Context Matters


Feb 14, 2011
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

In a Politico story that was posted late last evening, a "senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely" is quoted as saying:

"Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?"

There's a second part to that aide's quote, though:

"I just don't want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won't work or at least won't do enough."

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

In a Politico story that was posted late last evening, a "senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely" is quoted as saying:

"Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?"

There's a second part to that aide's quote, though:

"I just don't want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won't work or at least won't do enough."

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.
With the current horrid state of affairs, O will be and should be a one term president. His failed policies and business inexperience are a couple of the reasons. There are a myriad of others also.
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

In a Politico story that was posted late last evening, a "senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely" is quoted as saying:

"Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?"

There's a second part to that aide's quote, though:

"I just don't want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won't work or at least won't do enough."

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.

Then you are playing the role of determined jackass willfully playing dishonest and dumb.

This is the kind of behavior that is tearing the country appart. Lemon picking each other's statements for reasons to be angry, rather than looking for ways to move things forward. And then after engaging in this kind of dishonest misrepresentation you wonder why the other side is so very pissed at you
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What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

In a Politico story that was posted late last evening, a "senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely" is quoted as saying:

"Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?"

There's a second part to that aide's quote, though:

"I just don't want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won't work or at least won't do enough."

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.

The whole quote should be provided, so that people can judge.

Of course the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help pass the bill. Because the bill is not a good one. That part of the quote should be included. The GOP should not help Obama push the country off a cliff.

And no, wanting Obama to fail is not wanting America to fail. Did you want Bush to succeed with his plan to partially privatize social security? We on the right listened to what Obama had in mind for America. Unlike the people who went around with with a drug-like euphoric smile on their face chanting "hope and change", WE actually listened to the man.

Cap and trade? Bankrupt the coal industry? Take over 1/6th of the economy with no appreciation of the unintended consequences?

OF COURSE we wanted to stop what we knew Obama was planning.

Stopping Obama, or at least slowing him down = helping America not slide too far off the cliff while we wait for people to wake up out of whatever mass hypnosis they were under which allowed them to elect Obama.

Disagreeing with Obama and disagreeing with the Dems and disagreeing with you does not equal wanting America to fail.

It means that we have different ideas of what is needed for the success of America, and as Americans we have the right to express them.

And as intelligent human beings we can hope that the media and our President won't take our words out of context and present them in a manner which is 180 degrees from how we intended them.

But as we have seen over and over, this is not something we can expect from this President. Over and over he puts words into our mouths that we didn't say. Over and over he mischaracterizes the aims of conservatives.

I've never seen a politician speak so much. And I've never seen a politician so fond of straw men. As an American citizen, I think I have the right not to have my President so willfully misstate what I am saying and thinking and working for.

But since this President can't seem to help himself from misstating what I believe to further his own efforts to keep himself in office, that's just one more reason to hope he fails.

The hope and change drug fest is over. When even NPR can tell - sometimes - that Obama is spinning shamelessly that means that the country is close to being on the right track.
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.

Then you are playing the role of determined jackass willfully playing dishonest and dumb.

This is the kind of behavior that is tearing the country appart. Lemon picking each other's statements for reasons to be angry, rather than looking for ways to move things forward. And then after engaging in this kind of dishonest misrepresentation you wonder why the other side is so very pissed at you

Let me get this straight: You say you want the country to move forward, and in the same breath call me a dumb jackass for my supposedly "angry" interpretation of those quotes.

First of all, jackass, you should try being a little more curteous if you're going to get up on your high horse about working together. Second, nowhere in my previous post is there even an ounce of anger. I simply disagree with the OP's assessment.

How is my opinion dishonest? I read what Limbaugh and the anonymous aid said. I think it's pretty clear where they stand - they don't want to see Obama win anything. You can call it what you wish, but clearly, both the far-right and the new moderateless-GOP would rather see things get worse before they're willing to cooperate with Dems or Obama.

Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

You don't like my assessment, then don't. But that doesn't make me a jackass. But you are clearly an asshole.
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.

The whole quote should be provided, so that people can judge.

Of course the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help pass the bill. Because the bill is not a good one. That part of the quote should be included. The GOP should not help Obama push the country off a cliff.

