Convicted sex offender Shannon Norgate gets bashed outside a train station


Jun 20, 2020
Convicted sex offender Shannon Norgate gets punched by big man outside train station


The disgusting monster on the right Shannon Norgate, disguised himself as a police officer and tried to do bad stuff to kids. The whole story makes me sick so I don't want to post it all. You can just search up Shannon Norgate on google and you can read more.

I just wanted to share the good news that he was bashed! HAHAHA
Apparently in Queensland, Australia.

Queensland is the home of the Deplorables down under, not surprised that they don't put up with this kind of shit.
Maybe the Left will form a riot... uhm, protest.. over their sexually different and misunderstood brother here , who was unfairly assaulted. BY POLICE... yes POLICE did this, under the direct instruction of Donald J Trump.

Anonymous sources have spoken!
He'll be released again. Had enough yet? I didn't think so.

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