Contemptible....Don Lemon And Panel Make Fun Of Trumpsters.....

Lemon’s reaction to the Ukraine joke couldn’t have been authentic.

Lemon is the asshole who asked if a small black hole could have eaten up the Malaysian Airliner.

wow....did he REALLY asked that? that a small black hole could have eaten the Malaysian airplane?

That's unreal...never heard something so moronic my whole life!! :confused:
Yeah, he did and he's a first rate moron, and he's not alone

When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?
Well...I know he's gay.....which explains alot.

Test - Can you spot Don Lemon?

Which one of these assholes is Don Lemon? Retweet if you know.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?

Not many, well, not until Hannity started playing it over and over. It was on TV at my folks house. They were Obama folks big time, and they even cast a vote for "her", but this stuff like the CNN thing, ANTIFA, Maxine Waters who even democrats think is as stupid as they come just puts them off. Put them off enough that they didn't even register to vote.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?
Well...I know he's gay.....which explains alot.

Test - Can you spot Don Lemon?

Which one of these assholes is Don Lemon? Retweet if you know.

You know it's the bitch in the middle.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?
Your pejorative term pretending to describe Black Americans is not appreciated. Do try to communicate in a more respectful intelligent fashion.

No need for name calling
Don Lemon's outwardly blatant hatred for this president
speaks volumes to his unprofessionalism as a so-called journalist.

Having a slight political bias is fine in today's media atmosphere, but Maddow, Lemon and many of these others have stretched way beyond the pale of acceptable news reporting.

These people treat terrorists, arsonists,rapists and killers with more respect than they've expressed toward Trump since 2016.....

Terrorists, arsonists,rapists and killers deserve more respect than rumpy boy as he is a liar besides being terrorist and rapist.

You're a retard.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

It's what cable news is. It's not news. It's all opinion and what you have to do is stick to the channel that is of like mind to what you are. Honestly, "news" can do without the don lemons (yup), Sean Hannity's, Laura Ingrams, the bald fat dude who looks like George Costanza, Fredo Cuomo and all the rest. All trash. I have to remember back to the most early news I watched. That would be when Joan London was a big name in news and if you heard it on 60 minutes, then it's was a good bet it was accurate. Now? Flashy tickers, news alerts and so on. As for the guys on CNN, let them keep on. Don Lemon has done as much to help Trumps reelection as Barak Obama did to sell the AR15. Let them keep on.
Those nuts really did blow a lot of money on assault weapons when they saw a darkie in the WH. They were drooling for a race war that isn`t coming. Thanks for the reminder. :) With CNN`s low ratings how many people actually know who Don Lemon is?
Your pejorative term pretending to describe Black Americans is not appreciated. Do try to communicate in a more respectful intelligent fashion.

No need for name calling

Yeah, if you do racial pajoratives you got to do it like this here,





Don Lemon's outwardly blatant hatred for this president
speaks volumes to his unprofessionalism as a so-called journalist.

Having a slight political bias is fine in today's media atmosphere, but Maddow, Lemon and many of these others have stretched way beyond the pale of acceptable news reporting.

These people treat terrorists, arsonists,rapists and killers with more respect than they've expressed toward Trump since 2016.....

Terrorists, arsonists,rapists and killers deserve more respect than rumpy boy as he is a liar besides being terrorist and rapist.

It's weird that the anti-Trumpers think that fact free rants like that are convincing to anyone.

Has he terrorized any nation? Yes he has. Has he raped any female? Yes he has, melanoma and his daughter.

Hey, you remember that time I called you a retard?

You didn't really have to confirm it.
"DON LEMON: First of all, (Mary Louise) Kelly has a masters degree in European Studies from Cambridge University."

I have always adored these arguments. They say so much about our current culture because they are completely vacuous.
Break that down...a Masters in European Studies...WTF is that? Really?
You`ll need at least a high school diploma to know WTF that is. Could you find Ukraine on a map? I didn`t think so. A study found that a lot of you can`t find South Carolina on a map. Ouch! :)
A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'
Thank you! You’re just the type of **** I was referring to!
I note, however, that you are not saying he's incorrect! LOL!
Never considered how correct or incorrect he was. Never clicked the link. His smug stunk through the computer screen.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

They were right, though. All these moronic trump supporters do is quote discredited conspiracy theories or babble about religious theories. They are not articulate at all. Grab a trump supporter at one of his Nuremberg rallies and ask them a few questions about foreign policy or national security, or another important issue. Grap some crazy like gaetz and ask him to respond to similar questions. All you will get is a review of hackneyed talking points or name-calling, perhaps even an assertion that you are a "liberal," whatever that means.

Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
When I saw this....I was thinking...just how unprofessional can your media coverage become.

Is this SNL????

But this is what passes for "SERIOUS POLITICAL PUNDITRY" at CNN.

CNN Panelists Laugh at Trump's 'Boomer Rube' Supporters

They were right, though. All these moronic trump supporters do is quote discredited conspiracy theories or babble about religious theories. They are not articulate at all. Grab a trump supporter at one of his Nuremberg rallies and ask them a few questions about foreign policy or national security, or another important issue. Grap some crazy like gaetz and ask him to respond to similar questions. All you will get is a review of hackneyed talking points or name-calling, perhaps even an assertion that you are a "liberal," whatever that means.

Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
Oh I don't know. The Fake News Media pushed the entire Russian Collusion hoax and they parrot the Democrats talking points without question. Certainly with your history and law background and your skeptical analytical mind, you have noticed this?

It's not the Right that is trying to silence and disarm others, or that's trying to overturn an election while preventing sitting President from appearing on an upcoming ballot.

Have you ever noticed that the Left accuses others of the very things they themselves are guilty of?
They were right, though. All these moronic trump supporters do is quote discredited conspiracy theories or babble about religious theories. They are not articulate at all. Grab a trump supporter at one of his Nuremberg rallies and ask them a few questions about foreign policy or national security, or another important issue. Grap some crazy like gaetz and ask him to respond to similar questions. All you will get is a review of hackneyed talking points or name-calling, perhaps even an assertion that you are a "liberal," whatever that means.

Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
Oh I don't know. The Fake News Media pushed the entire Russian Collusion hoax and they parrot the Democrats talking points without question. Certainly with your history and law background and your skeptical analytical mind, you have noticed this?

It's not the Right that is trying to silence and disarm others, or that's trying to overturn an election while preventing sitting President from appearing on an upcoming ballot.

Have you ever noticed that the Left accuses others of the very things they themselves are guilty of?
They were right, though. All these moronic trump supporters do is quote discredited conspiracy theories or babble about religious theories. They are not articulate at all. Grab a trump supporter at one of his Nuremberg rallies and ask them a few questions about foreign policy or national security, or another important issue. Grap some crazy like gaetz and ask him to respond to similar questions. All you will get is a review of hackneyed talking points or name-calling, perhaps even an assertion that you are a "liberal," whatever that means.

Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
Oh I don't know. The Fake News Media pushed the entire Russian Collusion hoax and they parrot the Democrats talking points without question. Certainly with your history and law background and your skeptical analytical mind, you have noticed this?

It's not the Right that is trying to silence and disarm others, or that's trying to overturn an election while preventing sitting President from appearing on an upcoming ballot.

Have you ever noticed that the Left accuses others of the very things they themselves are guilty of?

I don't think that the Russian Collusion thing was a hoax at all. Notice how this so-called "president" has sucked up to putin, even taking putin's word over that of his own national-security advisors. The scheme to hold up aid to Russia's enemy to extort political favors to help trump win re-election by digging dirt on his political rival not only aids trump's bid for re-election, but it also took the heat off of putin for his interference in U.S. elections by deflecting it on Ukraine.

There is nothing to link either Biden to any wrongdoing. On the other hand, we know that trump lies constantly, wants desperately to be re-elected, does not care about the security of the United States, and wants dictatorial powers. He also has exhibited behavior that indicates a deep-seated psychological disturbance.
On one hand, I thought the exchange was pretty freaking funny, an excellent caricature of Trumpsters, and an understandable expression of the frustration one might feel when trying to communicate with people who have been conditioned to not only ignore facts and verifiable information, but to actually attack intelligence and education. Yes, that sure as hell can be pretty goddamn frustrating.

On the other hand, it was obviously an inappropriate forum, but Lemon is so consumed by his partisan ideology and hatred of all things Trump and his Trumpsters, that all he was able to do was giggle and let the interview degenerate into something you might see as a project in a college broadcasting class. AND, it gives Trump and his Trumpsters more material to point at and say "told you so!".

