Consumer Reports: 2015 Tesla highest-rated vehicle ever tested

Electric Car Price Guide: Every 2015-2016 Plug-In Car, With Specs: UPDATED

2016 Mitsubishi i-MiEV - $23,845

16 kWh battery, 62 miles (EPA), 112 MPGe, 49 kW motor

Mitsubishi's jellybean-style electric car has never been a strong seller in the U.S, but the Japanese automaker recently slashed its pricing, making it the cheapest electric vehicle on the market. You're still saddled with low performance and those unusual looks, but some owners could drive from a dealership having paid less than $16,000 for their i-MiEV, if they're able to maximize their use of incentives.

2015 Nissan Leaf - $29,860

24 kWh battery, 84 miles (EPA), 114 MPGe, 80 kW motor

The Leaf is one of the better-known electric cars. While sales haven't matched Nissan's expectations and there have been issues with battery degradation in hot weather, the Leaf is still one of the most usable electric cars on the market. 2013's price drop made the Leaf one of the more affordable electric cars on the market.

2015 Chevrolet Volt - $35,170

17.1 kWh battery, 38 miles (EPA), 98 MPGe, 111 kW motor

The first-generation Chevrolet Volt is on its way out as Chevy prepares to launch an all-new 2016 model in the second half of this year. Production is set to wind down soon in anticipation of the new model, but the current Volt has still been one of the best-selling plug-in cars in the U.S. over the past four years.

Most of us do not drive more than 50 miles a day, and most of us own two or more vehicles. So here is a bit of what Tesla has started. They are not super fast luxury sedans, but how many of us drive one of those, in any case.
Opened the first "solar powered" charging station this year. Not a SINGLE detail about the solar installation that looks about the same as for a couple home installations. Not a way in HELL that those panels (or the mongous batteries associated with them) could completely "fast charge" more than a single Model S a day..

And drawing that much power for a "FAST" charge from batteries only is not practical and dangerous.
FAST charge for the S is at 480V and about 120KW.. Don't know if the 120KW is PEAK or avg or what since Tesla controls ALL of it's own "fast charge" stations and considers this "proprietary"..

Typical home solar is about 4 or 5 KWatt --- So you do the math -- look at the wimpy panels at Elon's "solar" charging stations and draw your own conclusions....

It's all show biz... And it's being done on the taxpayer dime and devious claims that prop up his stock value..

The United States has 212 charging stations with more in the works.

Check out the interactive map here

Just a few short years ago, crossing the United States in an electric car was considered impossible or, at the very least, incredibly difficult.

Without an established network of charging stations between the coasts, the first modern electric-car road trips were a lot like the original cross-country expeditions in internal-combustion cars at the turn of the 20th century, in that drivers could very easily find themselves stuck with no energy.

Now, thanks to Tesla’s growing network of Supercharger stations, driving an electric car between Los Angeles and New York is not only possible, but easy enough to inspire a little competition.

Last year, Edmunds staff drove their 2013 Tesla Model S coast to coast in 67 hours and 21 minutes. California resident Carl Reese and his friends thought they could beat that record – and they did.

Reese, his fiancé Deena Mastracci, and a third driver completed the 3,011-mile journey between L.A. and New York in 58 hours and 55 minutes. They drove Reese’s Model S P85D, paced by a three-person team in a Chevrolet Suburban.


58 hours and 55 minutes includes 12 hours and 48 minutes of charging time.


That's nice.. Millionaires have the time to do that.. Was that with air conditioning or heat?
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...
Looks to me as if he has coast to coast surpercharging stations right now, just as promised.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Yeah -- because he's been FORCED to open dealerships that he originally said he wouldn't need. Big fancy showrooms to sell 10 cars a year.. There's a free charger out back..
Forced by antiquated laws protecting car dealers. In those states where the 'Conservatives' can make the laws to protect the rich from technological inovations that should make products more available to the rest of us at less cost. These people want the 'less cost' part to go into their pocket. Do you really support that, Mr. Flacaltenn?
When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...

