Contact Lost With AirAsia Flight To Singapore


Diamond Member
May 15, 2014
An AirAsia flight carrying 162 people from Indonesia to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic controllers.

Indonesian Transport Ministry official Hadi Mustofa said flight QZ 8501 lost contact with the Jakarta air traffic control tower at 7.24am local time.

He said the plane had asked for an unusual route before contact was lost with Indonesia's Juanda International Airport in Surabaya.

The flight was expected to arrive in Singapore at 8.30am.

Officials confirmed the plane had seven crew and 155 passengers on board.

Local media reported there were 149 Indonesians, three Koreans, one Singaporean, one Briton and one Malaysian national on the plane.

Transport Ministry spokesman JA Barata said the passengers included 138 adults, 16 children and one infant.

According to air traffic control website Flight Radar, the aircraft was travelling at 32,000 ft over the Java Sea when contact was lost.

A statement on Malaysia based AirAsia's Facebook page said: "AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that flight QZ 8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control at 0724hrs this morning.

"At the present time we unfortunately have no further information regarding the status of the passengers and crew members on board, but we will keep all parties informed as more information becomes available.

"The aircraft was an Airbus A320-200 with the registration number PK-AXC. At this time, search and rescue operations are in progress and AirAsia is cooperating fully and assisting the rescue service."

The airline has set up an emergency call centre for family or friends of those who may have been on board the aircraft.

The incident comes at the end of a disastrous year for Malaysia's airlines.

National flag carrier Malaysia Airlines lost two aircraft this year

Flight MH370 went missing on March 8 on a trip from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew on board and on July 17 Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board.

:: Relatives or friends of those aboard the plane can contact the AirAsia hotline on: +62 212 985 0801.

Contact Lost With AirAsia Flight To Singapore
I do not know but those poor people! I cannot imagine what the families must be going through. This is horrific news. I felt like I was suspended in a twilight zone when I opened your thread. All I could think of was how much this sounds like the Malaysia plane gone missing. It's just unreal that this could be happening again, Marianne! Thank you for the news report by the way. This story will undoubtedly be all over the world by tomorrow morning.
Why do I feel like they are not going to be able to find this plane? I'm already feeling that they won't find it. I hope I'm wrong.
I do not know but those poor people! I cannot imagine what the families must be going through. This is horrific news. I felt like I was suspended in a twilight zone when I opened your thread. All I could think of was how much this sounds like the Malaysia plane gone missing. It's just unreal that this could be happening again, Marianne! Thank you for the news report by the way. This story will undoubtedly be all over the world by tomorrow morning.

I agree it's like an episode of the twilight zone over there. I guess we will see what improvements if any this region of the world has put in place since the Malaysian fight went missing. One thing for sure, I'll never fly in this section of the world.
Why do I feel like they are not going to be able to find this plane? I'm already feeling that they won't find it. I hope I'm wrong.
I think they have a better chance of finding this flight. It was only a two hour flight and the seem to have realized there was a problem fairly quickly. IDK if there will be any survivors but I'd expect them to at least find wreckage this time.
I do not know but those poor people! I cannot imagine what the families must be going through. This is horrific news. I felt like I was suspended in a twilight zone when I opened your thread. All I could think of was how much this sounds like the Malaysia plane gone missing. It's just unreal that this could be happening again, Marianne! Thank you for the news report by the way. This story will undoubtedly be all over the world by tomorrow morning.

I agree it's like an episode of the twilight zone over there. I guess we will see what improvements if any this region of the world has put in place since the Malaysian fight went missing. One thing for sure, I'll never fly in this section of the world.

Me neither. I hope I'm wrong but I think these planes are disappearing to be used for a future terror attack in the skies. North Korea did a test on a certain kind of explosion in the sky back in 2004. They flew a jet over a 3 mile area releasing fuel into the air and then ignited it. The explosion created a crater so wide - so deep - that it could be seen from outer space! The questions to Colin Powell and others was did North Korea test a nuclear bomb? That is how massive the explosion was. But no. They didn't even though many reporters thought otherwise. What they used was a jet and certain contents on board the jet which when ignited created that sort of explosion that spanned 3 miles wide down below on the earth. Much of the story was removed quickly because a former FBI agent named Ted Gunderson responded publicly that he believed in the future a plane would be hijacked, stolen to be used for just such a purpose. This isn't the first plane to go missing. Not even the second plane to go missing. What they could use it for would be incredibly destructive to a major city. That is what I would consider worst case scenario in using an airplane as a weapon against America.
Just tragic for the families involved. I hope for the best, but am expecting the worst.
It's possible that it could have been hijacked of course but it sounds like maybe the weather might have played a roll. CNN said that the pilot requested to divert from course due to weather.
Well, I hope they are still in the air and contact is made soon with them safe but in need of assistance due to WEATHER and nothing else.
I think if I lived in Malaysia, I'd buy a rowboat and take my chances at sea instead of booking a flight anywhere within 2000 miles of Singapore. Sad. I hope against hope that we see some survivors this time.
Just tragic for the families involved. I hope for the best, but am expecting the worst.
I hope there are survivors too but it went down over water so I think you're right to expect the worst.

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