See, the two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously. True story.
Last edited:
Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
Oh I don't know. The Fake News Media pushed the entire Russian Collusion hoax and they parrot the Democrats talking points without question. Certainly with your history and law background and your skeptical analytical mind, you have noticed this?

It's not the Right that is trying to silence and disarm others, or that's trying to overturn an election while preventing sitting President from appearing on an upcoming ballot.

Have you ever noticed that the Left accuses others of the very things they themselves are guilty of?
Get out there and broadcast these comments all over the internet, your insults will help create more support for Trump. The RNC thanks you.

Trumpsters just repeat stuff and make perfectly ridiculous and unsupported statements about the most basic things like the Constitution and government that indicate that they know nothing about these subjects. They just parrot instead of prepare.
I think you're guilty of projection.
You leftists tend to only repeat the rubbish that the media calls news because it fits your apathetic attitudes and your hatred for something or someone....while everyone else tends to listen to both sides of the issue and make their minds up from there. Some of us even go outside of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC and we tend to find out that there's another side to every story.....not just the censored version you leftists willingly gulp down and never question.

I didn't say I was a "leftist." No one has ever offered an explanation of how a "leftist" should be defined. One of the first things that my father taught me was not to believe everything I heard. My background is in history and law, which require a whole lot of digging, naming of sources, and footnoting. Many of the links posted on USMB turn out to be from bogus sources like Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Hill (still investigating its former staff writer).

Trumpsters don't offer anything by way of support for their opinions, nor even any indication that they ever did a moment of research. They seem to merely parrot things from conspiracy and propaganda sites on the internet or something some nutty "religious leader" said, or simply call names.

Just yesterday, someone posted on USMB some list of things that "communists" want to do to hurt the country, which a Florida congressman read into the Congressional Record in the 1960's, and which was posted as if it had some credibility. It turned out that the source of this list was some guy who was a John Bircher mixed up with the LDS and weird prophetic religious theories named Cleon Skausen.

This whole movement to discredit more reliable news sources, like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and substitute right-wing propaganda is a dirty trick designed to institute a dictatorship in the U.S.
Oh I don't know. The Fake News Media pushed the entire Russian Collusion hoax and they parrot the Democrats talking points without question. Certainly with your history and law background and your skeptical analytical mind, you have noticed this?

It's not the Right that is trying to silence and disarm others, or that's trying to overturn an election while preventing sitting President from appearing on an upcoming ballot.

Have you ever noticed that the Left accuses others of the very things they themselves are guilty of?

I don't think that the Russian Collusion thing was a hoax at all. Notice how this so-called "president" has sucked up to putin, even taking putin's word over that of his own national-security advisors. The scheme to hold up aid to Russia's enemy to extort political favors to help trump win re-election by digging dirt on his political rival not only aids trump's bid for re-election, but it also took the heat off of putin for his interference in U.S. elections by deflecting it on Ukraine.

There is nothing to link either Biden to any wrongdoing. On the other hand, we know that trump lies constantly, wants desperately to be re-elected, does not care about the security of the United States, and wants dictatorial powers. He also has exhibited behavior that indicates a deep-seated psychological disturbance.
You've been listening to CNN and MSNBC too much.
Only weak minds fall for this sort of leftist propaganda.

Last edited:
Been saying it since November 2016, the Left got Trump elected and they haven’t learned anything. And not just fail to learn, they’ve doubled down on their craziness.

Don Lemon Did Trump a Huge Favor.

“A video of CNN news anchor Don Lemon laughing hysterically as his guests mocked Donald Trump’s supporters went viral this week — and it couldn’t have been a more effective campaign ad for the president. . . . Make no mistake: Clips like this embolden Trump’s supporters. They don’t see this sort of mockery and start to question their beliefs — rather, it just strengthens their view that it is them (and Trump) against the world. It makes them more loyal to the president, not less.”
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President
Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

Amazing. CNN anchor Don Lemon may have just singlehandedly re-elected the President. By now the video clip has gone viral. If you missed it because you were on another planet, you can watch it below:

Don Lemon Re-Elects The President

ME: How many times have you guys heard me say it? The lowlife vermin ae their own worst enemy. Their hate and extremism will be their undoing.

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