Convert to Christainity in Egypt and get 15 YEARS IN PRISON!!!

Turzovka refuses to accept his hatred, which discounts his arguments right there.

No one discounts evil in the world, whether Turzovka intolerance or jihadist hatred.
What a demonic religion!

Blog: Egyptian court sentences Christian family to 15 years for converting from Islam
15-year prison sentence given to a woman and her seven children by an Egyptian court for converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come, according to alarmed human rights advocates who say the nation's Islamist government is bad news for Christians in the North African country.

Dude converting in Saudi Arabia gets you the death penalty, Pakistan too I think.
Turzovka refuses to accept his hatred, which discounts his arguments right there.

No one discounts evil in the world, whether Turzovka intolerance or jihadist hatred.

Go address my post and my points directly if you have the guts. All you have is a megaphone and an ego.
Your points are invalidated by your intolerance and hatred.

Is jihadism wrong? Sure. Are all Muslims jihadist? Only a very, very few.

Is Christian right wing hatred wrong. Sure. Are all Christians right wing in the world? Thank heavens, only a very, very few.
Your points are invalidated by your intolerance and hatred.

Is jihadism wrong? Sure. Are all Muslims jihadist? Only a very, very few.

Is Christian right wing hatred wrong. Sure. Are all Christians right wing in the world? Thank heavens, only a very, very few.

His 'historical' Analysis is way off as well, especially on Sudan, etc. He doesn't mention the civil war or how many died on the other side. But of course when he finds out they're African Arabs he could care less, he's using them to justify his hate against Muslims.
Your points are invalidated by your intolerance and hatred.

Is jihadism wrong? Sure. Are all Muslims jihadist? Only a very, very few.

Is Christian right wing hatred wrong. Sure. Are all Christians right wing in the world? Thank heavens, only a very, very few.

Oh, yeah? Well my original and main point is validated by all of your inane responses. Here are two of them.

"Sigh. As if the history of Christianity is not replete with such and much worse."

"Christians and Muslims kill each other in Africa. Muslims and Hindus do it in India. And every time you try to post, you kill your own brain cells."

My main point was that you are a gutless critic who takes pleasure in impugning everyone or anyone who is trying to save this world from evil. Instead you dismiss your role in getting involved or caring about Islamic terrorism by telling us Christians we are hypocrites and have no right to have a voice. Meanwhile evil goes on unabated while you sit on your couch.

Yes, the world needs more “brave soldiers” like you who care about nothing and no one except their own selfish life and putting down others willing speak out --- all for the sake of making yourself look better or wiser. lol
Everything is Islamic terrorism to this guy, even if militants are defending themselves from attacks from Russia, United States, etc. This man is a total joke.
Neither BecauseIKnowIAm and Turzovka will admit their inner weaknesses, their arguments fail.

Humans are imperfect. Muslims inherently are no more dangerous than our fundamentalist Christian Right and Jewish Fundamentalists.

Tis what tis.
Neither BecauseIKnowIAm and Turzovka will admit their inner weaknesses, their arguments fail.

Humans are imperfect. Muslims inherently are no more dangerous than our fundamentalist Christian Right and Jewish Fundamentalists.

Tis what tis.

Not true, I'm referring to his absurd claims, terrorism is terrorism, but to his eyes any conflict with Muslims involved is 'Islamic' terrorism, whatever that means. So whenever a country invades a another country and those insurgents respond whether with terrorism or legitimate targets he calls it Islamic terrorism. That's ignorance, it isn't an action without an action.
Your points are invalidated by your intolerance and hatred.

Is jihadism wrong? Sure. Are all Muslims jihadist? Only a very, very few.

Is Christian right wing hatred wrong. Sure. Are all Christians right wing in the world? Thank heavens, only a very, very few.

His 'historical' Analysis is way off as well, especially on Sudan, etc. He doesn't mention the civil war or how many died on the other side. But of course when he finds out they're African Arabs he could care less, he's using them to justify his hate against Muslims.

Can you read?

Second Civil War (1983-2005)
Sudan’s second civil war started as a continuation of the first civil war. It broke out in 1983, between the SSLM/A under its then leader John Garang and the GGOS, taking place for the most part in Southern Sudan. It has been described as one of the longest lasting and deadliest wars of the later 20th century where approximately 1.9 million civilians were killed (U.S. Committee for Refugees, 2001) and more than 4 million southerners have been forced to flee their homes since the war began. Gaafar Nimeiri infringed the AAPA, by revoking the autonomy of the southerners when he declared his intention to transform Sudan into a Muslim Arab state by imposing Sharia law across the country including the South, an action that started the conflict anew. Robert Collins (2008) explains that after the conversion of Gaafar Nimeiri to fundamental Islam he emphasised that religion was ‘not just an individual matter of faith but the cornerstone and basis of all social and political institutions in society as a whole’ (Collins, 2008:145).

