Consumer Reports: 2015 Tesla highest-rated vehicle ever tested

Silly ass. There are already batteries that far exceed those parameters in labs in various countries. A very big race for a very big prize for whomever can deliver a mass produced battery that has those performance and cost parameters.
Silly ass. There are already batteries that far exceed those parameters in labs in various countries.
Good idea.......put a hitch on the back of the Tesla......and tow a lab trailer around to keep the batteries changed. .... :lol: :lol:
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The only thing keeping Telsa afloat is tax credits

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

First of all, let’s stipulate that the Tesla model S is a pretty cool looking car, that the high-end version accelerates like a rocket, and that its massive, low center of gravity pretty much inures it against a rollover. Next, let’s congratulate Elon Musk on paying off his half-billion dollar federal loan ahead of time. Finally, thanks to everyone in the country for helping to make this possible, and for continuing to do so.

The public is still on the hook for Tesla, and will be for the foreseeable future.

First, there’s the $7500 taxback bonus that every buyer gets and every taxpayer pays. Then there are generous state subsidies ($2500 in California, $4000 in Illinois—the bluer the state, the more the taxpayers get gouged), all paid to people forking out $63K (plus taxes) for the base version, to roughly $100K for the really quick one.

The latest round of Tesla wonderment came when it reported its first quarterly profit earlier this month. TSLA stock darned near doubled in a week. Musk then borrowed $150 million from Goldman Sachs (shocking!) and floated a cool billion in new stock and long-term debt. That’s how we—the taxpayers—were repaid.

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

According to Open Secrets. Org "Companies with interests in oil and gas contributed more than $70 million to federal candidates in the 2012 cycle", "90 percent of its contributions went to the GOP." - according to Oil Change International the U.S. fossil fuel ROI/subsidies is estimated to be $37.5 billion annually.

Also, there are the externalities that come from the use of fossil fuels to consider.


Still doesn't take away the fact that without the government Tesla wouldn't exist. The taxpayer is getting hosed....again. You thought you had a winner but didn't dig deep enough and all you have is a wiener

Did the light bulb in your head finally get the electricity it needed to for you to see the light? You're absolutely right there are lots and lots-o-stuff including Tesla that wouldn't exist without government funded R&D and or government subsidies - for Ex: Indiana's State Funded Universities.

Below is Laura Clawson's short/incomplete list of stuff that wouldn't exist without government support...

Be sure to click the link so you can sign the purity pledge to never use any government funded... um, government funded anything.

  • Social Security

  • Medicare/Medicaid

  • State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

  • Police, Fire, and Emergency Services

  • US Postal Service

  • Roads and Highways

  • Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)

  • The US Railway System

  • Public Subways and Metro Systems

  • Public Bus and Lightrail Systems

  • Rest Areas on Highways

  • Sidewalks

  • All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations)

  • Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)

  • Public and State Universities and Colleges

  • Public Primary and Secondary Schools

  • Sesame Street

  • Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children

  • Public Museums

  • Libraries

  • Public Parks and Beaches

  • State and National Parks

  • Public Zoos

  • Unemployment Insurance

  • Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services

  • Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)

  • Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)

  • Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)

  • Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking

  • Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies

  • Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies

Without the government, the transcontinental railroads would not exist. Without the government, aviation as we know it, would not exist. Without the government, GM and Chrysler would not exist. Without the government, rural areas of this nation would not have electricity. Without the government, we would have no nuclear generating capacity at all. Without the government, we would not have the satellites that give us the warning system for hurricanes and other weather systems.

The government bet some taxpayer money on a new technology. That bet paid off. Now we have Tesla building the leading edge vehicle in the whole world right here in the US. A vehicle that for less than 150K can run rings around a 500K Mercedes. How long has it been since an American vehicle flat out beats a much more expensive German vehicle?

Without government we wouldn't have the highways or roads that we enjoy!!! Tax payers have been paying for roads back all the way to Ancient Rome and Greece.
Without government we wouldn't have the internet!!!
Without government we wouldn't have the cdc, usgs network of obs to observe earthquakes or clean air, water and food standards.
The trade post and some of the greatest exploration in human history were all backed up by government.
The early colleges had charters by government.

yet these idiots want to do away with government for some weird ass reason that doesn't make a ounce of sense.

