Constitutional Carry, carrying a gun without a permit, heading to Texas Governor's desk....good for them...

It was also the weapon of choice for certain fictional gun slingers from Missourahhh:



"To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat same as worms."

Remember, Josey Wales was a democrat....fighting for the side that wanted to keep slaves.
It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?

"The Right to keep and bear arms."
It is about time...

Yup. Why do all the heavy lifting fixing Texas's unreliable power grid? Better to go for this kind of foolish legislations. Texans don't deserve any better.

Texas power grid needs a small fix for the rarest of rare extreme cold weather. What failed Texas? Solar and Wind that completely failed the state by a rate of about 90%.........

Winterize the coal and natural gas plants, replace the solar and wind stupidity with coal, natural gas and nuclear and Texas is golden.
There are always unintended consequences but I hope not. I can't wait to here the media crying. On the other hand when they passed open carry law people were all worried about that but it turned out to be much ado about nothing.
It is about time...

Food for thought.


Id be willing to try this in a state which bans open carry. If for no other reason than I love to find ways to stick it to the state over their ridiculous and disgusting laws.
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It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?

I didn't read where it even addresses "concealed". It states that people can carry without getting permission. As it should be. I say that as someone that does not own a gun and really has no need for one.

The Second Amendment doesn't need to address whether a weapon is concealed or not. It was the The Ninth Amendment that affirmed the existence of such penumbral or “unenumerated” rights outside those expressly protected by the Bill of Rights:

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This was examined by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut, where they determined that the “specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance."

For example: although privacy is not mentioned in the Constitution, it is one of the values served and protected by the First Amendment. Just as how I carry my weapon and what type of weapon I chose to carry, are penumbral rights protected by the Second Amendment.
It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?

I didn't read where it even addresses "concealed". It states that people can carry without getting permission. As it should be. I say that as someone that does not own a gun and really has no need for one.

The Second Amendment doesn't need to address whether a weapon is concealed or not. It was the The Ninth Amendment that affirmed the existence of such penumbral or “unenumerated” rights outside those expressly protected by the Bill of Rights:

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This was examined by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut, where they determined that the “specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance."

For example: although privacy is not mentioned in the Constitution, it is one of the values served and protected by the First Amendment. Just as how I carry my weapon and what type of weapon I chose to carry, are penumbral rights protected by the Second Amendment.

Goose and gander .....
It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?
Doesn't work that way, the Constitution isn't the originator of rights, nor was it ever designed to be, it was designed to limit the authority of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the Bill of Rights was added to PROTECT certain rights deemed indispensable by the authors and the 9th and 10th Amendments make it clear that all other rights and powers not enumerated are reserved to the States and the People.

So yeah, as a citizen you have the right to carry a concealed weapon unless your State comes along and tells you can't, the Federal Government doesn't enter into the equation because nowhere in the Constitution is it granted the authority to prevent you from doing it within the bounds of your State (hint the dickheads in Washington can't bastardize the Commerce Clause far enough to manufacture a justification on this one).
It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?

I didn't read where it even addresses "concealed". It states that people can carry without getting permission. As it should be. I say that as someone that does not own a gun and really has no need for one.

The Second Amendment doesn't need to address whether a weapon is concealed or not. It was the The Ninth Amendment that affirmed the existence of such penumbral or “unenumerated” rights outside those expressly protected by the Bill of Rights:

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

This was examined by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut, where they determined that the “specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance."

For example: although privacy is not mentioned in the Constitution, it is one of the values served and protected by the First Amendment. Just as how I carry my weapon and what type of weapon I chose to carry, are penumbral rights protected by the Second Amendment.

Goose and gander .....

That right there is why they'll probably never be able to ban semi-auto modern sporting rifles like the AR and AK.
It is about time...

Yup. Why do all the heavy lifting fixing Texas's unreliable power grid? Better to go for this kind of foolish legislations. Texans don't deserve any better.

Texas power grid needs a small fix for the rarest of rare extreme cold weather. What failed Texas? Solar and Wind that completely failed the state by a rate of about 90%.........

Winterize the coal and natural gas plants, replace the solar and wind stupidity with coal, natural gas and nuclear and Texas is golden.
I love this regurgitation of right-wing nut case talking points. What's next? AOC personally came to Texas to sabotage your grid? LOL

No wonder Texans are in this mess. They are gullible enough to believe everything that their right-wing leaders put out.

Quit lying, ok? You can't just pull bogus "facts" out of your ass and expect anyone to take you seriously.

"Perhaps the most straightforward view of what transpired is given by the chart below. It shows the change in power output by fuel in Texas between January 18th and February 17th. Not only did coal and gas power hold up better than wind, which fell by over 90%, but gas turbine generators increased output by a massive 450%, nearly making up for the shortfall in wind. But this proved to be not enough to cover surging power demand brought on by the Arctic blast. It takes chutzpah to assert that because gas, coal and nuclear power did not operate at 100% of expected potential, they “failed” even though wind failed by nearly 100%."

Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators.
It is about time...

I'm just trying to figure out where in the constitution it says states have a right to regulate carrying guns via licenses.

The Constitution is all the license I need.
It is about time...

Where does the constitution claim the right to concealed weapons?

Where does it say it has to be carried out in the open?
Yup. Why do all the heavy lifting fixing Texas's unreliable power grid? Better to go for this kind of foolish legislations. Texans don't deserve any better.
It's absolutely impossible to walk and chew gum at the same time.
It is about time...

Yup. Why do all the heavy lifting fixing Texas's unreliable power grid? Better to go for this kind of foolish legislations. Texans don't deserve any better.

Texas power grid needs a small fix for the rarest of rare extreme cold weather. What failed Texas? Solar and Wind that completely failed the state by a rate of about 90%.........

