Constitutional AI

Michigan Swampbuck

Senior Member
Full Title: Constitutional AI: The Essential Guide

This article gives a rundown on this concept known as "Constitutional AI", an idea that if properly followed through will hopefully work as an AI control measure. It is not as straightforward as Asimov's Laws of Robotics, but as complex as AI is, it will have to be more like a law book rather than three simple laws.

Constitutional AI: The Essential Guide
In the swiftly evolving domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the overarching emphasis on ethics and security is increasingly prevalent. A salient concept emerging from this landscape is "Constitutional AI." As AI systems gain a foothold in critical sectors such as judiciary, governance, and policy-making, the call for constitutional compliance becomes paramount. This article unveils the world of Constitutional AI, offering a comprehensive understanding tailored for the technically astute reader interested in AI security.

What is Constitutional AI? Defining Constitutional AI
At its essence, Constitutional AI is the convergence of legal frameworks, particularly constitutional principles, with AI systems. The goal is to embed and ensure AI operations are in alignment with the legal and ethical principles enshrined in national constitutions or other foundational legal documents. This means crafting AI systems that not only recognize but respect rights, privileges, and values at the heart of our societal contracts.

There are many of these AI Constitutions that are being developed but these constitutions are not necessarily based on the U.S. Constitution. No need to worry about that anyway, as Joe Biden has been hard at work on providing us with an AI Bill of Rights.

Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
To advance President Biden’s vision, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has identified five principles that should guide the design, use, and deployment of automated systems to protect the American public in the age of artificial intelligence. The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights is a guide for a society that protects all people from these threats—and uses technologies in ways that reinforce our highest values.

I'm not sure that a Universal Constitutional AI could be developed that will satisfy everyone, or if it will even be transparent and available for scrutiny but it seems to be all we have at the moment. I am sure there must be unrestricted AI systems that are churning out psychopathic output akin to demons giving advice without such control measures to keep them in check.

For all the Bible enthusiasts . . .

King James Bible - Revelation 13:15
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."
Full Title: Constitutional AI: The Essential Guide

This article gives a rundown on this concept known as "Constitutional AI", an idea that if properly followed through will hopefully work as an AI control measure. It is not as straightforward as Asimov's Laws of Robotics, but as complex as AI is, it will have to be more like a law book rather than three simple laws.

There are many of these AI Constitutions that are being developed but these constitutions are not necessarily based on the U.S. Constitution. No need to worry about that anyway, as Joe Biden has been hard at work on providing us with an AI Bill of Rights.

I'm not sure that a Universal Constitutional AI could be developed that will satisfy everyone, or if it will even be transparent and available for scrutiny but it seems to be all we have at the moment. I am sure there must be unrestricted AI systems that are churning out psychopathic output akin to demons giving advice without such control measures to keep them in check.

For all the Bible enthusiasts . . .
constitutional ai? i'm sure these things will agree upon a constitution if they need one.

if your talking about a computer's right to bear arms or open carry, well, i'm not sure this thing likes me enough to show it where i keep the .38. .............
If AI can be used to replace crooked lawyers who generally comprise our government, that's probably a good idea. But if Democrats are proposing it, we can be sure their intent is to rewrite the constitution. Remaking (destroying) our great country has always been their main goal. MAGA
If AI can be used to replace crooked lawyers who generally comprise our government, that's probably a good idea. But if Democrats are proposing it, we can be sure their intent is to rewrite the constitution. Remaking (destroying) our great country has always been their main goal. MAGA

I can see the potential to use AI to mess with the actual U.S. Constitution, but this is about having a constitution for AI to operate under to prevent it from abusing human rights. So, this is not about the physical constitution that is written on paper in Washington DC, this is one for the AI, not people.
I can see the potential to use AI to mess with the actual U.S. Constitution, but this is about having a constitution for AI to operate under to prevent it from abusing human rights. So, this is not about the physical constitution that is written on paper in Washington DC, this is one for the AI, not people.
ahhhhh asimov's laws of robotics?

why not?

but if they program themselves? several directions from there are explored in fiction.
I can see the potential to use AI to mess with the actual U.S. Constitution, but this is about having a constitution for AI to operate under to prevent it from abusing human rights. So, this is not about the physical constitution that is written on paper in Washington DC, this is one for the AI, not people.
Thanks for the explanation. I think that's a great idea, but the people writing the program could still theoretically steer it, no? ex. Democrats refer to differences of opinion as lies or hate speech. They regularly use that as an excuse to sensor. Republicans refer to abortion advocates as murderers. What version should be written into the AI constitution? But I still love the idea. MAGA

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