Conservatives; Your Current Choice For VP If Romney Wins? Did Santorum Make The List?

With the caveat that I do not support Romney and won't be voting for him in the primary, I think the ticket that would ensure a clean sweep for Rs the White House would be Romney as President, Rubio as VP and Jon Huntsman and Secretary of State. Can't lose with that one. Now, if I could only be assured that such a ticket would run the government any differently than Bush or Obama did, I might get enthusiastic about it. Until then, I'm going to focus on getting more small government candidates elected to the House and Senate.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.
Rubio has stated point blank, with absolutely no equivocation, that he will not be a VP contender. It was such a definitive statement, he can't go back on it without being a liar.

Christie is all mouth, which for him is saying something. He has no real accomplishments in NJ, other than his job-killing decision to not take Federal money for a new gateway to NY. And he doesn't help Mittens in any way.


  1. Southern - to offset his Northern
  2. Wingnut - to offset his Liberal
  3. Female - to appeal to females and as a token
  4. Non-White - to be able to claim "Us? Racist?", be able to fool some gullible Hispanics/Blacks/other Non-Whites, and as a token

It's gonna be Nicki "Boom-Boom" Haley. She's the South Carolina Governor, she's a Wingnut Teabagger, she's a She, and she's Indian, as in India.

Here ya go, folks: your 2012 Republican Ticket!


You heard it here first!

Geez, people - is JoeB the only one who has an opinion as to whether it will be Nicki "Boom-Boom" Haley?
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.

Fortunately, you don't get to decide what rights other people have. I do wish you would learn that. Surely, you are not completely stupid. Once or twice, I have seen flashes of rational thought so there is hope for you.

I certainly get to opine as much as you do, and you act silly when you deliberately misdefine what I have done, and others end up shaking their head, "Well, that's California Girl for ya."

Sure, I have the right to tell you that you are often wrong here.

Sure, I have the right to tell you your fake feminism is a hoot for those who are better informed.

And you have the right to neg rep because you hate being told the truth about yourself.

Regardless of what I think it's the political establishment and their crony's on the beltway that will decide. Sad to think what you have is Romney, so it's once again time to plug the nose, pucker up and vote to send the progressive movement back to their cave.
Romney is a statist progressive conservative who will have no trouble using big government power during his presidency.

Although we can give it a 25% chance that assuming Romney wins, he would choose Santorum as a running mate, it really depends on how Santorum performs throughout the spring.
If we have it right, the short list Romney has in mind is 1)Christie, 2)Rubio 3)McDonnell 4)Pawlenty 5)Rob Portman ,, and maybe John Thune.
Unless Rubio is pulling our strings and only saying he's not interested in the VP position, he would be the ideal choice, and who knows what Chrisite will tell Mitt when he's asked.
Still, we have the best field ever for VP Choices. Even John Thune would make a great ticket.
Who do you think Romney may have to settle for if he's the nominee?

doesn't matter who he picks... Romney's gonna lose in November...
Nah, Romney will pick somebody that will appeal to latinos and women, maybe Marc Anthony. OK, fun aside. The lady governor of New Mexico would be a good pick. Rubio is out: he will only appeal to Cuban-American republicans. Most latinos are democratic. It has to be a pick that will appeal to lady latinos.
Nah, Romney will pick somebody that will appeal to latinos and women, maybe Marc Anthony. OK, fun aside. The lady governor of New Mexico would be a good pick. Rubio is out: he will only appeal to Cuban-American republicans. Most latinos are democratic. It has to be a pick that will appeal to lady latinos.

He'll pick Portman.

He can't pick a Latino and anger the MInuteman nutters...

Just like he fired the gay dude today... because the FUnditards said so...

Want to tell me again how he'll drive the Funditards from Washington. Still waiting to hear that from you, Jake.
Nah, you don't understand your own leftism. You certainly don't comprehend Republicanism or where it is headed, JoeB. You are not all that interesting, but you are the one generally posting for your side, so . .. what is a guy gonna do?
Nah, you don't understand your own leftism. You certainly don't comprehend Republicanism or where it is headed, JoeB. You are not all that interesting, but you are the one generally posting for your side, so . .. what is a guy gonna do?

After Romney loses, no one is going to be caught having a drink with you jokers who promoted him to start with. They will be falling all over themselves to say about how he wasn't conservative enough, wasn't really in tune with the TEA Party, and so on.

So again, Jake, are you going to keep deflecting?

You said he was going to drive out the "Theocrats". But they said "Jump" and he said, "How High?"

Get rid of my highly qualified Foreign Policy Spokesman because he's into men? Yup! Yes Sir, Reverand Fischer!