And that argument allows you to completely overlook the absurdity of giving tax dollars to a Billionaire so he can make trophy cars for Millionaires?? No wonder you think the Feds are the only hope for spending research dollars wisely...
So Star comes back with the old "oil companies killed the electric car" tale AGAIN.. We've heard that story 30 years ago. When electric cars WOULD have been a joke..
The only thing keeping Telsa afloat is tax credits

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

First of all, let’s stipulate that the Tesla model S is a pretty cool looking car, that the high-end version accelerates like a rocket, and that its massive, low center of gravity pretty much inures it against a rollover. Next, let’s congratulate Elon Musk on paying off his half-billion dollar federal loan ahead of time. Finally, thanks to everyone in the country for helping to make this possible, and for continuing to do so.

The public is still on the hook for Tesla, and will be for the foreseeable future.

First, there’s the $7500 taxback bonus that every buyer gets and every taxpayer pays. Then there are generous state subsidies ($2500 in California, $4000 in Illinois—the bluer the state, the more the taxpayers get gouged), all paid to people forking out $63K (plus taxes) for the base version, to roughly $100K for the really quick one.

The latest round of Tesla wonderment came when it reported its first quarterly profit earlier this month. TSLA stock darned near doubled in a week. Musk then borrowed $150 million from Goldman Sachs (shocking!) and floated a cool billion in new stock and long-term debt. That’s how we—the taxpayers—were repaid.

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

According to Open Secrets. Org "Companies with interests in oil and gas contributed more than $70 million to federal candidates in the 2012 cycle", "90 percent of its contributions went to the GOP." - according to Oil Change International the U.S. fossil fuel ROI/subsidies is estimated to be $37.5 billion annually.

Also, there are the externalities that come from the use of fossil fuels to consider.


Still doesn't take away the fact that without the government Tesla wouldn't exist. The taxpayer is getting hosed....again. You thought you had a winner but didn't dig deep enough and all you have is a wiener

Did the light bulb in your head finally get the electricity it needed to for you to see the light? You're absolutely right there are lots and lots-o-stuff including Tesla that wouldn't exist without government funded R&D and or government subsidies - for Ex: Indiana's State Funded Universities.

Below is Laura Clawson's short/incomplete list of stuff that wouldn't exist without government support...

Be sure to click the link so you can sign the purity pledge to never use any government funded... um, government funded anything.

  • Social Security

  • Medicare/Medicaid

  • State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

  • Police, Fire, and Emergency Services

  • US Postal Service

  • Roads and Highways

  • Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)

  • The US Railway System

  • Public Subways and Metro Systems

  • Public Bus and Lightrail Systems

  • Rest Areas on Highways

  • Sidewalks

  • All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations)

  • Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)

  • Public and State Universities and Colleges

  • Public Primary and Secondary Schools

  • Sesame Street

  • Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children

  • Public Museums

  • Libraries

  • Public Parks and Beaches

  • State and National Parks

  • Public Zoos

  • Unemployment Insurance

  • Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services

  • Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)

  • Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)

  • Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)

  • Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking

  • Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies

  • Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies


Save it, the taxpayer shouldn't be funding Tesla and w/o the taxpayer they would be belly up. Just a fact
The only thing keeping Telsa afloat is tax credits

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

First of all, let’s stipulate that the Tesla model S is a pretty cool looking car, that the high-end version accelerates like a rocket, and that its massive, low center of gravity pretty much inures it against a rollover. Next, let’s congratulate Elon Musk on paying off his half-billion dollar federal loan ahead of time. Finally, thanks to everyone in the country for helping to make this possible, and for continuing to do so.

The public is still on the hook for Tesla, and will be for the foreseeable future.

First, there’s the $7500 taxback bonus that every buyer gets and every taxpayer pays. Then there are generous state subsidies ($2500 in California, $4000 in Illinois—the bluer the state, the more the taxpayers get gouged), all paid to people forking out $63K (plus taxes) for the base version, to roughly $100K for the really quick one.

