Contemptible....Don Lemon And Panel Make Fun Of Trumpsters.....

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.

The lefty loons have been giving us the gift of another Trump term for the last three years. Nevertheless, thank you Don Lemon.
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.
I dont watch CNN so thanks for posting that

The fact is most conservatives are smart people and the mocking of them by 3 liberal retards does not bother me very much
I thought Republicans liked telling it like it is?
The Mainstream Media which represents at least 95% of all Media is Leftstream media and has been for decades. More and more people are realizing that, and turning them off. NBC, MSNBC (both owned by far left Comcast), CNN, CBS, ABC, PBS, and all the others.
The GOP and the RNC turned the CNN footage into this ad:

I am happy to debate anyone on the LEFT. Anyone. Happy to compare resumes. And I am not even a Republican. I am an Independent. This is why so many on the LEFT put me on ignore here. I thrash them in debates and hold them accountable.
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.

They are elitists that cant’t help themselves being condescending to the white working class; a voting block Democrats abandoned because they have to work too hard to earn their vote.
I dont watch CNN so thanks for posting that

Me neither, but this story has gone viral.

The fact is most conservatives are smart people and the mocking of them by 3 liberal retards does not bother me very much

Well, it does not bother me because I think there's any truth in it. What bothers me is the smug arrogance of these lying sacks of shit. I would love to twist that bitch Lemon's head right off of his neck
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Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.

D-ACA Architect Jonathon Gruber publicly declared over and over and over again that Democratic Party-faithful snowflakes are 'stupid sheep' and that Democrats count on that stupidity to get away with what they continue to get away with.

This 4-year Impeachment (also known as treason, attempting to affect a political coup, removing a Democratically elected President from office for no crime, no witnesses, and no evidence) proves Gruber's words were as true as they were prophetic.

If anyone needed / needs Lemon's clip / words to prove what Elitist Far Left Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats think of Conservatives they haven't been paying attention, especially since Pelosi and other Democrats have declared Americans can't be trusted with elections.

If people needed to hear this / see this to be reminded, then so be it - I hope it worked.

Wake the F* up, America. Welcome to the 'fight'.
How... Fox ridicules Democrat supporters it everyday of the week...

How many times do we see the word 'libtard' on this forum...

Trump insults every group under the sun...

But Don Lemon laughs at a caricature of Trump Supporter which we see on the comedy channel all the time...

We hear a lot of supporters of Trump continually run false narratives...

Lets be clear, Russian interfered in the US Elections to help get Trump elected.. That is not a hoax... They are the facts from people who investigate this kind of stuff...
Climate Change is real and Humans are doing it...

Hillary Clinton has been investigated to the eyeballs and they found nothing, she is either the worlds smartest person or she is innocent.

The list is endless... Trump is up on 15k lie/falsehoods and his supporters end it up... Yes they get mocked...
How... Fox ridicules Democrat supporters it everyday of the week...

How many times do we see the word 'libtard' on this forum...

Trump insults every group under the sun...

But Don Lemon laughs at a caricature of Trump Supporter which we see on the comedy channel all the time...

We hear a lot of supporters of Trump continually run false narratives...

Lets be clear, Russian interfered in the US Elections to help get Trump elected.. That is not a hoax... They are the facts from people who investigate this kind of stuff...
Climate Change is real and Humans are doing it...

Hillary Clinton has been investigated to the eyeballs and they found nothing, she is either the worlds smartest person or she is innocent.

The list is endless... Trump is up on 15k lie/falsehoods and his supporters end it up... Yes they get mocked...

You mean film them while they show what ignoramus clowns Democrats are.
I dont watch CNN so thanks for posting that

Me neither, but this story has gone viral.

The fact is most conservatives are smart people and the mocking of them by 3 liberal retards does not bother me very much

Well, it does not bother me because I think there's any truth in it. What bothers me is the smug arrogance of these lying sacks of shit. I would love to twist that bitch Lemon's head right of of his neck
They are only being themselves

I called them retards for a reason
Its what they think of Americans. Even when they try, like that pathetic footage of Pocahontas drinking beer, their condescension comes out. Im embarrassed for them at times.

BTW that footage of Hillary bashing Americans as deplorable was never supposed to leak. She was speaking to a convention of homosexuals at a private fundraiser and no media recordings were supposed to be allowed. Just as her speech to Wall Street about fake public policies for the rubes and real policies for Wall Street wasnt supposed to leak.

Sunlight is always deadly for these goblins.
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.
Pencil Neck beat Don Lemon to re electing Trump. Thanks Pencil Neck, KAG!

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