Nimeiri attributed the backward condition of the Sudanese to the creeping decadence of Islamic societies and the introduction of western governance, economics, education and values under colonial rule that after political independence had disrupted the proper practice of Islam in Sudan. Furthermore Nimeiri very condescendingly not only saw himself as guardian of this backward brethren in the South, but felt obliged to replace the Southerner’s religion with a better one, which was Islam; he also came to see the South’s rich resources as a bonanza to develop the North, and to view the Southerners merely a source of cheap labour for the North (Deng, 1978). Nimeiri’s successors continued his legacies which led the war to continue for years, until diplomatic intervention and the GGOS cooperation, under president Omar Al-Bashier (current president of Sudan and leader of the National Congress Party (NCP) (Appendix 5) eventually leading to the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 which brought one of the world’s deadliest wars to a halt.
Muslims inherently are no more dangerous than our fundamentalist Christian Right and Jewish Fundamentalists.

Tis what tis.

Where were you on 9/11/01 ?

I was watching the world trade center collapse live on television.
Neither BecauseIKnowIAm and Turzovka will admit their inner weaknesses, their arguments fail.

Humans are imperfect. Muslims inherently are no more dangerous than our fundamentalist Christian Right and Jewish Fundamentalists.

Tis what tis.
you are a liar !! and a fraud !! conservative my ass !!
Neither BecauseIKnowIAm and Turzovka will admit their inner weaknesses, their arguments fail.

Humans are imperfect. Muslims inherently are no more dangerous than our fundamentalist Christian Right and Jewish Fundamentalists.

Tis what tis.
you are a liar !! and a fraud !! conservative my ass !!

You are a binary believer, one digit short of a decent IQ.
I understand. You can't win a holy war without denouncing the other side.

What is saddest of all is the number of calories burnt in efforts to convince the world which side has committed the greatest atrocities, which side is worse. It would appear that the political notion of voting for the lesser of two evils has bled over into the religious world.

But seriously. How many threads or posts do we see about Christians or Muslims doing something right, or good? If USMB were any indication, it would seem that religious zealots are obsessed with evil.

Advice to Christians from a non-believer: spend more energy on why people are leaving the pews than on what Islam is doing.
The failure morally in America, if there is such a thing, would be the failure of Christian families in their homes and Christians in their churches.
I understand. You can't win a holy war without denouncing the other side.

What is saddest of all is the number of calories burnt in efforts to convince the world which side has committed the greatest atrocities, which side is worse. It would appear that the political notion of voting for the lesser of two evils has bled over into the religious world.

But seriously. How many threads or posts do we see about Christians or Muslims doing something right, or good? If USMB were any indication, it would seem that religious zealots are obsessed with evil.

Advice to Christians from a non-believer: spend more energy on why people are leaving the pews than on what Islam is doing.

Advice to Christians from a non-believer: spend more energy on why people are leaving the pews than on what Islam is doing.

A frigging MEN! :clap2:
What a demonic religion!

Blog: Egyptian court sentences Christian family to 15 years for converting from Islam
15-year prison sentence given to a woman and her seven children by an Egyptian court for converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come, according to alarmed human rights advocates who say the nation's Islamist government is bad news for Christians in the North African country.

Let's hope all the naive sympathizers of Islam may some day realize the truth about this religion.

It's barbaric and it hasn't changed since it was originated in the desert in the 8th century.

May be it will also become clear that Islam is completely intolerant of any religion!

Apostates especially are in danger of their lives and have committed the greatest sin!

So much for tolerance which is frequently said to exist under Islam!
What a demonic religion!

Blog: Egyptian court sentences Christian family to 15 years for converting from Islam
15-year prison sentence given to a woman and her seven children by an Egyptian court for converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come, according to alarmed human rights advocates who say the nation's Islamist government is bad news for Christians in the North African country.

Let's hope all the naive sympathizers of Islam may some day realize the truth about this religion.

It's barbaric and it hasn't changed since it was originated in the desert in the 8th century.

May be it will also become clear that Islam is completely intolerant of any religion!

Apostates especially are in danger of their lives and have committed the greatest sin!

So much for tolerance which is frequently said to exist under Islam!

Well christianity does not exactly have a clean rap sheet do they?

Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church Inquisition | Crusades

Christians Openly Advocate Killing Atheists on FOX News Facebook Page

The Murder and Resurrection of Paganism

Killings for Christianity

Christians really should practice what they preach and examine their own religion instead of relying on what some pastor says from the money pit on Sunday.
What a demonic religion!

Let's hope all the naive sympathizers of Islam may some day realize the truth about this religion.

It's barbaric and it hasn't changed since it was originated in the desert in the 8th century.

May be it will also become clear that Islam is completely intolerant of any religion!

Apostates especially are in danger of their lives and have committed the greatest sin!

So much for tolerance which is frequently said to exist under Islam!

Well christianity does not exactly have a clean rap sheet do they?

Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church Inquisition | Crusades

Christians Openly Advocate Killing Atheists on FOX News Facebook Page

The Murder and Resurrection of Paganism

Killings for Christianity

Christians really should practice what they preach and examine their own religion instead of relying on what some pastor says from the money pit on Sunday.

Not talking about Christianity.

Talking About Islam.

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