Conservatives; Your Current Choice For VP If Romney Wins? Did Santorum Make The List?

what does Rick Scotts approval have to do with Obama? Most Floridians want Obama thrown out of office YESTERDAY !!!
Not quite. Mid-December:

But now let’s look at the Florida numbers from the NBC/Marist poll. There Obama is beating both Romney and Gingrich by outside the margin of error. He leads Romney 48-41 and Gingrich 51-39.

Again, all politics is local. Republican Rick Scott is the least popular governor in the United States—right now at 26 percent and still sinking. Scott and Haley are prime examples of governors who were supposed to show a new and better way, with politics forged in the cauldron of Tea Party fervor about an absence of accountability, and so on. But these politicians have turned out to be just like all the old ones, except less competent.
If Romney is the candidate I will not vote regardless of his VP selection. What this country does not need is another big government liberal republican at the helm. Sad to think that the only difference between Romney and Obama is nothing more then party affiliation. The question remains will he be the candidate and if so how low will the economy have to go until the GOP gets the message and returns to the very principles that define the party.
There are far more registered Republicans and Independants registered here than Dem's, and who pays attention to any poll taken by a leftist organization anyway. It was even on the local news last night as the anchorwoman was reporting how many thousands of Democrats have switched over to the other two parties within the last 4 or 6 months. and does anyone really think Obama will get the heavy Jewish vote here?
if Romney Chooses McDonnell, Obama is gonna need more depends. Good-Bye all southern states, and good-bye rust belt. Obama is already losing Ohio and Penn, that's bad enough.
if Romney Chooses McDonnell, Obama is gonna need more depends. Good-Bye all southern states, and good-bye rust belt. Obama is already losing Ohio and Penn, that's bad enough.

If you think it is that easy, and if the GOP follows that thinking, Obama is going to kick our Republican asses all over the park.
He needs someone with inside Washington experience.

Dan Quayle might be available.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.
Rubio has stated point blank, with absolutely no equivocation, that he will not be a VP contender. It was such a definitive statement, he can't go back on it without being a liar.

Christie is all mouth, which for him is saying something. He has no real accomplishments in NJ, other than his job-killing decision to not take Federal money for a new gateway to NY. And he doesn't help Mittens in any way.


  1. Southern - to offset his Northern
  2. Wingnut - to offset his Liberal
  3. Female - to appeal to females and as a token
  4. Non-White - to be able to claim "Us? Racist?", be able to fool some gullible Hispanics/Blacks/other Non-Whites, and as a token

It's gonna be Nicki "Boom-Boom" Haley. She's the South Carolina Governor, she's a Wingnut Teabagger, she's a She, and she's Indian, as in India.

Here ya go, folks: your 2012 Republican Ticket!

You heard it here first!

Maybe. But only if she delivers SC for him.
if Romney Chooses McDonnell, Obama is gonna need more depends. Good-Bye all southern states, and good-bye rust belt. Obama is already losing Ohio and Penn, that's bad enough.

If you think it is that easy, and if the GOP follows that thinking, Obama is going to kick our Republican asses all over the park.

He's going to do that anyway.... if you nominate the Weird Mormon Robot.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.
Rubio has stated point blank, with absolutely no equivocation, that he will not be a VP contender. It was such a definitive statement, he can't go back on it without being a liar.

Christie is all mouth, which for him is saying something. He has no real accomplishments in NJ, other than his job-killing decision to not take Federal money for a new gateway to NY. And he doesn't help Mittens in any way.


  1. Southern - to offset his Northern
  2. Wingnut - to offset his Liberal
  3. Female - to appeal to females and as a token
  4. Non-White - to be able to claim "Us? Racist?", be able to fool some gullible Hispanics/Blacks/other Non-Whites, and as a token

It's gonna be Nicki "Boom-Boom" Haley. She's the South Carolina Governor, she's a Wingnut Teabagger, she's a She, and she's Indian, as in India.

Here ya go, folks: your 2012 Republican Ticket!

You heard it here first!

Maybe. But only if she delivers SC for him.

Regardless. She fits the bill.

And she has no control over how people will vote, and shouldn't. How can she deliver it for him?
Lets just do this, lets nominate a statue of abe lincon for president, and leave it at that. he cant lose,,,,HES ABE LINCOLN!! that would be a great poll for Rasmussen,,,,,Obama vs Statue Of Abe Lincoln.
if Romney Chooses McDonnell, Obama is gonna need more depends. Good-Bye all southern states, and good-bye rust belt. Obama is already losing Ohio and Penn, that's bad enough.

If you think it is that easy, and if the GOP follows that thinking, Obama is going to kick our Republican asses all over the park.

You dare to run McCain as the VP and I will either stay home or Vote Third Party, even if it means Trump. Don't go there either Jake. McCain is Taboo, an Untouchable.
Lets just do this, lets nominate a statue of abe lincon for president, and leave it at that. he cant lose,,,,HES ABE LINCOLN!! that would be a great poll for Rasmussen,,,,,Obama vs Statue Of Abe Lincoln.

Slam Dunk. :D

Ronald MC Donald could beat Obama, he has put more people to work too. :D
if Romney Chooses McDonnell, Obama is gonna need more depends. Good-Bye all southern states, and good-bye rust belt. Obama is already losing Ohio and Penn, that's bad enough.

If you think it is that easy, and if the GOP follows that thinking, Obama is going to kick our
Republican asses all over the park.



Fakey STILL doesn't grasp that nobody with a working brain buys his fraud.

Too fucking funny!
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Sad to think Romney could well be the candidate, unfortunately for the GOP, the problem with big government liberal republicans is they have nothing to offer other then the same old same old, so Obama will be reelected. Who would make a good running mate? whom ever will not make a difference, the candidate that will say anything to anyone to further his political aspirations will go down in defeat because he has no message nor contrast to what we have today. I would like to know if anyone can point out one difference between Obama and Mit. How about his plan to stimulate the economy, address unfunded and current liabilities, the dollar bubble, ever expanding intrusion of government in the lives of it's citizens? No plan no vote!
At least Newt understands the concepts and fundamental basis behind the constitution and role of government in the lives of its citizens, but no plan, lots of personal baggage. The left absolutely despises Newt because he calls it as it is. Ron Paul is an isolationist that fails to see the whole picture, vague message, but does provide a blue print on how the government should be run. Santorum on the other hand does not have the money nor war chest Mit has nor the backing of the liberal wing big government establishment of the GOP. The problem is that the party has lost its fundamental fiscal core set of beliefs that presented a viable alternative to the progressive movement and substituted it with a Bush style thousand beams of light wishy washy non confrontational plank. In short the GOP is afraid of ruffling the feathers of the press and is partially to blame for the financial mess we have today. The key is the house and senate which control the direction the government will go not the White House and who sits in the chair.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.

Fortunately, you don't get to decide what rights other people have. I do wish you would learn that. Surely, you are not completely stupid. Once or twice, I have seen flashes of rational thought so there is hope for you.

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