And no, wanting Obama to fail is not wanting America to fail. Did you want Bush to succeed with his plan to partially privatize social security? We on the right listened to what Obama had in mind for America. Unlike the people who went around with with a drug-like euphoric smile on their face chanting "hope and change", WE actually listened to the man.

Cap and trade? Bankrupt the coal industry? Take over 1/6th of the economy with no appreciation of the unintended consequences?

OF COURSE we wanted to stop what we knew Obama was planning.

Stopping Obama, or at least slowing him down = helping America not slide too far off the cliff while we wait for people to wake up out of whatever mass hypnosis they were under which allowed them to elect Obama.

Disagreeing with Obama and disagreeing with the Dems and disagreeing with you does not equal wanting America to fail.

It means that we have different ideas of what is needed for the success of America, and as Americans we have the right to express them.

And as intelligent human beings we can hope that the media and our President won't take our words out of context and present them in a manner which is 180 degrees from how we intended them.

But as we have seen over and over, this is not something we can expect from this President. Over and over he puts words into our mouths that we didn't say. Over and over he mischaracterizes the aims of conservatives.

I've never seen a politician speak so much. And I've never seen a politician so fond of straw men. As an American citizen, I think I have the right not to have my President so willfully misstate what I am saying and thinking and working for.

But since this President can't seem to help himself from misstating what I believe to further his own efforts to keep himself in office, that's just one more reason to hope he fails.

The hope and change drug fest is over. When even NPR can tell - sometimes - that Obama is spinning shamelessly that means that the country is close to being on the right track.

Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail. maybe that's not what he meant, but it comes across that way. If Obama fails, then the country fails. Period.

Then there's the anonymous quote. Taking the whole quote in context doesn't help. Either way, the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help the Dems pass the bill. If they want to debate it, fine, but hat's not what the aid said.

It's not too hard to figure out the GOP's strategy. All one has to do is go back and read the quote from Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

End of story.

The whole quote should be provided, so that people can judge.

Of course the aid is saying that the GOP is not willing to help pass the bill. Because the bill is not a good one. That part of the quote should be included. The GOP should not help Obama push the country off a cliff.

And no, wanting Obama to fail is not wanting America to fail. Did you want Bush to succeed with his plan to partially privatize social security? We on the right listened to what Obama had in mind for America. Unlike the people who went around with with a drug-like euphoric smile on their face chanting "hope and change", WE actually listened to the man.

Cap and trade? Bankrupt the coal industry? Take over 1/6th of the economy with no appreciation of the unintended consequences?

OF COURSE we wanted to stop what we knew Obama was planning.

Stopping Obama, or at least slowing him down = helping America not slide too far off the cliff while we wait for people to wake up out of whatever mass hypnosis they were under which allowed them to elect Obama.

Disagreeing with Obama and disagreeing with the Dems and disagreeing with you does not equal wanting America to fail.

It means that we have different ideas of what is needed for the success of America, and as Americans we have the right to express them.

And as intelligent human beings we can hope that the media and our President won't take our words out of context and present them in a manner which is 180 degrees from how we intended them.

But as we have seen over and over, this is not something we can expect from this President. Over and over he puts words into our mouths that we didn't say. Over and over he mischaracterizes the aims of conservatives.

I've never seen a politician speak so much. And I've never seen a politician so fond of straw men. As an American citizen, I think I have the right not to have my President so willfully misstate what I am saying and thinking and working for.

But since this President can't seem to help himself from misstating what I believe to further his own efforts to keep himself in office, that's just one more reason to hope he fails.

The hope and change drug fest is over. When even NPR can tell - sometimes - that Obama is spinning shamelessly that means that the country is close to being on the right track.

Then why didn't the aid say, "We're willing to work with the Dems to make the bill better"? Instead he said they don't want to give him a victory. How else am I supposed to take that?

If you have different ideas, then let's see them. Instead of bitching about Obama's ideas, then crafting legislation that won't pass the Democrat-controllled Senate, maybe you should present some ideas that Dems will go along with. The GOP has had the House since Jan. Where are their jobs bills? All they've done is vote to repeal Obama's health care bill, vote for more tax breaks for the rich, try to ban abortion, and try to keep gays from getting married or serving openly in the military.
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Mitch MConnell - "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

You've just handed me another perfect example for why context matters. What reason did he give for saying that?

