Conway: Obama ‘Handed the Nobel Peace Prize,’ But Trump ‘Is on His Way to Earning One’

The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances

A Man of Peace
What has Trump done to earn a Nobel? He's had 3 meetings with Un so far, and none of them have done anything to get N. Korea to denuclearize.

However...................during the first one, Trump cancelled military exercises between S. Korea and the US, saying it was a temporary thing, and it would save a lot of money.

After the second one? Exercises were cancelled permanently, which is something that Un has always wanted.

And finally, the third one? Nothing more than a photo op for both sides to use as propaganda. No deals have been made, nor do I expect N. Korea to get rid of a single nuke.
There is no affirmative action for the White man..........
The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances
It took him nine months into his term to win a Nobel peace prize. The same amount of time that it took him to get his law degree.
The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances
It took him nine months into his term to win a Nobel peace prize. The same amount of time that it took him to get his law degree.

A wise choice by the Nobel Committee

Up there with Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world’s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama’s appeal that “Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.”

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This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances

That's a load of horse shit. He earned nothing. It was handed to him for being the first half black POTUS.

Trump has done more to earn a prize than Obama ever did.

Oh and that Iran treaty only helped Iran. You sure are stupid.
The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances

That's a load of horse shit. He earned nothing. It was handed to him for being the first half black POTUS.

Trump has done more to earn a prize than Obama ever did.

Oh and that Iran treaty only helped Iran. You sure are stupid.
The Great Obama earned international acclaim as a man of peace.

Crooked Donnie is openly mocked
The Great Obama earned his Nobel Prize

Breaking a nuclear treaty does not help Crooked Donnie’s chances

That's a load of horse shit. He earned nothing. It was handed to him for being the first half black POTUS.

Trump has done more to earn a prize than Obama ever did.

Oh and that Iran treaty only helped Iran. You sure are stupid.
The Great Obama earned international acclaim as a man of peace.

Crooked Donnie is openly mocked

Bullshit. He was given that prize as he was elected. He hadn't done a damned thing yet and didn't do a damned thing while in office.

You sure are one deluded Obama loving idiot.

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