The latest round of Tesla wonderment came when it reported its first quarterly profit earlier this month. TSLA stock darned near doubled in a week. Musk then borrowed $150 million from Goldman Sachs (shocking!) and floated a cool billion in new stock and long-term debt. That’s how we—the taxpayers—were repaid.

If Tesla Would Stop Selling Cars, We'd All Save Some Money

According to Open Secrets. Org "Companies with interests in oil and gas contributed more than $70 million to federal candidates in the 2012 cycle", "90 percent of its contributions went to the GOP." - according to Oil Change International the U.S. fossil fuel ROI/subsidies is estimated to be $37.5 billion annually.

Also, there are the externalities that come from the use of fossil fuels to consider.


Still doesn't take away the fact that without the government Tesla wouldn't exist. The taxpayer is getting hosed....again. You thought you had a winner but didn't dig deep enough and all you have is a wiener

Did the light bulb in your head finally get the electricity it needed to for you to see the light? You're absolutely right there are lots and lots-o-stuff including Tesla that wouldn't exist without government funded R&D and or government subsidies - for Ex: Indiana's State Funded Universities.

Below is Laura Clawson's short/incomplete list of stuff that wouldn't exist without government support...

Be sure to click the link so you can sign the purity pledge to never use any government funded... um, government funded anything.

  • Social Security

  • Medicare/Medicaid

  • State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

  • Police, Fire, and Emergency Services

  • US Postal Service

  • Roads and Highways

  • Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)

  • The US Railway System

  • Public Subways and Metro Systems

  • Public Bus and Lightrail Systems

  • Rest Areas on Highways

  • Sidewalks

  • All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations)

  • Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)

  • Public and State Universities and Colleges

  • Public Primary and Secondary Schools

  • Sesame Street

  • Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children

  • Public Museums

  • Libraries

  • Public Parks and Beaches

  • State and National Parks

  • Public Zoos

  • Unemployment Insurance

  • Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services

  • Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)

  • Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)

  • Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)

  • Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking

  • Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies

  • Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies


Save it, the taxpayer shouldn't be funding Tesla and w/o the taxpayer they would be belly up. Just a fact

Exactly --- Musk has become a welfare queen from the Feds. When you fund HIM -- you kill off others that MIGHT want to try to compete with him and make REALISTIC electric cars for the masses.

Neither Rocksie or Matthew or Star would understand how that works to the DISADVANTAGE of the consumer or the planet..
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Opened the first "solar powered" charging station this year. Not a SINGLE detail about the solar installation that looks about the same as for a couple home installations. Not a way in HELL that those panels (or the mongous batteries associated with them) could completely "fast charge" more than a single Model S a day..

And drawing that much power for a "FAST" charge from batteries only is not practical and dangerous.
FAST charge for the S is at 480V and about 120KW.. Don't know if the 120KW is PEAK or avg or what since Tesla controls ALL of it's own "fast charge" stations and considers this "proprietary"..

Typical home solar is about 4 or 5 KWatt --- So you do the math -- look at the wimpy panels at Elon's "solar" charging stations and draw your own conclusions....

It's all show biz... And it's being done on the taxpayer dime and devious claims that prop up his stock value..
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...
Looks to me as if he has coast to coast surpercharging stations right now, just as promised.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Gotta love the hate these 'Conservatives' have for anything that does not pollute. Read the article. Sour grapes from losers that failed to invest in Tesla.
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Gotta love the hate these 'Conservatives' have for anything that does not pollute. Read the article. Sour grapes from losers that failed to invest in Tesla.

Once again, without taxpayer input Tesla wouldn't exist. You're being duped, fool. Besides Tesla is overvalued, it's a holding the players manipulate to make money on. Nothing more and nothing less
Opened the first "solar powered" charging station this year. Not a SINGLE detail about the solar installation that looks about the same as for a couple home installations. Not a way in HELL that those panels (or the mongous batteries associated with them) could completely "fast charge" more than a single Model S a day..

