Conservatives vs Liberals


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Just thought I'd point out the obvious here before the site goes down for daily maintenance.

But in the many threads we all enjoy here there's often a con vs lib aspect. Sometimes it's legit, but a lot of the times I'm noticing what can only be described as faux conservative and faux liberals chiming in. There are other groups than ocns and libs and a classic tactic is to pit the two biggest baddest enemies against one another while you, the 3rd party sits back and watches and waits for your primary opposition to destroy themselves.

When you encounter the more extreme lib/con positions, ask yourself if that really sounds conservative or liberal to you. Or if it sounds more like some other group trying to make those two sound even worse.

Just a thought.
Im my own man. I could car less what either group has to say.
btw Delta, I don't agree with your paragraph. I don't see libs criticizing libs like I see conservative criticize some conservative. You talk of the far left and the far right.
The far right can't stand any of the Bush's and will sit the election out if Jeb is the nominee.
The right and left castigate each other on this forum is correct. But the left criticizing itself is virtually non-existent
Prime example is Mizzou. An obvious left problem but they blame cons before they'll admit it's their problem.
Im my own man. I could car less what either group has to say.
btw Delta, I don't agree with your paragraph. I don't see libs criticizing libs like I see conservative criticize some conservative. You talk of the far left and the far right.
The far right can't stand any of the Bush's and will sit the election out if Jeb is the nominee.
The right and left castigate each other on this forum is correct. But the left criticizing itself is virtually non-existent
Prime example is Mizzou. An obvious left problem but they blame cons before they'll admit it's their problem.

The right is actually divided right down the middle into two groups. If you listen to one liberal talk, you've listened to all of them. That's why our debates are entertaining and their debates are a boring love fest.

It's not just the divide in the Republican party between establishment and TP, it's the fact constituents are sick of the same old song and dance no matter who gets in. That's why there is so much support for Carson and Trump. Neither are professional politicians. They are not part of "the club" and totally outside of the box.
You're both retarded and completely missed the point. Try reading the shit instead of just hitting reply.
Just thought I'd point out the obvious here before the site goes down for daily maintenance.

But in the many threads we all enjoy here there's often a con vs lib aspect. Sometimes it's legit, but a lot of the times I'm noticing what can only be described as faux conservative and faux liberals chiming in. There are other groups than ocns and libs and a classic tactic is to pit the two biggest baddest enemies against one another while you, the 3rd party sits back and watches and waits for your primary opposition to destroy themselves.

When you encounter the more extreme lib/con positions, ask yourself if that really sounds conservative or liberal to you. Or if it sounds more like some other group trying to make those two sound even worse.

Just a thought.
Most conservatives & liberals lean in their direction but still function just fine. They're even able to communicate as adults with those with whom they disagree.

it's the Regressives on both ends who are causing most of the damage. They have most of the anger, therefore the energy, therefore the influence.

Worse, the condition appears to feed on itself, making them even more ideological (and even worse) creating a gravity that sucks normal, decent people in.
Just thought I'd point out the obvious here before the site goes down for daily maintenance.

But in the many threads we all enjoy here there's often a con vs lib aspect. Sometimes it's legit, but a lot of the times I'm noticing what can only be described as faux conservative and faux liberals chiming in. There are other groups than ocns and libs and a classic tactic is to pit the two biggest baddest enemies against one another while you, the 3rd party sits back and watches and waits for your primary opposition to destroy themselves.

When you encounter the more extreme lib/con positions, ask yourself if that really sounds conservative or liberal to you. Or if it sounds more like some other group trying to make those two sound even worse.

Just a thought.
Most conservatives & liberals lean in their direction but still function just fine. They're even able to communicate as adults with those with whom they disagree.

it's the Regressives on both ends who are causing most of the problems. They have most of the anger, therefore the energy, therefore the influence.

Worse, the condition appears to feed on itself, making them even more ideological (and even worse) creating a gravity that sucks normal, decent people in.

Please name names. Who are the regressives on both ends? Who are we to be watchful for? Can you identify them, please?
You're both retarded and completely missed the point. Try reading the shit instead of just hitting reply.
what I find is their are too many here who really don't look at the big picture ... I see and read too many who sees one point only, and when that point is counter, instead of pointing out error of that counter point, its turns into a time to insult feast ... too many time it goes that way is because the person who is trying to point out the error of your counter is too lazy to look it up ....

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