Conspiracy crowd working overtime since Las Vegas shooting


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

At least the local media is staying away from this. Their concentration is the #VegasStrong theme of those who came to stop the shooter and help the victims.

The conspiracy crowd took to the internet almost as soon as the gunfire stopped.

Every mass-casualty event attracts its share of crackpots, and the Oct. 1 attack in Las Vegas would be no different.

Shaky cell phone videos of a flashing strobe light became proof of a second shooter.

Sketchy accounts from traumatized tourists fueled narratives of a coordinated terrorist attack and a far-reaching cover-up.

The lack of a clear motive spawned wild claims that Stephen Paddock was a patsy or a spy — or maybe even still alive somewhere.

Already, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said he has seen more conspiracies and misinformation about this investigation than he has in other high-profile cases. The “keyboard tough guys” are out in force, he said.

More of this @ Conspiracy crowd working overtime since Las Vegas shooting

At least the local media is staying away from this. Their concentration is the #VegasStrong theme of those who came to stop the shooter and help the victims.

The conspiracy crowd took to the internet almost as soon as the gunfire stopped.

Every mass-casualty event attracts its share of crackpots, and the Oct. 1 attack in Las Vegas would be no different.

Shaky cell phone videos of a flashing strobe light became proof of a second shooter.

Sketchy accounts from traumatized tourists fueled narratives of a coordinated terrorist attack and a far-reaching cover-up.

The lack of a clear motive spawned wild claims that Stephen Paddock was a patsy or a spy — or maybe even still alive somewhere.

Already, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said he has seen more conspiracies and misinformation about this investigation than he has in other high-profile cases. The “keyboard tough guys” are out in force, he said.

More of this @ Conspiracy crowd working overtime since Las Vegas shooting
Well, it is an conspiracy that is going on about the Vegas shooting. I sayd to myself, Where is the video cameras? All of those High rised hotels has cameras every where. They had video taped O.J. Simpson going towards the room to retrieved his personal items, and leaving and going into the elevator. And they even has a video of Jay-Z being punched by his sister-in-law in the elevator, and a famous football player punching the day lights out of his wife in an elevator. And even Pres.Trump knows that they has video cameras every where in those hotels. When they were trying to accuse him of getting a golden shower in one of the rooms. He stated that he will never do that. It is because those rooms has video surveillance all through the rooms. The reason he knows that? It is because sometime in the 90's that there was a controversy that was about him having video cameras in his rooms. But he said that it was to watched room service while the occupants of the rooms were gone, to make sure room service doesn't steal. And they had said that all Hotel and motel's chains has that right to have cameras in each room, since it is their own business. And I know personally small motels has cameras in each of the rooms. I believes the only motels that doesn't has cameras in their rooms are the roach motels. They cannot afford cameras. They just drilled them a hole in order to see what the occupants are doing in the rooms.But all of them gambling joints has cameras all over the place. Places you will not even had thought of that they will put them. And so, where is the video footage of the shooter?


Where is Campos? The heroic security guy? He was suppose to do five interviews Thursday and is no where to be seen. Then we have the sudden death of Kymberley Suchomel that claimed she saw multiple shooters. There is very little that adds up about this event and it reeks.
And plus the couple that were telling the victims beforehand that they were going to die. They had the couple in custody, but now they said that they don't even know such couple.

Where is Campos? The heroic security guy? He was suppose to do five interviews Thursday and is no where to be seen. Then we have the sudden death of Kymberley Suchomel that claimed she saw multiple shooters. There is very little that adds up about this event and it reeks.

same as in 9/11 and in the JFK assassination,when witnesses give version of events that do not go along with the governments version,they end up dying mysterious deaths.
I dont see Mark Davis taking the Raiders to Vegas now on a more humorous attempt at humor here.
The fbi has a long history of staging events like this

here is a good one as well.


same as the JFK assassination,anybody who told the truth about 9/11 and exposed it as an inside job,died mysterious deaths,the last one minute in this ten minute video is REALLY interesting the fact a high ranking senator was pushing for a real investigation into it and died mysteriously.