Too fucking funny. I mean, even Bush didn't cow down to them that much. Bush had gay folks on his staff.
what does Rick Scotts approval have to do with Obama? Most Floridians want Obama thrown out of office YESTERDAY !!!
Not quite. Mid-December:

But now let’s look at the Florida numbers from the NBC/Marist poll. There Obama is beating both Romney and Gingrich by outside the margin of error. He leads Romney 48-41 and Gingrich 51-39.

Again, all politics is local. Republican Rick Scott is the least popular governor in the United States—right now at 26 percent and still sinking. Scott and Haley are prime examples of governors who were supposed to show a new and better way, with politics forged in the cauldron of Tea Party fervor about an absence of accountability, and so on. But these politicians have turned out to be just like all the old ones, except less competent.
Trust no political poll from NBC to be unbiased.

The only poll that counts is the election. If we can just get a fair election (no dead people voting--no illegal aliens voting--no multiple votes--no unregistered voter's votes) and an accurate count, Romney will win hands down. If not, Obama will steal the election--something he has done from the day he started running for anything.

Re: My pick for VP....Jessica Simpson

...and Ricky Santorum is NOT on my list of alternatives...I wouldn't support him for anything other than Pastor of some evangelical, snake handling cult.
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Biden. Switch parties. Become Mitt's VP running mate.

I'm telling you, America wouldn't even notice.
Nah, you don't understand your own leftism. You certainly don't comprehend Republicanism or where it is headed, JoeB. You are not all that interesting, but you are the one generally posting for your side, so . .. what is a guy gonna do?

After Romney loses, no one is going to be caught having a drink with you jokers who promoted him to start with. They will be falling all over themselves to say about how he wasn't conservative enough, wasn't really in tune with the TEA Party, and so on.

So again, Jake, are you going to keep deflecting?

You said he was going to drive out the "Theocrats". But they said "Jump" and he said, "How High?"

Get rid of my highly qualified Foreign Policy Spokesman because he's into men? Yup! Yes Sir, Reverand Fischer!

Too fucking funny. I mean, even Bush didn't cow down to them that much. Bush had gay folks on his staff.

You defend your deflection by accusing me of deflecting? Cute, if not bright. :lol:

Theocrats don't control the campaign now. I told you he would begin ignoring them. He is. Five of his full time staff is gay. Better go check your facts, bub.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.

Fortunately, you don't get to decide what rights other people have. I do wish you would learn that. Surely, you are not completely stupid. Once or twice, I have seen flashes of rational thought so there is hope for you.

I certainly get to opine as much as you do, and you act silly when you deliberately misdefine what I have done, and others end up shaking their head, "Well, that's California Girl for ya."

Sure, I have the right to tell you that you are often wrong here.

Sure, I have the right to tell you your fake feminism is a hoot for those who are better informed.

And you have the right to neg rep because you hate being told the truth about yourself.


Yea, cuz anonymous posters on a message board can 'tell the truth' about another anonymous poster. How fucking ludicrous is that? You're the one who accused me of being a Republican.... so clearly, your 'truth' about me is not THE truth. Idiot.
You certainly don't understand "the truth" on the Board, but you love correcting others. Grow up.

On another note, do you really have access to a private jet? I am jealous.

And, yeah, you are a fake feminist and yeah, you love to tell people what to do, and then we just tell you to fuck off.

:lol: Really? A private jet? Wow!
Nah, you don't understand your own leftism. You certainly don't comprehend Republicanism or where it is headed, JoeB. You are not all that interesting, but you are the one generally posting for your side, so . .. what is a guy gonna do?

After Romney loses, no one is going to be caught having a drink with you jokers who promoted him to start with. They will be falling all over themselves to say about how he wasn't conservative enough, wasn't really in tune with the TEA Party, and so on.

So again, Jake, are you going to keep deflecting?

You said he was going to drive out the "Theocrats". But they said "Jump" and he said, "How High?"

Get rid of my highly qualified Foreign Policy Spokesman because he's into men? Yup! Yes Sir, Reverand Fischer!

Too fucking funny. I mean, even Bush didn't cow down to them that much. Bush had gay folks on his staff.

You defend your deflection by accusing me of deflecting? Cute, if not bright. :lol:

Theocrats don't control the campaign now. I told you he would begin ignoring them. He is. Five of his full time staff is gay. Better go check your facts, bub.

The Theocrats said the gay dude had to go, and the gay dude went.

The thing was, maybe there are five folks in the closet, but Grenell was out and an advocate of Gay Marriage, that's why the theocrats said he had to go.

And Romney knuckled under to them.
The guy was tossed because he had no trouble telling some of MR's far right wacks to fuck off, just as he did Rachel Maddow. He was tossed, not because of sexuality, which you have not an iota proof, but because he was so politically edgy.

He will be back on staff in two weeks. Watch.

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