Conspiracy Theorists proven right again. AstraZeneca vaccine for covid 19 is being withdrawn

AstraZeneca had stated two weeks ago that their COVID-19 vaccine can kill people.

I"m sure all the vaccinated people would tell AstraZeneca they are lying about their COVID-19 vaccine killing people. They would would argue with them that their vaccine is safe. Now their deadly vaccine is being withdrawn.

We have to stay on top of these things. We are telling the truth and we know the truth. They keep mislabeling our truths as "conspiracy theories" because they love those deadly covid vaccines, and that's so sad. 😢

The real conspiracy theory was being told the COVID-19 vaccines were "safe and affective, yet the vaccinated people would NEVER label that lie as a conspiracy theory because Biden kept uttering it.
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Do you think Trump will ever be held accountable his vaccine that he pushed?
Trump didn't develop the vaccine. He facilitated development of one. He took it and says he would again. He NEVER mandated it or said anyone SHOULD get it. And he certainly never punished anybody for not getting it. And he opposed the mandates.

Biden and blue state governors however and other mostly leftists MANDATED the vaccine, required it for employment, fire anybody who wouldn't get it.

If the vaccine is in fact so flawed that the best choice is not to take it, certainly those who forced it on people should be held accountable. Trump didn't do that.
AstraZeneca had stated two weeks ago that their COVID-19 vaccine can kill people.

I"m sure all the vaccinated people would tell AstraZeneca they are lying about their COVID-19 vaccine killing people. They would would argue with them that their vaccine is safe. Now their deadly vaccine is being withdrawn.

We have to stay on top of these things. We are telling the truth and we know the truth. They keep mislabeling our truths as "conspiracy theories" because they love those deadly covid vaccines, and that's so sad. 😢

The real conspiracy theory was being told the COVID-19 vaccines were "safe and affective, yet the vaccinated people would NEVER label that lie as a conspiracy theory because Biden kept uttering it.
There’s good reason Deep State made a law that won’t let anyone sue them for what the jab did to them.

A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness​

LOL....I KNEW this was gonna make an appearance. :auiqs.jpg:

Deworm away, ye faithful members of Alt-Right Nation. :laughing0301::laughing0301:
Your savior...has been exonerated. :)
The real story is the hundreds of thousands of injuries caused by their mysterious substance.
Uh-huh. Well, you run with that.
I find it depressing that grown adults are so steeped in conspiracy theories they don't know which end is up anymore.

Sad. :(
Looks like there are some "rare" side effects.

It's not a conspiracy that some of these vaccines can cause side effects. We've known this for a long time.

The conspiracy is that you don't take vaccines because of it. Loads of people died because of not having vaccines at the beginning, less people died because of the vaccines than people who died because of the coronavirus.
It's not a conspiracy that some of these vaccines can cause side effects. We've known this for a long time.

The conspiracy is that you don't take vaccines because of it. Loads of people died because of not having vaccines at the beginning, less people died because of the vaccines than people who died because of the coronavirus.
Really? Then WHY was anyone who attempted to question anything in 2020 and 2021, silenced on social media? Why was it called "safe and effective"? Why were side effects shoved under the rug?

These "vaccines" are anything but. They don't stop the transmission of covid (we were told they would), and in fact you're more likely to get covid after you've had the shots. You go ahead and take all your boosters - and let's see what kind of shape you are in, in 10 more years., Meanwhile, I will count on my own body's immune system.
Really? Then WHY was anyone who attempted to question anything in 2020 and 2021, silenced on social media? Why was it called "safe and effective"? Why were side effects shoved under the rug?

These "vaccines" are anything but. They don't stop the transmission of covid (we were told they would), and in fact you're more likely to get covid after you've had the shots. You go ahead and take all your boosters - and let's see what kind of shape you are in, in 10 more years., Meanwhile, I will count on my own body's immune system.

Because narratives were trying to take over.


Death rates went from 5,000 to 25,000 deaths per week in the US before the vaccines. After the vaccine it went down to 2,500 to 19,000 deaths per week. A year after the vaccines came in, death rates hit 5,000 a week once, which might just be a statistics thing in the first place.

