Conspiracy Theorists proven right again. AstraZeneca vaccine for covid 19 is being withdrawn

Whatever. I'm not chasing down proof for every unsupported claim someone makes in these threads.
Ok, I lied.
They pulled those vaccines because the companies were making too much.

And a lot of young healthy people dropping dead.
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Ok, I lied.
It wouldn't surprise me. Precious few here care about the truth. They're just trying to score partisan political points.

The thing is, it's a really important topic. The truth matters.

We always knew there would be side-effects and that some people would even die from the vaccines. That was never really in question. The question is whether it was worth it. Whether the benefits of the vaccines outweighed the risks of the disease. Hopefully some smart people, people who don't have a political agenda, are studying the pandemic and can give us some answers.
It wouldn't surprise me. Precious few here care about the truth. They're just trying to score partisan political points.

The thing is, it's a really important topic. The truth matters.

We always knew there would be side-effects and that some people would even die from the vaccines. That was never really in question. The question is whether it was worth it. Whether the benefits of the vaccines outweighed the risks of the disease. Hopefully some smart people, people who don't have a political agenda, are studying the pandemic and can give us some answers.
And you learned how to parse quotes to remove context too!

You’re a fast learner.
And you learned how to parse quotes to remove context too!

You’re a fast learner.
Which context do you think was missing? Maybe the part where you back peddled from "hundreds of thousands" to "thousands"? ;) That seems pretty important. I shouldn't have left that out.
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She didn't answer any of those questions with a straight forward response and even didn't answer the question asked, but one she must have made up in her own head. Hilarious that she brings up nursing homes when dem governors and SOS's were sending covid patients into them. They are directly responsible for the resulting deaths, and I'd go as far to say that they did it intentionally to cause the paranoia and fear to push people to get their damn poison shots. A complete travesty and she acts like she is clueless about all of it when she was the lead for a lot of it. Her day of reckoning will be coming.
It was all a hoax! a criminal hoax! I want these criminals to pay for what they have done to humanity! :mad:

Looks like there are some "rare" side effects.

The reason they are withdrawing it, and it hasn’t been manufactured in a while, is that updated versions are available targeting the mutated versions of COVID.

Oh. And the people who had this side effect? 50. Fifty people. Out of millions. Fifty.

The admission came after the company was slapped with a class action lawsuit in the UK, which claimed that the vaccine had caused deaths and severe injuries and sought damages up to £100m for about 50 victims.


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