Best article I've ever read on Musk and Telsa

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’

Elon Musk’s Tesla circus is a true ‘bonfire of the vanities’
Gotta love the hate these 'Conservatives' have for anything that does not pollute. Read the article. Sour grapes from losers that failed to invest in Tesla.

Once again, without taxpayer input Tesla wouldn't exist. You're being duped, fool. Besides Tesla is overvalued, it's a holding the players manipulate to make money on. Nothing more and nothing less
Without the original government input, our rail system would not exist. Same for our aviation system. And the Internet, more recently. You 'Conservatives' only think that government is evil when it is empowering the individual, rather than corporations and the very rich. The Tesla is the leader for what will be a real revolution in vehicles as the batteries develop higher energy densities.

Fine then Tesla should be making sure the taxpayers get a taxpayers use the rails, aviation and internet. You have failed with that fallacy

Unfortunately, what's true for the railroads and airlines is also true for the Tesla. Not everyone can afford a ticket to take a plane or train, the same is true for the Tesla. If you are bitching about Tesla because you can't afford to own a ride like the Tesla - the bus might be a better economical choice for you.
LOL. And after Tesla, how many car makers now have EV's for sale? And what do you think Tesla's big battery factory is all about? Lordy, but you 'Conservatives' hate the idea of the average American being able to power his own home and vehicle himself. That is what is really behind all the hate posts concerning EV's and solar power are about.

When Musk puts all that technology into a car that you are driving -- please let us know.. He's a real Trump when it comes to leading the media by the nose. What with his coast to coast "solar" charging stations and all...
Looks to me as if he has coast to coast surpercharging stations right now, just as promised.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Yeah -- because he's been FORCED to open dealerships that he originally said he wouldn't need. Big fancy showrooms to sell 10 cars a year.. There's a free charger out back..
Forced by antiquated laws protecting car dealers. In those states where the 'Conservatives' can make the laws to protect the rich from technological inovations that should make products more available to the rest of us at less cost. These people want the 'less cost' part to go into their pocket. Do you really support that, Mr. Flacaltenn?

Those "antiquated laws" you refer to protect consumers -- even rich ones buying trophy cars --- by requiring a car manufacturer to have a respectable level of service and responsibility for warranty AFTER the sale and be subject to laws of the state in which the BUYER resides. Musk thought he could just deliver these himself with a quick sell on the Web and run away..

But wait -- there's more.. Musk repeatedly talks of the "education required" for the customer.. And like anyone TRYING to get specifics out of a gyro like Musk --- you are NOT LIKELY to get facts and numbers. So Musk wants to microcontrol the interaction with the customers so they can be properly indoctrinated into the Musk luxury vision so they can justify this purchase to themselves, their family and friends. NOT what any typical dealership does today. The Musk "brand" is much too elite to be left to "car salesmen". By the time they've been worked over -- they see themselves as adventurers, explorers and an elite band of visionaries....

I've seen this repeatedly in Silicon Valley venture people. The kind that live to change and take control of the world. And mere NOBODIES can't be trusted to communicate their unique visions..
Tesla Model S Tops Consumer Reports Customer Satisfaction Index, Again

Satisfaction Index, Again

By Stephen Edelstein
65 Comments6,590 viewsDec 4, 2014

2014 Tesla Model S

More than two years after its launch, it seems owners are still in love with the Tesla Model Selectric car.

The Tesla sedan topped Consumer Reports' annual customer satisfaction rankings this year, just as it did last year.

MORE: Consumer Reports: Tesla Model S Electric Car Is 'Best Overall' Vehicle

For these rankings, the consumer-testing group surveys owners of vehicles one to three years old and asks if they would buy their cars again.

In the case of the Model S, a whopping 98 percent of owners surveyed said "yes."