And drawing that much power for a "FAST" charge from batteries only is not practical and dangerous.
FAST charge for the S is at 480V and about 120KW.. Don't know if the 120KW is PEAK or avg or what since Tesla controls ALL of it's own "fast charge" stations and considers this "proprietary"..

Typical home solar is about 4 or 5 KWatt --- So you do the math -- look at the wimpy panels at Elon's "solar" charging stations and draw your own conclusions....

It's all show biz... And it's being done on the taxpayer dime and devious claims that prop up his stock value..
Musk's Solar City division produces and puts on the grid enough electricity to power all the Tesla's in the USA ten times over. So you could say that he does power his Super Chargers with solar even though they are connected to the grid.
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Gotta love the hate these 'Conservatives' have for anything that does not pollute. Read the article. Sour grapes from losers that failed to invest in Tesla.

Once again, without taxpayer input Tesla wouldn't exist. You're being duped, fool. Besides Tesla is overvalued, it's a holding the players manipulate to make money on. Nothing more and nothing less
Without the original government input, our rail system would not exist. Same for our aviation system. And the Internet, more recently. You 'Conservatives' only think that government is evil when it is empowering the individual, rather than corporations and the very rich. The Tesla is the leader for what will be a real revolution in vehicles as the batteries develop higher energy densities.
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Gotta love the hate these 'Conservatives' have for anything that does not pollute. Read the article. Sour grapes from losers that failed to invest in Tesla.

Once again, without taxpayer input Tesla wouldn't exist. You're being duped, fool. Besides Tesla is overvalued, it's a holding the players manipulate to make money on. Nothing more and nothing less
Without the original government input, our rail system would not exist. Same for our aviation system. And the Internet, more recently. You 'Conservatives' only think that government is evil when it is empowering the individual, rather than corporations and the very rich. The Tesla is the leader for what will be a real revolution in vehicles as the batteries develop higher energy densities.

Fine then Tesla should be making sure the taxpayers get a taxpayers use the rails, aviation and internet. You have failed with that fallacy
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...
Looks to me as if he has coast to coast surpercharging stations right now, just as promised.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Yeah -- because he's been FORCED to open dealerships that he originally said he wouldn't need. Big fancy showrooms to sell 10 cars a year.. There's a free charger out back..
Opened the first "solar powered" charging station this year. Not a SINGLE detail about the solar installation that looks about the same as for a couple home installations. Not a way in HELL that those panels (or the mongous batteries associated with them) could completely "fast charge" more than a single Model S a day..

And drawing that much power for a "FAST" charge from batteries only is not practical and dangerous.
FAST charge for the S is at 480V and about 120KW.. Don't know if the 120KW is PEAK or avg or what since Tesla controls ALL of it's own "fast charge" stations and considers this "proprietary"..

Typical home solar is about 4 or 5 KWatt --- So you do the math -- look at the wimpy panels at Elon's "solar" charging stations and draw your own conclusions....

It's all show biz... And it's being done on the taxpayer dime and devious claims that prop up his stock value..

The United States has 212 charging stations with more in the works.

Check out the interactive map here

Just a few short years ago, crossing the United States in an electric car was considered impossible or, at the very least, incredibly difficult.

Without an established network of charging stations between the coasts, the first modern electric-car road trips were a lot like the original cross-country expeditions in internal-combustion cars at the turn of the 20th century, in that drivers could very easily find themselves stuck with no energy.

Now, thanks to Tesla’s growing network of Supercharger stations, driving an electric car between Los Angeles and New York is not only possible, but easy enough to inspire a little competition.

Last year, Edmunds staff drove their 2013 Tesla Model S coast to coast in 67 hours and 21 minutes. California resident Carl Reese and his friends thought they could beat that record – and they did.

Reese, his fiancé Deena Mastracci, and a third driver completed the 3,011-mile journey between L.A. and New York in 58 hours and 55 minutes. They drove Reese’s Model S P85D, paced by a three-person team in a Chevrolet Suburban.


58 hours and 55 minutes includes 12 hours and 48 minutes of charging time.


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