The reason he gave for saying that was because we needed to have a Republican in the White House if we wanted to accomplish such things as repealing Obamacare. It wouldn't matter if Republicans held both houses because with Obama in office he could veto our attempts to do what voters put them in office to do.

One more time! Wanting Obama to fail is not wanting America to fail. Wanting Obama to be a one-term president is not wanting America to fail.

Wanting Obama to be a one-term president is wanting to give America a chance as soon as possible to get a fiscally responsible president in office.

Because Obama is clearly not the man.

But thank you for adding another example to my collection.

I was looking forward to Democrats adding examples where Republicans took their words out of context. Sort of my own attempt at bipartisan understanding.

But if you want to keep giving me examples where the left misunderstands my side, that's fine too.
I understand your side just fine. Mitch's number one priority is to see Obama be a one-term pres (not to get the economy going again); Limbaugh wants to see Obama fail (which means the country fails); and the GOP aid, and those he speaks for, don't want to work with Obama because they aren't willing to give hima victory. It's pretty clear. But if you want to delude yourself, have at it. Thanks for playing.
Then why didn't the aid say, "We're willing to work with the Dems to make the bill better"? Instead he said they don't want to give him a victory. How else am I supposed to take that?

If you have different ideas, then let's see them. Instead of bitching about Obama's ideas, then crafting legislation that won't pass the Democrat-controllled Senate, maybe you should present some ideas that Dems will go along with. The GOP has had the House since Jan. Where are their jobs bills? All they've done is vote to repeal Obama's health care bill, vote for more tax breaks for the rich, try to ban abortion, and try to keep gays from getting married or serving openly in the military.

Boehner and Cantor have said they're willing to work with Obama on the jobs plan.

Republicans aren't lining up to do jobs bills because Republicans tend to have a fundamentally different opinion of what will help make the economy healthy. We can't tinker our way to success. The fastest way to get entrepreneurs moving again is to get out of their way. What Obama keeps doing is promising that more change is coming from Washington.

Every time he says this, lots of people who were about to get out and do something move back to the sidelines to wait to see what it's going to be and how it's going to affect them.

The people who know how to achieve success just want to know what the rules of the game are. They don't want to hear every two to six months that Washington is about to change them AGAIN.

So we have Republicans (A) saying they'll try to work with Obama and (B) saying that they still believe the fastest way to success is to just stand out of the way and not try to trip up the people who know how to succeed.

I'm not happy with all the social stuff coming out of Congress. But fiscally we're being consistent. We're trying to give Obama a chance to do something right, but not compromising our own fiscal principles to do it.

That's the best we can do in the situation we have now.

Hopefully later, we'll have a business friendly president, who doesn't want to bankrupt energy producers, for example.

But for right now, we are doing the best we can with the hand we are dealt.
Deliberately doctoring quotes is dishonest behavior. You indulge in this bit of bad manners folks will call you on it. And they will do so in an loud and angry manner.

You want to argue policy in a polite manner, I'm your guy. Playing games like this only results in vitriol and name calling. You may notice folks all around you having civil conversations. These folks follow rules of fair play and honest interactions. It is possible to have a discourse without sleazy games. Try it sometime.
Boehner just said the other day that taxes are a non-starter when it comes to the upcoming debt-reduction panel. That's compromise? Keep deluding yourself.
I understand your side just fine. Mitch's number one priority is to see Obama be a one-term pres (not to get the economy going again); Limbaugh wants to see Obama fail (which means the country fails); and the GOP aid, and those he speaks for, don't want to work with Obama because they aren't willing to give hima victory. It's pretty clear. But if you want to delude yourself, have at it. Thanks for playing.


Thank you for showing you're not willing to listen to what people are really saying.

We're not demons. You're not demons. We need to realize that about each other. We don't want America to fail. You don't want America to fail.

We just have fundamentally different ideas about what leads to success.
Deliberately doctoring quotes is dishonest behavior. You indulge in this bit of bad manners folks will call you on it. And they will do so in an loud and angry manner.

