves as they do trying to get someone else's money.
There are very few able bodied people in those places.

Not based on what I've seen. There is one that I pass everyday on my way to WORK. Those going to it seem to be getting around without any physical limitations. As for mental limitations, someone that thinks the taxpayers owe them anything has mental problems.

Anecdotal BS!

You believe just because you can drive by someone on the street you can diagnose that they are fit and healthy?

That takes a "special" level of arrogant bigotry!

It takes a simple viewing.
That is what it means to be an American to me. Giving back to the community that helped me and my family get to where we are today.

The problem is you think that the government taking it from you is the same as you giving it voluntarily. If you truly wanted to give, you wouldn't need the government telling you to do so.

My late grandmother felt the same way when out city wanted to build a new 18,000 seat arena. They wanted to go up on taxes to do so including hers at age 85. She said let those who use it pay for it in higher ticket and parking prices. A fine lady of wisdom that the Liberals could learn something from.

What do you do for a living?

I work for one. I know that disappoints you because I'm not one that you can use to further you bleeding heart agenda. People like me that earn my own way are the kind you despise.

As for specifically what I do, it's none of your fucking business since I don't work for you and you don't pay my check.

Just as I suspected. You are not what you allege. You are not the #2 person at all. You are just some blue collar grunt who lucked out with a union job and you resent that you depend upon others for what you have.
it puts those of us that do it in a special class of our own.

No, people like you are "special" but not in a good way.

You are "special" because you are bigots and racists.

That is nothing to be proud of.

So supporting myself without demanding taxpayers do it makes me a bigot and racist? How so and what does race or bigotry have anything to do with what I said? You dickhead show your a special kind of retard when all you have to counter with is "bigot and racist" after being shown for the pieces of shit you are. You lose son but you're a born loser.

You are a bigot and a racist because you despise and hate your fellow Americans who are less fortunate than you are. That you are too dullwitted to comprehend that is why you are a rightwing extremist too.

Seems you don't understand the definition of either word. It's no wonder you are such a loser.

The shoe fits you perfectly which is why you have resorted to specious insults.
They need government assistance for their housing because they can't afford regular rent payments on the pittance they earn for working 8 hours a day.

They make a low wage for a reason. It's because they offer low level skills. Please explain why someone with little to no skills should get a wage that is for someone with higher level marketable skills.

When you don't pay someone a living wage for working 8 hours a day you create a tax burden for yourself one way or another.

That you don't understand the obvious is why you are a rightwing extremist bigot.

If the reason someone can't make it financially is because they have low skills, they shouldn't get a damn thing as a result funded by the taxpayers. That's what you don't seem to get. You blame the employers for paying someone an equivalent skill level wage when you should be blaming the one lacking the skills.

There are very few able bodied people in those places.

Not based on what I've seen. There is one that I pass everyday on my way to WORK. Those going to it seem to be getting around without any physical limitations. As for mental limitations, someone that thinks the taxpayers owe them anything has mental problems.

Anecdotal BS!

You believe just because you can drive by someone on the street you can diagnose that they are fit and healthy?

That takes a "special" level of arrogant bigotry!

It takes a simple viewing.

It takes a simple mind to be an arrogant bigot!
Typical libertarian resentment for others who succeeded.

Yes, libertarianism necessarily fails because of its flaws.
Won't be repealed: not a chance. I sincerely hope that is reformed seriously to make sure all are covered in fashion or another without privatizing their premium savings while socializing the cost at our expense.

4% is 13 million folks, sweet checks, in the first year, and it will continue to grow swiftly from year to year.

Hmmm ... 4% is 13 million. So, we can logically conclude that the other 96% is 206 million. How's that working for you, again?
That is what it means to be an American to me. Giving back to the community that helped me and my family get to where we are today.

The problem is you think that the government taking it from you is the same as you giving it voluntarily. If you truly wanted to give, you wouldn't need the government telling you to do so.

My late grandmother felt the same way when out city wanted to build a new 18,000 seat arena. They wanted to go up on taxes to do so including hers at age 85. She said let those who use it pay for it in higher ticket and parking prices. A fine lady of wisdom that the Liberals could learn something from.

What do you do for a living?

I work for one. I know that disappoints you because I'm not one that you can use to further you bleeding heart agenda. People like me that earn my own way are the kind you despise.

As for specifically what I do, it's none of your fucking business since I don't work for you and you don't pay my check.

Just as I suspected. You are not what you allege. You are not the #2 person at all. You are just some blue collar grunt who lucked out with a union job and you resent that you depend upon others for what you have.

Do you really think I work a union job. Being the #2 person punk still means someone has to pay me.

How does it feel to come from a family of losers who woulnd't have shit to eat, a place to sleep, and clothes to wear if it weren't for people like me supporting you?
it puts those of us that do it in a special class of our own.

No, people like you are "special" but not in a good way.

You are "special" because you are bigots and racists.

That is nothing to be proud of.

So supporting myself without demanding taxpayers do it makes me a bigot and racist? How so and what does race or bigotry have anything to do with what I said? You dickhead show your a special kind of retard when all you have to counter with is "bigot and racist" after being shown for the pieces of shit you are. You lose son but you're a born loser.

