Conservatives Rejoice That The Master of Dimocrat Disaster is Remaining in DC to Critique Trump!

HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump

In California, where millions of illegals voted.

Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Dude, your party lost to Donald Trump, that takes real talent.
As I recall the US felt pretty confident and had all of the advantages….how’d it turn out? PS: Feel free to open a book sometime between bong rips.

The LWNJ's won our defeat in Vietnam. FACT Why don't you get up to date and tell us what a fantastic job Obama has done.

OBL is dead
GM is alive
The market is up
Unemployment is down
And gas is about $2 a gallon

Thank you Mr. President.

Ugh ...not that noise again..each one of them have been trashed numerous times

Facts are stubborn things. No matter what you do…they are the truth.

They are not facts...I'll start with GM...they need to repay the US taxpayer.

The markets...pumped full of funny money and it devalued the dollar

True unemployment rate is near to 10%..maybe higher...

Presidents don't control gas prices...the reason gas is so low is shale oil forced OPEC's hand....I've yet to meet a leftist that promotes shale oil fracking

Shall I keep going or will continue to live in your leftist lala land

GM is alive thanks to Mr. Obama. Thank You Mr. President.
The Stock Market is up. Thank You Mr. President
The Unemployment rate is down. Thank You Mr. President
Presidents do not control gas prices...they do effect it however; one way is to avoid pointless wars in the Middle East that destabilize the commodity. Thanks again Mr. President.

And OBL is dead.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump

In California, where millions of illegals voted.
MILLIONS of votes is MILLIONS of votes. California is part of the United States. Counts just as much as the votes from any other state. Just making a claim means nothing BTW...

Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Dude, your party lost to Donald Trump, that takes real talent.

HRC lost the Electoral Vote to Donald Trump--won the popular vote by MILLIONS.
The Dems actually did pretty well all things considered.
77,000 votes in three states is the margin of victory, people.

Obama will have no trouble corralling a President Trumpbull.
And you Alt Right neo-cons continue to whinge. Why? Donald won, did he not?
LOL what alternate universe do you live in?! Its you alt lefts that are whining, "boycotting" the inauguration, crying during the Golden Globes, bullying the electoral college, blaming Russia, blaming Comey...etc.etc. etc. At what point will you blame yourselves and get over it?

HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump

In California, where millions of illegals voted.
MILLIONS of votes is MILLIONS of votes. California is part of the United States. Counts just as much as the votes from any other state. Just making a claim means nothing BTW...

Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Dude, your party lost to Donald Trump, that takes real talent.

HRC lost the Electoral Vote to Donald Trump--won the popular vote by MILLIONS.
The Dems actually did pretty well all things considered.
Yesterday the Bulls shot more three pointers than the Cavaliers, but they still lost by 20 points. So what should we do, change the rules and say the Bulls won the game?
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump
Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Nice try at spinning a bad situation for Liberals. The popular was covered by California alone and didn't win Liberals the White House. Despite modest gains in Congress, it wasn't enough to overcome the slaughter over Obama's 8 years. Not to worry, I'm sure the stars in Hollywood will come out in 2020 and campaign for whatever plantation master liberals find.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump
Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Oh please, your party is decimated with no real leadership at the helm

Thats what you hawks said bout the Vietcong.

I agree Liberals do resemble the Vietcong. Good example.
And the liberals continue to whine. Guys, your man won, and you are crying like he lost.

HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump
Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

“With a firm grip on the presidency, Congress, and soon the Supreme Court, Republicans have won more political power in 2016 than in any election since at least 1928, when Herbert Hoover was elected to the White House. Democrats now face a deep hole they need to climb out of to fight back against the coming reactionary policy shift of the pending Trump administration and its allied state governments.”
LOL Good point, and, I think, a vital one. And then came 1929. And then 1932. Thank god for Roosevelt.
JimBowie, you and sassy and the rest are quaking in your boots that Obama is staying, because NW of DC is not the wilderness as you will find out.

Yes, he is going to make Trump look very stupid.

And you wonder why we've been saying for the past eight years that obama doesn't give a shit about America.
Based on the total destruction he has left the Democratic Party in at the end of his term, I am beginning to believe that Hussein Obama is actually a Republican plant. :clap2:
...or a secret agent of the gun lobby, judging by the record gun sales he has provoked.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump

In California, where millions of illegals voted.
MILLIONS of votes is MILLIONS of votes. California is part of the United States. Counts just as much as the votes from any other state. Just making a claim means nothing BTW...

Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Dude, your party lost to Donald Trump, that takes real talent.

HRC lost the Electoral Vote to Donald Trump--won the popular vote by MILLIONS.
The Dems actually did pretty well all things considered.
Yesterday the Bulls shot more three pointers than the Cavaliers, but they still lost by 20 points. So what should we do, change the rules and say the Bulls won the game?


But if I were a Bulls fan and it pissed off the Cavs fans that they jacked more 3 pointers, I'd be happy to bring it up; as it is factual. I wouldn't move that they redo the rules for the Bulls and have not done so on behalf of Ms. Clinton.

I do think--while we are on the subject--that the President Elect should have to win both the plurality of the PV as well as the majority of the EV. That has been my position for several years now:

From 2012 before the re-election of Mr. Obama
Electoral or Popular Vote

I will listen to arguments about winning the plurality of popular votes in 2/3 states or more so you don't have candidates who get 25 million votes from New Yorkers or Los Angelinos as validation of their nationwide appeal.

Anyway..back to the topic at hand.

For some reason, you guys respond like whiny little bitches when you hear that Ms. Clinton got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah.
So I'm happy to keep bringing it up.

Keep swinging at the pitches in the dirt and the pitcher will keep throwing them there.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump
Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Nice try at spinning a bad situation for Liberals. The popular was covered by California alone and didn't win Liberals the White House. Despite modest gains in Congress, it wasn't enough to overcome the slaughter over Obama's 8 years. Not to worry, I'm sure the stars in Hollywood will come out in 2020 and campaign for whatever plantation master liberals find.

Winning seats is a bad situation? Well, I can see they didn't teach intelligence where you went to school.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump
Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Oh please, your party is decimated with no real leadership at the helm

Thats what you hawks said bout the Vietcong.

I agree Liberals do resemble the Vietcong. Good example.

Well, the comparison was a warning against being overconfident based on very few factors. Not that I expected you to comprehend what you read.
The entire display at the Lincoln Memorial was stunning. My husband believes that was Army choir in dress blues but the vid we watched didn't get close up's of them, still it was phenomenal. I love that they all went in to pay respects to Lincoln as well, very fitting imo. I'm very impressed with Trump so far. His speech to thank his cabinet was more casual and humorous, I appreciate that down to earth vibe as well.
HRC got MILLIONs more votes than Trump

In California, where millions of illegals voted.
MILLIONS of votes is MILLIONS of votes. California is part of the United States. Counts just as much as the votes from any other state. Just making a claim means nothing BTW...

Democrats picked up seats in the House
Democrats picked up seats in the Senate

All in a year (8th year of a presidency) that historically has not been kind to the Party that holds the Oval Office.

Dude, your party lost to Donald Trump, that takes real talent.

HRC lost the Electoral Vote to Donald Trump--won the popular vote by MILLIONS.
The Dems actually did pretty well all things considered.
Yesterday the Bulls shot more three pointers than the Cavaliers, but they still lost by 20 points. So what should we do, change the rules and say the Bulls won the game?


But if I were a Bulls fan and it pissed off the Cavs fans that they jacked more 3 pointers, I'd be happy to bring it up; as it is factual. I wouldn't move that they redo the rules for the Bulls and have not done so on behalf of Ms. Clinton.

I do think--while we are on the subject--that the President Elect should have to win both the plurality of the PV as well as the majority of the EV. That has been my position for several years now:

From 2012 before the re-election of Mr. Obama
Electoral or Popular Vote

I will listen to arguments about winning the plurality of popular votes in 2/3 states or more so you don't have candidates who get 25 million votes from New Yorkers or Los Angelinos as validation of their nationwide appeal.

Anyway..back to the topic at hand.

For some reason, you guys respond like whiny little bitches when you hear that Ms. Clinton got MILLIONS more votes than your messiah.
So I'm happy to keep bringing it up.

Keep swinging at the pitches in the dirt and the pitcher will keep throwing them there.
The rules of the game are the rules of the game. There are no ifs and ands or buts. Ya lost get over it! And you lost all across the board not only presidential, but the house, the senate, state legislators, and governorships. The people have spoken very clearly, and it was disastrous for the Democraps. Nobody's ever come back after losing so decisively, and then whine about the rules or some "consolation prize". Only whiney Democraps. This is not a "everybody's a winner" type of game. LOL

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