You want to argue policy in a polite manner, I'm your guy. Playing games like this only results in vitriol and name calling. You may notice folks all around you having civil conversations. These folks follow rules of fair play and honest interactions. It is possible to have a discourse without sleazy games. Try it sometime.

First of all, ass-hat, I didn't doctor any quotes. Perhaps you need a dictionary. Second, I was having a civil conversation until you came in and called me a jackass for no apparent reason. Save your phoniness for somebody else. I'm not buying it. Now kindly go fuck yourself, asshole.
I understand your side just fine. Mitch's number one priority is to see Obama be a one-term pres (not to get the economy going again); Limbaugh wants to see Obama fail (which means the country fails); and the GOP aid, and those he speaks for, don't want to work with Obama because they aren't willing to give hima victory. It's pretty clear. But if you want to delude yourself, have at it. Thanks for playing.

You are the beacon of what Amelia's thread is all about. :eusa_whistle:
Wanting Obama to fail is NOT wanting America to fail. If Obama's policies fails, America wins. You stating what your stating is just bogus, dude.
The opposite parties mantra is always having the other parties man to be one people wanted Bush to be a one term president, or you wouldn't have put Kerry against him. Oh, wait...that was a bad example....but you get what I mean.
I understand your side just fine. Mitch's number one priority is to see Obama be a one-term pres (not to get the economy going again); Limbaugh wants to see Obama fail (which means the country fails); and the GOP aid, and those he speaks for, don't want to work with Obama because they aren't willing to give hima victory. It's pretty clear. But if you want to delude yourself, have at it. Thanks for playing.

You are the beacon of what Amelia's thread is all about. :eusa_whistle:
Wanting Obama to fail is NOT wanting America to fail. If Obama's policies fails, America wins. You stating what your stating is just bogus, dude.
The opposite parties mantra is always having the other parties man to be one people wanted Bush to be a one term president, or you wouldn't have put Kerry against him. Oh, wait...that was a bad example....but you get what I mean.

JoseFuck is too stupid to grasp that... He's been making the OP's point throughout...

He's what's wrong with the looney leftwingnuts....
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

I'm sure the list is endless. One frequent target for deliberate distortion I just saw referenced again today was Pelosi's speech to county-level officials:

"We have to do this in partnership [across levels of government], and I wanted to bring up to date on where we see it from here. The final health care legislation that will soon be passed by Congress will deliver successful reform at the local level. It will offer paid for investments that will improve health care services and coverage for millions more Americans. It will make significant investments in innovation, prevention, wellness and offer robust support for public health infrastructure. It will dramatically expand investments into community health centers. That means a dramatic expansion in the number of patients community health centers can see and ultimately healthier communities. Our bill will significantly reduce uncompensated care for hospitals.

"You've heard about the controversies within the bill, the process about the bill, one or the other. But I don't know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future, not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, where preventive care is not something that you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention -- it's about diet, not diabetes. It's going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
What kinds of examples do you have where one side of the political aisle seems to willfully misunderstand another?

Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails" is one of them. That's taken as Limbaugh saying he hopes America fails, when it was never anything other than Limbaugh's statement that the thinks that Obama's policies would be wrong for America so he hopes Obama can't do what Limbaugh thinks would be hurtful.

Here's another one which I learned from the NPR site. So yea NPR. I'm not always saying "Yea NPR" but this was a good example.

Obama Chooses Republicans' Words Carefully To Say They're Playing Politics : The Two-Way : NPR

In a Politico story that was posted late last evening, a "senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely" is quoted as saying:

"Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?"

There's a second part to that aide's quote, though:

"I just don't want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won't work or at least won't do enough."

So that's another example where people are thinking about what is best for America and honestly believe that Obama's plans don't address it ... but the words were spun to say that they were putting politics ahead of accomplishing good things.

What other examples have you seen? Either direction ....

I disagree with your assessment of both of those quotes. Limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails does equate to wanting the country to fail..

Bullshit, He repeatedly clarifies that what he wants is for Obama to fail at implementing his Agenda. Perhaps you should actually listen to him, and not rely on Quotes taken out of Context and posted on Liberal Blog Sites.
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