You are a bigot and a racist because you despise and hate your fellow Americans who are less fortunate than you are. That you are too dullwitted to comprehend that is why you are a rightwing extremist too.

Seems you don't understand the definition of either word. It's no wonder you are such a loser.

The shoe fits you perfectly which is why you have resorted to specious insults.

Still doesnt' fit the definition retard.

It's not an insult when it's true boy.
They need government assistance for their housing because they can't afford regular rent payments on the pittance they earn for working 8 hours a day.

They make a low wage for a reason. It's because they offer low level skills. Please explain why someone with little to no skills should get a wage that is for someone with higher level marketable skills.

When you don't pay someone a living wage for working 8 hours a day you create a tax burden for yourself one way or another.

That you don't understand the obvious is why you are a rightwing extremist bigot.

If the reason someone can't make it financially is because they have low skills, they shouldn't get a damn thing as a result funded by the taxpayers. That's what you don't seem to get. You blame the employers for paying someone an equivalent skill level wage when you should be blaming the one lacking the skills.


Screaming just tells me that you have anger management problems too. That fits right in with the bigoted rightwing extremist mentality.

Not paying a living wage means that you are either forced to pay taxes to subsidize those that are not paid enough to afford to keep a roof over their heads or you will be forced to pay taxes for police, courts and prisons instead once they take to stealing as a means to keep a roof over their heads.

Either way you are responsible for creating your own tax burden by being too stupid to not pay hard working Americans a living wage.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.

Wake up Muttley, you been too busy hooking for quarters?

Obama has cut 800 BILLION from Medicare

Obama has cut 800 BILLION from Medicare - Topix
Another reason Republicans should love Obama.
There are very few able bodied people in those places.

Not based on what I've seen. There is one that I pass everyday on my way to WORK. Those going to it seem to be getting around without any physical limitations. As for mental limitations, someone that thinks the taxpayers owe them anything has mental problems.

Anecdotal BS!

You believe just because you can drive by someone on the street you can diagnose that they are fit and healthy?

That takes a "special" level of arrogant bigotry!

It takes a simple viewing.

It takes a simple mind to be an arrogant bigot!

It doesn't take a simple mind to be a retard like you. You don't even reach the level of simpleminded.

How many of the leeches you think deserve my money are you willing to support voluntarily so I don't have to watch my hard earned money be wasted. I'm betting none.
They need government assistance for their housing because they can't afford regular rent payments on the pittance they earn for working 8 hours a day.

They make a low wage for a reason. It's because they offer low level skills. Please explain why someone with little to no skills should get a wage that is for someone with higher level marketable skills.

When you don't pay someone a living wage for working 8 hours a day you create a tax burden for yourself one way or another.

That you don't understand the obvious is why you are a rightwing extremist bigot.

If the reason someone can't make it financially is because they have low skills, they shouldn't get a damn thing as a result funded by the taxpayers. That's what you don't seem to get. You blame the employers for paying someone an equivalent skill level wage when you should be blaming the one lacking the skills.


Screaming just tells me that you have anger management problems too. That fits right in with the bigoted rightwing extremist mentality.

Not paying a living wage means that you are either forced to pay taxes to subsidize those that are not paid enough to afford to keep a roof over their heads or you will be forced to pay taxes for police, courts and prisons instead once they take to stealing as a means to keep a roof over their heads.

Either way you are responsible for creating your own tax burden by being too stupid to not pay hard working Americans a living wage.

Someone not earning a living wage becasue they have low skills doesn't deserve a handout or subsidy.

Always the you'll have to pay this. Tell you what, let those who think they deserve MY money come ask for it personally instead of hiding behind the government. When I tell them no and they make a bad choice, there won't be a need for police, courts, or prisons. They might try to steal.

People like you are responsbile for the tax burdens for those things. You vote for politicians that pass laws doing so. Those types of programs wouldn't be in place without legislation. Since I don't vote for such clowns, I can't be the reason. Without them, tax burdens woudn't exist.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.

Wake up Muttley, you been too busy hooking for quarters?

Obama has cut 800 BILLION from Medicare

Obama has cut 800 BILLION from Medicare - Topix
Another reason Republicans should love Obama.

Seems like Republican's CARE about old people, it's YOU SUBVERSIVES that cut Medicare, you scum HATE OLD PEOPLE!...Isn't it obvious?

When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a doghnut hole that the ACA will either be repealed or heavily amended.
It will be. Most likely a full repeal.

Jackee just wanted to remind us all that he's really a flaming closet progtard.
Most likely a full repeal.

Given that the majority of Americans actually like the ACA how do you imagine they will vote in 2016 after you take it away?

Do you think they are going to be happy because now they can be denied coverage because they have pre-existing conditions? Do you think that they will be happy to be told that they can't be insured any longer because they have "maxed out" some arbitrary "lifetime benefits cap" imposed by their HMO?

Do you believe that going back to the way things were before the ACA is going to garner you more votes in 2016?

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