Contradictions of the Bible

You know Adam and Eve, Cain and Able stories are allegories, right?

A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway.

Contradictions in the story are like a giant X on a treasure map marking where something of great value is buried and hidden.

For instance, Adam and Eve were told that they would die in the very day that they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but when they ate of the fruit they did not die physical deaths which seems like a contradiction to some but something did happen in the day they ate of the fruit which suggests that the death consequent for defying God is not physical in nature which further suggests that the resurrection of the dead is not about rising to life from a biological death..

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. the man who found it buried it again. Matthew 13:44
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there is no need for any written text for the Spirit to be freed from its physiological confines but is limited to do so before the confines last breath or perish with it ...

the Bible should be a pathway for Remission to the Everlasting but presently falls short of its goal - simply by not professing the Triumph of Good over Evil as the only means of mankind's ultimate salvation - the final Judgement will occur when all remaining are the same as that will be the last day.

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The four Gospels are like four witnesses to a car crash. All four saw it differently. John said it was this way, Luke said it was that way, Mark said it was another way, and Mathew said it happened the way he saw it. Different people did the same event. Different events happened differently.

And then Paul had his own ideas about God, that were totally different than Jesus'. i.e. Jesus said, "If someone is hungry, feed them." Paul said,"If he doesn't work, don't feed him." Jesus had the ethics of love. Paul had the ethics of a republican.
Religion/myth is based more on human dream logic. It isn't meant to be interpreted literally. Tell that to Jim Jones or Bin laden or their followers.
He knew they wouldn't repent so God brought the Jews into two captivities as punishment. He used the unified Roman world and Greek culture to bring a language that everyone could understand the gospel in. He brought in Germanic Invaders to get the Christians out and spread the gospel. The Christians biggest mistake was not to leave and take the gospel into all the world because a lot of them were destroyed after Titus sacked Rome.

Titus? Are you referring to Odoacer?

Titus Vespasian

Vespasian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Roman Emperor sack Rome?
Due to a suggestion from The Irish Ram, I have decided to start this thread about the contradictions in the Bible as a means to address problems people may have with it. If you don't have anything reasonable or constructive to say, please don't post here.

Go ahead, post any contradictions or problems you have with Bible and we shall debate it (please cite the passages used, I don't feel like spending my whole day searching through the Bible).

Many people can probably list endless specific contradictions many of which i have read.

However these are a few of my personal observations which may not be specific contradictions within biblical verse but instead just overall contradictory ideas.

First of all some of the miracles which the bible describes.

People of ancient ( biblical ) times were obviously more primitive and not as scientifically advanced and therefore were more likely to place some supernatural blame on something like earthquakes, floods disease or whatever other disaster they were faced with.

Therefore it seems that they did not need miracles to believe in god so much as they needed miracles to believe in a specific god.

On the other hand today we have a much more clear understanding of what causes various disasters and so it would seem that if a deity wanted us to believe in it that we would get more miracles and bigger ones in order to convince us that it is not nature causing the calamities we face.

Obviously we do not however. Miracles seem to have stopped some time after the ascension. A couple of minor ones took place but hardly as significant as walking on water.

Even more puzzling however is the earlier miracles of the Old testament.

Even though I stated above that the people were more primitive and not as scientifically educated they were not stupid. Yet this is how the ancient Hebrews seem to be described.

The Hebrews were held captive in egypt and forced to be slaves until moses came along as Gods agent to lead them to freedom.

One of the first miracles we see when he begins this mission is two staffs ( pieces of wood ) turning into snakes. One belonged to his brother Aaron and one to a magician of the Pharoh. The Snake which was once Aarons staff swallowed up the other thus one proving the hebrew gods superiority. However we are led to believe that there is only one God. If that is so then it would have made more sense to have ONLY Aarons staff turn into a snake while the other one just remained a piece of wood.

After this minor miracle the Hebrews and Egyptians are witness to the biggest and most spectacular miracles of the bible. The nile turning to blood etc. Then the Hebrews finally are liberated and run for it. Of course Pharoh pursues and they are nearly cornered at the Red sea. They then witness the mother of all miracles when the water parts, they cross the dry space between the water, pharohs army pursues and is promptly destroyed when the force ( god ) holding back the water releases the sea.