Winterize the coal and natural gas plants, replace the solar and wind stupidity with coal, natural gas and nuclear and Texas is golden.
I love this regurgitation of right-wing nut case talking points. What's next? AOC personally came to Texas to sabotage your grid? LOL

No wonder Texans are in this mess. They are gullible enough to believe everything that their right-wing leaders put out.

Quit lying, ok? You can't just pull bogus "facts" out of your ass and expect anyone to take you seriously.

"Perhaps the most straightforward view of what transpired is given by the chart below. It shows the change in power output by fuel in Texas between January 18th and February 17th. Not only did coal and gas power hold up better than wind, which fell by over 90%, but gas turbine generators increased output by a massive 450%, nearly making up for the shortfall in wind. But this proved to be not enough to cover surging power demand brought on by the Arctic blast. It takes chutzpah to assert that because gas, coal and nuclear power did not operate at 100% of expected potential, they “failed” even though wind failed by nearly 100%."

Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators.
Really? This is your source? A site that openly lists its hatred for the wind industry? And not just that, they are from Australia - not even from the US, let alone Texas and you want me to accept the claim? And you numbnuts wonder why the world laughs at you.

From your linked site - About page:
We started as a kitchen table group of citizens concerned about what is happening across rural and regional Australia, by the harm being done by the wind industry, in partnership with governments.

Since we began in December 2012, we have added to our concerns the economic and social harm caused by rocketing power prices and unreliable power supplies, the product of heavily subsidised and intermittent wind power: the results that have played out in Australia’s wind power capital, South Australia, will cripple that State at an economic and social level for decades to come.

So, BZZZZZ. Deep fail. Try again.
Doesn't work that way, the Constitution isn't the originator of rights, nor was it ever designed to be, it was designed to limit the authority of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the Bill of Rights was added to PROTECT certain rights deemed indispensable by the authors and the 9th and 10th Amendments make it clear that all other rights and powers not enumerated are reserved to the States and the People.

So yeah, as a citizen you have the right to carry a concealed weapon unless your State comes along and tells you can't, the Federal Government doesn't enter into the equation because nowhere in the Constitution is it granted the authority to prevent you from doing it within the bounds of your State (hint the dickheads in Washington can't bastardize the Commerce Clause far enough to manufacture a justification on this one).

Good points, No Offense ... But the last four words in the 10th Amendment are ... "or the People".
That's right, the Founders granted We the People that ability to govern our communities, or ourselves, if we didn't want to grant the State the Power.

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Doesn't work that way, the Constitution isn't the originator of rights, nor was it ever designed to be, it was designed to limit the authority of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the Bill of Rights was added to PROTECT certain rights deemed indispensable by the authors and the 9th and 10th Amendments make it clear that all other rights and powers not enumerated are reserved to the States and the People.

So yeah, as a citizen you have the right to carry a concealed weapon unless your State comes along and tells you can't, the Federal Government doesn't enter into the equation because nowhere in the Constitution is it granted the authority to prevent you from doing it within the bounds of your State (hint the dickheads in Washington can't bastardize the Commerce Clause far enough to manufacture a justification on this one).

Good points, No Offense ... But the last four words in the 10th Amendment are ... "or the People".
That's right, the Founders granted We the People that ability to govern our communities, or ourselves, if we didn't want to grant or State the Power.

You're correct regarding the wording of the 10th, I mistakenly tend to smoosh the 9th and 10th together by and'ing it instead of or'ing it. :)

Thanks for pointing that out.

"No matter how correct a mathematical theorem may appear to be, one ought never to be satisfied that there was not something imperfect about it until it also gives the impression of being beautiful." -- George Boole
It is about time...

Yup. Why do all the heavy lifting fixing Texas's unreliable power grid? Better to go for this kind of foolish legislations. Texans don't deserve any better.

Texas power grid needs a small fix for the rarest of rare extreme cold weather. What failed Texas? Solar and Wind that completely failed the state by a rate of about 90%.........

Winterize the coal and natural gas plants, replace the solar and wind stupidity with coal, natural gas and nuclear and Texas is golden.
I love this regurgitation of right-wing nut case talking points. What's next? AOC personally came to Texas to sabotage your grid? LOL

No wonder Texans are in this mess. They are gullible enough to believe everything that their right-wing leaders put out.

Quit lying, ok? You can't just pull bogus "facts" out of your ass and expect anyone to take you seriously.

"Perhaps the most straightforward view of what transpired is given by the chart below. It shows the change in power output by fuel in Texas between January 18th and February 17th. Not only did coal and gas power hold up better than wind, which fell by over 90%, but gas turbine generators increased output by a massive 450%, nearly making up for the shortfall in wind. But this proved to be not enough to cover surging power demand brought on by the Arctic blast. It takes chutzpah to assert that because gas, coal and nuclear power did not operate at 100% of expected potential, they “failed” even though wind failed by nearly 100%."

Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators.
Really? This is your source? A site that openly lists its hatred for the wind industry? And not just that, they are from Australia - not even from the US, let alone Texas and you want me to accept the claim? And you numbnuts wonder why the world laughs at you.

From your linked site - About page:
We started as a kitchen table group of citizens concerned about what is happening across rural and regional Australia, by the harm being done by the wind industry, in partnership with governments.

Since we began in December 2012, we have added to our concerns the economic and social harm caused by rocketing power prices and unreliable power supplies, the product of heavily subsidised and intermittent wind power: the results that have played out in Australia’s wind power capital, South Australia, will cripple that State at an economic and social level for decades to come.

So, BZZZZZ. Deep fail. Try again.

Well show me another source that states otherwise, or shut the fuck up.

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