Bad pilots with box cutters all a sudden come up with a plan that out smarts the most powerful country in the world, and they even hit almost all their targets. One being the Pentagon, the most guarded building in the world, but days later they fly "Bin Ladens" family outside the United States. Wow! Its amazing how people actually bought the official story, which was always a theory. Now that movies have been made based on their theory, and mainstream news reports it as a fact. Do people know when the Television first was created, it was used for propaganda purposes only, and now the TV has become the biggest hypnotist, of all time. If the news runs a story, day in and day out, all a sudden its truth. Without any evidence and they did this same technique again and again like for the build up to war in IRAQ. When IRAQ, the 2000 Election, 911, & Afghanistan. Together were just one huge context of lies, perpetrated by the shadow government.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

4 weeks ago
After looking at this for many years, I came to the conclusion that there was NO passengers on any of the attack aircraft on 9/11/01. All those aircraft were flown remotely. There were no terrorist on any of the aircraft. The 2 towers were wired for demolition along with building 7. The Pentagon was also wired with explosives. If you look at all the evidence... Only one nation benefitted from this attack...That country is Israel.

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A few decades ago, the POPE led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique finalized their plan:

Cause pretext (9/11) for USA to wage war in and bomb hell out of several nations where Muslims are concentrated.

Force Muslim migration to Europe and USA. This will lead to these “sovereign” nations becoming “failed states”

leading to them becoming provinces of the NWOrder world government we are creating.

Additionally, we “elites” (top level Satanic servants), will see to wide-spread poverty world-wide

inciting mass migration from Africa and South America into all of the “Christendom” (formerly called) “sovereign” nations.

Pope himself will go to Mexican/American border and preach that those who oppose unlimited immigration

(by doing such as building a wall [like around pope’s mansion and estate)) are not “Christian”

(IOW: not saved and cannot be saved until they support unlimited immigration).

We elites will see to it that these host nations are led by our minions who will preach to their “citizens”

that it is their duty to welcome and support the “migrants” even though the migrants despise them and intend to dominate rather than assimilate.


Pope has lot's of Satanic Jews working for/with him. Kissinger being most prominent of them.

Just what the hell does this have to do with the thread? ^^^^^
The grand ongoing Global conspiracy is the Pope led Globalist project of turning "sovereign" USA and
"sovereign" nations of Europe into failed states .... thence to be made provinces of the One World Government

(that the Beast will rule for 3.5 years). If you think you know of a more significant ongoing conspiracy, then cite it.
If you think you know of a person with a more powerful personal following than the pope, then name him.

Pope led Globalist cabal caused Trump to become POTUS just so a Nationalist Republicanish
Christianish straight white man would be captain (to be blamed) when the Globalist sink the ship.

Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.”
Globalist human kingpin is the pope
Globalist had POTUS minions for decades
Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe
Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody
Globalist have death squads
Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons
Globalist have CIA minion.
Globalist have MSMedia minion
Globalist are creating the One World Government
Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be.
Globalist have planned for decades
Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign”nations of Europe.
Globalist will have nukes used to end the current world order.

See Vatican’s FAZZINI sculpture named “Christ rising from crater of nuke blast”

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario
found nowhere else.
Pope also kingpin of the Global pedophile and child sacrificing network.
Pope's top inner circle does not just molest children. They sacrifice them ... eat them... drink their blood

GOOGLE: CIA + Knights of Malta + SMOM ..... GOOGLE: Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy SLINGING SEEDS
Just what the hell does this have to do with the thread? ^^^^^

since we are talking about THIS thread,lets hear you comment about this post of mine.:biggrin:

I dont see Mark Davis taking the Raiders to Vegas now.:biggrin:

trying to lighten the mood now is why i post
Where is Campos? The heroic security guy? He was suppose to do five interviews Thursday and is no where to be seen. Then we have the sudden death of Kymberley Suchomel that claimed she saw multiple shooters. There is very little that adds up about this event and it reeks.

same as in 9/11 and in the JFK assassination,when witnesses give version of events that do not go along with the governments version,they end up dying mysterious deaths.
Dear Americans, go to bed. It´s just an ordinary mass murder, nothing to worry about.

Uncle Sam
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Where is Campos? The heroic security guy? He was suppose to do five interviews Thursday and is no where to be seen. Then we have the sudden death of Kymberley Suchomel that claimed she saw multiple shooters. There is very little that adds up about this event and it reeks.

same as in 9/11 and in the JFK assassination,when witnesses give version of events that do not go along with the governments version,they end up dying mysterious deaths.

same as in the jfk assaination and 9/11,soon as witnesses start popping up that have versions different that the governments,they start popping up daisys.

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