My goodness, if Musk is brainwashing his customers, then he is doing one hell of a job.
Im little minor detail left out in the post about the Tesla S in CR Magazine ( progressives are always pulling sneaky fuckery )

Cost of the Tesla S model as tested??????

$127,000.00 :2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

For 127,000 smackers you can have a ghey electric car or you can have ...................

THIS ( only 707 HP :boobies: ) >>>>



THIS >>>>>


For the fruitcakes in this forum, that's a Ford Raptor above.........430hp and even more torque. Go over or through anything that gets in its path!!!:ack-1:
For the fruitcakes in this forum, that's a Ford Raptor above.........430hp and even more torque. Go over or through anything that gets in its path!!!:ack-1:


Interesting that you chose a picture of the Hellcat. Did you know Motor Trends did a comparison between the Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat and the Tesla S P85D? Right - I didn't think so, if you had, you wouldn't have chosen the Hellcat to compare to the S P85D. Comparing just the MSRP of both cars and the price of gas for the Hellcat over the course of their lifetime the Hellcat wins by only $1,000 but-----but add on another year to the life of the cars and the S P85D wins the price war.

But what Motor Trends did the comparison for was, which car is the most badass, the Hellcat or the S P85D. Watch the
video to find out. giggle!

This episode of the masterfully done Head 2 Head Motor Trend video series features a matchup that us electric car fans find fascinating:

“On this episode of Head 2 Head, host Jonny Lieberman puts the quickest sedan in the world up against the fastest sedan in the world. Unlike a most this versus that competitions, the object of this match up is to figure out which family sedan is the bigger badass. In the red corner, making 691 electric horsepower and 687 pound-feet of torque, is the dual-electric motor, all-wheel drive Tesla Model S P85D. And in the blue corner, packing a supercharged 6.2-liter V-8 that’s good for 707 hp and 650 pound-feet of torque. As you can gather from the power figures, these two are evenly matched. But one’s a bigger badass than other. Watch and find out which!”

Do watch. It’s definitely worth the 17 minutes of your time.

BadAsses dont wait at charging stations for 4 to 10 hours to fill up.
And never utter the words -- "better turn the air conditioning off or we're not gonna make it back
to the ranch"
Now Flacaltenn, why the lies? Too easy to prove that you are lying.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

The World’s Fastest Charging Station
Superchargers are free connectors that charge Model S in minutes instead of hours. Stations are strategically placed to minimize stops during long distance travel and are conveniently located near restaurants, shopping centers, and WiFi hot spots. Each station contains multiple Superchargers to help you get back on the road quickly.

508 Supercharger stations with 2,871 Superchargers
Tesla Charging | Tesla Motors

The Tesla Supercharger recharges Model S quickly. Super quickly. Superchargers are for refueling quickly on road trips. A Supercharger can replenish half the battery in as little as 20 minutes. Superchargers will be positioned at convenient locations along major interstates throughout the country.

yes, 170 miles only represents about 3 hrs of driving, but that will change in the next five years.
Tesla Charging | Tesla Motors

The Tesla Supercharger recharges Model S quickly. Super quickly. Superchargers are for refueling quickly on road trips. A Supercharger can replenish half the battery in as little as 20 minutes. Superchargers will be positioned at convenient locations along major interstates throughout the country.

yes, 170 miles only represents about 3 hrs of driving, but that will change in the next five years.

Thanks Old Rocks, good info.
And the charging stations can charge a Tesla battery that is down to 10% to 80% charged in about 40 minutes.

I would think the Kill The Planet folk would get tired of having their asses handed to them but-----but you can't fix stupid.

Supercharger Charging Profile
Based on 85 kWh Model S
40 minutes
80% charged
75 minutes
100% charged
Charging from 10% to 80% is quick and typically provides ample range to travel between most Superchargers. Charging from 80% to 100% doubles the charge time because the car must reduce current to top off cells. Actual charge times may vary.

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