Constitution Down


Silver Member
Jul 26, 2014
Missouri, United States

Like an earthquake racing through the fault line
Silent stalkers creep
Ardor of a tangible delusion skewing what remains as real
A sinister and unexpected raid infiltrates like a thief unheard
Demarcation of coherence and delirium crumbles to the floor
Comprehension awry
Vacillating powers of the spirit formally at war
Dialectics failing by the minute
Imps possess the child she bore
Fractured soul
Constitution down
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down
Allocate the unsound
The unknown is the cross to endure
Still no assessments ensure
Breakdown of chaos prevails
What does tomorrow entail?
Fractured soul
Constitution down
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down
Allocate the unsound
The Constitution's been TP for the DNC for a long, LONG time. Started way back in in 1861 when the GOP were the leftwingnuts. Lincoln trashed the Constitution by force of arms.
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down

In our fascist country the bureaucrats can do whatever the fuck they believe is good for us because we are stupid.

Jonathan Gruber
The majority of the American people aren't stupid. They are ignorant. They don't inform themselves of all the facts and they believe everything the media tells them. The majority of people are "sheeple."
This video was for Bush but it also applies to Obama.

Safe from pain, and truth, and choice... Don't become a sheep... There is no such thing as freedom, it is just an illusion... We are being controlled by the media turning us into sheep that follow our leaders blindly... Obama is not the leader... Its the men we don't see that pull the strings of America... Virtually brain-washing us... Fight the government... Don't become a sheep...

Like an earthquake racing through the fault line
Silent stalkers creep
Ardor of a tangible delusion skewing what remains as real
A sinister and unexpected raid infiltrates like a thief unheard
Demarcation of coherence and delirium crumbles to the floor
Comprehension awry
Vacillating powers of the spirit formally at war
Dialectics failing by the minute
Imps possess the child she bore
Fractured soul
Constitution down
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down
Allocate the unsound
The unknown is the cross to endure
Still no assessments ensure
Breakdown of chaos prevails
What does tomorrow entail?
Fractured soul
Constitution down
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down
Allocate the unsound

Reminded me of the scene in "Shakespeare in Love" "We don't have time, talk prose." :)
Hope is gone
Allocate the unsound
Constitution down

In our fascist country the bureaucrats can do whatever the fuck they believe is good for us because we are stupid.

Jonathan Gruber
The majority of the American people aren't stupid. They are ignorant. They don't inform themselves of all the facts and they believe everything the media tells them. The majority of people are "sheeple."

You want answers?

You can't handle the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Constitution's been TP for the DNC for a long, LONG time. Started way back in in 1861 when the GOP were the leftwingnuts. Lincoln trashed the Constitution by force of arms.

Confederates were pussies.

You lost, get over it.

Winners write history.

Fuck off.

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