Now lots of criticism can be said here but I'll get back to that. The main point is that after watching this miracle which defies all the laws of physics the Hebrews head into the desert near Mt. Sinai and wait while Moses heads up the mountian to recieve the ten commandments. What do they do in the meantime? They make themselves an idol of gold in the shape of a cow and start worshipping it instead.

It seems to me that most people having witnessed the miracles these people are supposed to have seen would never again doubt the existence of god but they toss their belief out the door at the first opportunity. I know such a miracle would make me a believer until the day I died.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would be that stupid. Now some will say it was teaching a lesson about mans disloyalty to god and the consequences and so forth. I agree that many biblical stories are filled with such lessons but this one makes no sense and if it IS just a story then it undermines the whole idea of god in the first place.

Getting back to the whole parting of the sea I would think that word would spread quickly about such an event and with Egypt defenseless ( their army was destroyed ) other rival kingdoms would have taken advantage. Not to mention that the pharoh dumb enough to send his Army into such an obvious death trap could never hope to maintain his throne for long.

Hope that this is sort of what you were looking for
The four Gospels are like four witnesses to a car crash. All four saw it differently. John said it was this way, Luke said it was that way, Mark said it was another way, and Mathew said it happened the way he saw it. Different people did the same event. Different events happened differently.

And then Paul had his own ideas about God, that were totally different than Jesus'. i.e. Jesus said, "If someone is hungry, feed them." Paul said,"If he doesn't work, don't feed him." Jesus had the ethics of love. Paul had the ethics of a republican.

and then the Dems, throwing out Jesus' notion that charity should be voluntary, came along and said "If someone is hungry, use the overbearing force of the government to make other folks feed him"... :)
My biggest question is: What happened to the Hebrews? After the Kingdom of Israel split into two, the northern kingdom was taken over by the Assyrians and the southern kingdom was taken over by the Babylonians. From the time the Jews were taken captive by the Babylonians, there is 0 reference to the Hebrews in Assyria and what happened to them. I have to assume that they assimilated into Assyrian culture and are Muslims today. But if the Hebrews (10 tribes) were God's chosen people, why would he let 10 of those tribes assimilate into Assyrian and later Arab culture?

If I'm wrong here, feel free to correct me.
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Religion/myth is based more on human dream logic. It isn't meant to be interpreted literally. Tell that to Jim Jones or Bin laden or their followers.
....or Pat Robertson...or Jim Baker...or 90% of the holier than thou's on this religion forum.

Judas died how?

"And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself." (MAT 27:5)

"And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out." (ACT 1:18)

Yeah!! That had me scratching my head. I Was Judas Braveheart or something? I thought he hung himself. Now he was gutted. Which is it?

He hung himself, the rope broke after a while and he spilled his guts on the rocks below.

One person saw it early and the other person saw it after. Each person told their story which was true but they didn't see what the other saw.

At the rate the average church teaches, it would take the average Christian 149 years in church to learn the Bible. The reason most Christians can't answer the questions is because they don't take the time to learn the material. If you were willing to take two hours a day for fifteen years at an adult rate, anyone can answer the questions if they were willing to devote hours to God. I have answered a lot of apologetic questions to people who will never change because answering the questions will not satisfy them. They decide they don't want God and the questions like these come later.

you were faster than me in the description of the gore pathology of the rotting body in the heat of the sun. brrr
Yeah!! That had me scratching my head. I Was Judas Braveheart or something? I thought he hung himself. Now he was gutted. Which is it?

He hung himself, the rope broke after a while and he spilled his guts on the rocks below.

One person saw it early and the other person saw it after. Each person told their story which was true but they didn't see what the other saw.

At the rate the average church teaches, it would take the average Christian 149 years in church to learn the Bible. The reason most Christians can't answer the questions is because they don't take the time to learn the material. If you were willing to take two hours a day for fifteen years at an adult rate, anyone can answer the questions if they were willing to devote hours to God. I have answered a lot of apologetic questions to people who will never change because answering the questions will not satisfy them. They decide they don't want God and the questions like these come later.

you were faster than me in the description of the gore pathology of the rotting body in the heat of the sun. brrr

After 28 years of talking to people with the Bible, I would hope so.

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