Controversial energy official charged with stealing woman’s luggage at MSP

Cant say I have ever taken someone's luggage in all the flying I have done, which is a shit ton.
It was a 2500 dollar bag. Ripped the ID tags off of it the lied to the police when confronted. BTW when you accidentally took someone else's bag did you return it to the airport or just keep the bag and leave the contents in your hotel room when you left?
Has NOTHING to do with knowledge of Chemistry or Physics

Ever hear of Alan Turing?
This person's individual sexual fetishes have nothing to do with his knowledge. But he is the "face" of the US on this issue. If he were keeping his fetishes to himself no one would likely care. If he wants to prance around in women's clothes and with his boyfriend dressed up as a dog on a leash that's his business, just don't do it down the street for everyone to see.
Good god these people are insane!


Sam Brinton, a non-binary senior US nuclear official in the Biden administration, has been charged with stealing a suitcase in an airport.

The official allegedly took a Vera Bradley suitcase worth $2,325 from the luggage carousel at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport on September 16. Officers reviewed video surveillance after the suitcase's owner alerted the airport police.

Brinton was identified taking the luggage. They allegedly removed its tag identifying the owner.

Wow, sounds like a typical day at the airport... um, what's your point here.
You typically go to the airport and commit felony theft of other people's property?

It would not be at all surprising. Keep in mind that Incel Joe ALWAYS takes the side of subhuman criminal shit against the side of human beings. ALWAYS. It is especially dismissive of property crimes, trying to argue that the subhuman piece of criminal shit is somehow more important than the property that it seeks to steal or destroy.

Why would it side with thieving criminal filth unless that is what Incel Joe itself is?

Bonus points, in this case, for the thieving piece of shit to also be any kind of fucked-up sexual pervert.
Damn, I must have started a trend yesterday....Must be the eighth thread on it. :laughing0301:
Mentally ill nutjobs being given positions of power is exactly what “equity” is all about.
Bidens "NUCLEAR EXPERT" is a total nutjob.
Not only that he was CAUGHT ON CAMERA stealing a woman's luggage and ripping off the tags. When confronted he said they look like his clothes.

And this loon helps shape our energy policy.

God help us

These guys deserve a mention since we're on this topic.

This guy-thing...

View attachment 732157
He's also a fucking thief
Video footage showed that the bag had been taken by none other than the deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the U.S. Department of Energy. Brinton had also just flown into MSP, but he had not checked a bag and thus had no reason to be in the baggage claim area. Brinton, says Alpha News, “left the airport in an Uber for a stay at the InterContinental St. Paul Riverfront hotel, where he checked in with the blue bag.” Then on Sept. 18, he went back to MSP to fly back to Washington, and had the bag with him.

Apparently Brinton liked this woman’s bag very much: “Surveillance video from Dulles International Airport shows Brinton traveling with the bag on an Oct. 9 return trip from Europe.” That same day, police asked him if he had taken “anything that did not belong” to him. Brinton replied: “Not that I know of.”

Perhaps realizing how improbable that sounded, Brinton “allegedly called the investigating officer two hours later and apologized for not being ‘completely honest.’ This time Brinton said he took the bag because he was tired and thought it was his.” He said that once he realized he had taken the wrong bag, he “got nervous” and didn’t “know what to do,” as he was afraid that people might think “stole the bag.” He claimed that he left the woman’s clothes in the hotel room in Minneapolis, but not the bag itself, as that would have been even “weirder.” However, police “learned that no clothing was recovered from the hotel room.”

Isn't it way past time to denounce this stupid clusterfuck administration?
I love that Fake News badge because it points directly to how ignorant the lefty lemmings actually are.
This is a factually accurate & verified story but at least 2 progbots gave you the Fake News badge.
This is the level of ignorance the UNiparty demands from the masses.
They are the very definition of "Useless Idiots"
I guess the oil companies only get greedy when democrats are in office.


The oil companies earn 5¢ to 10¢ on each gallon of gasoline that they sell us.

Government takes (not earns) up to $1.83 in taxes on each gallon.

And yet, somehow, it's the oil companies that are being “greedy”.
New case, not the original baggage theft, this is the kind of perverted freak that the federal govt is hiring and promoting.

Non-binary Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton accused in second luggage heist​

December 9, 2022

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