Someone comes along and says "the vaccines are bad" and people don't take the vaccines and then the death rates stay much higher and many more people die, because of what? Because the control of the message isn't in the hands of people who are trying to keep deaths down.

Who was controlling the message? A big chance that Russia was there telling people what to think. You prefer foreign countries having their "freedom of speech" (just like China said it has freedom of speech in the US by trying to sue the govt over the TikTok ban.) than the govt controlling the message instead?

The future is going to be about how much the govt can control the message, without that control, the country is FUCKED.
Trump didn't develop the vaccine. He facilitated development of one. He took it and says he would again. He NEVER mandated it or said anyone SHOULD get it. And he certainly never punished anybody for not getting it. And he opposed the mandates.

He did more then fascilitate. He ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA, threw billions of socialist money at big pharma while he bullied his own federal agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Biden and blue state governors however and other mostly leftists MANDATED the vaccine, required it for employment, fire anybody who wouldn't get it.

For federal employment yes. Not the first time and not the last. How is your polio vaccine working out for you? Did you know their are possible side effects for that?

I was mandated to take the anthrax vaccine...all 5 or 6 shots in the series. There are side effects for that vaccine too.

Mandates aside what about those who trusted Trump? Who were not mandated but believed what Trump was telling them and so took the vaccine? Do they have a voice? Do you care about them and holding someone accountable?

I think in your eagerness to shed all culpability from Trump you have overlooked that segment of the population.

If the vaccine is in fact so flawed that the best choice is not to take it, certainly those who forced it on people should be held accountable. Trump didn't do that.
Again, vaccine mandates are not new. I suppose you could try to hold people accountable for trusting Trump's vaccine but that doesn't really address the core of the problem and that is Trump's embracement of the vaccine for his own political benefit.
He did more then fascilitate. He ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA, threw billions of socialist money at big pharma while he bullied his own federal agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

For federal employment yes. Not the first time and not the last. How is your polio vaccine working out for you? Did you know their are possible side effects for that?

I was mandated to take the anthrax vaccine...all 5 or 6 shots in the series. There are side effects for that vaccine too.

Mandates aside what about those who trusted Trump? Who were not mandated but believed what Trump was telling them and so took the vaccine? Do they have a voice? Do you care about them and holding someone accountable?

I think in your eagerness to shed all culpability from Trump you have overlooked that segment of the population.

Again, vaccine mandates are not new. I suppose you could try to hold people accountable for trusting Trump's vaccine but that doesn't really address the core of the problem and that is Trump's embracement of the vaccine for his own political benefit.

Do you have this sitting by for a copy/paste, I certainly hope so... and you're not so stupid as to retype it the dozens and dozens (maybe 100's :auiqs.jpg:) of times you've posted it on this site.
He did more then fascilitate. He ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA, threw billions of socialist money at big pharma while he bullied his own federal agencies to approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

For federal employment yes. Not the first time and not the last. How is your polio vaccine working out for you? Did you know their are possible side effects for that?

I was mandated to take the anthrax vaccine...all 5 or 6 shots in the series. There are side effects for that vaccine too.

Mandates aside what about those who trusted Trump? Who were not mandated but believed what Trump was telling them and so took the vaccine? Do they have a voice? Do you care about them and holding someone accountable?

I think in your eagerness to shed all culpability from Trump you have overlooked that segment of the population.

Again, vaccine mandates are not new. I suppose you could try to hold people accountable for trusting Trump's vaccine but that doesn't really address the core of the problem and that is Trump's embracement of the vaccine for his own political benefit.
I'm sure you believe all that garbage but I strongly prefer not to deal with chopped up posts that destroy context and most especially when the inferences are something very different than what actually happened. Do have a great day.
Do you have this sitting by for a copy/paste, I certainly hope so... and you're not so stupid as to retype it the dozens and dozens (maybe 100's :auiqs.jpg:) of times you've posted it on this site.
No. If you do a search you will likely see small deviations between postings.

Have fun.
I'm sure you believe all that garbage but I strongly prefer not to deal with chopped up posts that destroy context and most especially when the inferences are something very different than what actually happened. Do have a great day.
What do you believe didn't happen?

Feel free to point something out and I will back it up.

Your turn.

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