Conservatives,Got To Admit,DNC Convention Will Be A Laughable&Emabarrassing Event.

They all should be imprisoned.
again,hating to admit it,clinton was a way better POTUS.
at least he didnt have an indonesian muslim name.
at least there wasnt a question of his eligibility.
at least he wasnt a communist.

I cannot respond adequately to you without violating the forum rules :badgrin:
OWS are a bunch of traitorous subversive anti american human garbage.

I know this is difficult to fathom but vampiric68 appears to be even dumber than Willow Tree. I know, Willow Tree always seemed to be 'absolute zero' but damn, v68 is off the charts.

Think of it as more like the Nancy Pelosi or Debbie Wasserman Comedy Hour. What are they going to boast about? Will any of the Democratic leaders actually tell us how much better things are now compared to early 2009?
Isn't that the main objective of a political convention? To tell the world of all of your economic achievements?
It's going to be interesting to watch the likes of Barney Frank,Schultz,Waters,Sanders and Pelosi take the stage and make 200 Million American Adults believe that Obama has saved the world and Mitt Romney is a complete bafoon and the GOP are still the blame for any unresolved economic issues {yah, like 6 Trillion in new debt and 1.7 Trillion Deficit, yup, it's all Bush's & Romneys fault}

Yeah it will be like the beginning scene from 1984.


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Bigotry is a definition of superficial racial categorization.
im identifying antiamericanism.
stupid fucking commie liberals.
get your definiations correct when you call out somebody.
OWS are a bunch of traitorous subversive anti american human garbage.

I know this is difficult to fathom but vampiric68 appears to be even dumber than Willow Tree. I know, Willow Tree always seemed to be 'absolute zero' but damn, v68 is off the charts.

How does it make him dumb just because he has a different opinion of them than you do? Maybe because the left would just like to shut all us righties up? You don't think we should have an opinion different than yours?

What has the OWS done besides make a mess out of the cities they're protesting in. In fact....are they even still around? What did they accomplish?? All the accomplished is making fools of themselves.... Lol!
And to any scumbag liberal commie,i dont believe or support superficial racial biological categorizations of the divide and conquer communist machine.
anyone born here is american,and i will not regress backwards into the machine.
I can't wait to see what the ratings turn out to be, if we could vision the count correctly, it will be something like,,,average count for the DNC,,,,850,000 viewers and average count for the RNC,,,5 Million.
OWS are a bunch of traitorous subversive anti american human garbage.

I know this is difficult to fathom but vampiric68 appears to be even dumber than Willow Tree. I know, Willow Tree always seemed to be 'absolute zero' but damn, v68 is off the charts.

How does it make him dumb just because he has a different opinion of them than you do? Maybe because the left would just like to shut all us righties up? You don't think we should have an opinion different than yours?

What has the OWS done besides make a mess out of the cities they're protesting in. In fact....are they even still around? What did they accomplish?? All the accomplished is making fools of themselves.... Lol!

OWS is still very much around it's just the goddamned left-wing media is blacking them out. Their accomplishments are many, not the least of which is finally dragging ALEC out in the open.
The laugh riot will be the republican scarefest convention where all optimism will be required to be left at the door. Maybe they will put depends undergarments in the gift bags so they can piss their pants in terror with discretion.


Hitting the Rustoleum a bit early today huh?

Name a republican policy point that does not require fear to sell to the American people.

Name one democrat point that doesn't do the same.
They all should be imprisoned.
again,hating to admit it,clinton was a way better POTUS.
at least he didnt have an indonesian muslim name.
at least there wasnt a question of his eligibility.
at least he wasnt a communist.

This is what the Far Right is all about.
Name one issue framed by democrats honestly.

For repubs it is SS.

Now pipe up. I want to trash you out of the gate.

To be honest, the SS issue is framed in terms of fear. Whether it's fear of SS going bankrupt, or fear of turning into commy queors, they present the issue as one to be afraid of not dealing with, and specifically not dealing with it the Republican way. To continue being honest, the Democrats are just as guilty. It's really not about partisanship, so much as it is about politics generally. Present your agenda to the public, then insist that your agenda is not only desirable, but necessary in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

We HAVE to raise taxes, because if we don't SS will go bankrupt, and seniors will starve.

We HAVE to reduce benefits, because if we don't SS will go bankrupt, and seniors will starve.

It works the exact same way from both sides. This tactic is very similar to the sales tactic of creating a sense of urgency. If you want to close the deal on selling the car, you "warn" the potential buyer of the risks involved in delaying purchase. "It's a good thing you came in today, because the sale ends tomorrow. You've saved yourself alot of money coming in today." Or, "It's a great model. I guess that's why they've been selling so fast. We only have two of these left. Not sure when we're getting more."
I know this is difficult to fathom but vampiric68 appears to be even dumber than Willow Tree. I know, Willow Tree always seemed to be 'absolute zero' but damn, v68 is off the charts.

How does it make him dumb just because he has a different opinion of them than you do? Maybe because the left would just like to shut all us righties up? You don't think we should have an opinion different than yours?

What has the OWS done besides make a mess out of the cities they're protesting in. In fact....are they even still around? What did they accomplish?? All the accomplished is making fools of themselves.... Lol!

OWS is still very much around it's just the goddamned left-wing media is blacking them out. Their accomplishments are many, not the least of which is finally dragging ALEC out in the open.

Why would they block them out? Are the embarassed by them like everyone else? The left media probably thinks as long as they don't report what they're doing then they won't have to make excuses for their bad behavior!

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