Conway: Obama ‘Handed the Nobel Peace Prize,’ But Trump ‘Is on His Way to Earning One’

This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
He will never be a 2 termer. Kamala will though
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
He will never be a 2 termer. Kamala will though
Daughter of wealthy Black owners of slaves who fucked her way to the top.
You may have something there...
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
I’m going to volunteer for the suicide prevention line when Trump wins again.
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
I’m going to volunteer for the suicide prevention line when Trump wins again.
I will gladly be a volunteer. When they call saying they are going to commit suicide. I’ll tell them do it pussy do it.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
I’m going to volunteer for the suicide prevention line when Trump wins again.
I will gladly be a volunteer. When they call saying they are going to commit suicide. I’ll tell them do it pussy do it.
Are you bugging my house?
How did you know my plan?
Jan 17 2009 Sworn in as President of the United States
Quite an accomplishment
The Nobel committee did not state this as the reason.

Now, what did they say?
That he promised to pursue global peace.
An overt admission of non-accomplishment.
In other words, they sucked minority cock.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world’s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama’s appeal that “Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.”
Remember the people who don’t like obama now didn’t like Mohammad Ali or mlk either
I remember how Republicans treated Dr King
Wasn’t pretty

NO PRESIDENT is worthy of the noble peace prize until they do what out last GREAT president Kennedy tried to do.Get rid of those three evil institutions the fed,the CIA and the FBI. these presidents are cowards,they are too afraid knowing they will suffer the same fate he did if they try.
Oswald acted alone

A Man of Peace
Peace of shit.
A Great American
There is no affirmative action for the White man..........
There was 200 years of affirmative action

What are you talking about Tard?

Used to be only white, male, Christians were considered for top paying jobs

OH yea,

Just wake up White and you had the world by the balls....


That’s what you Tards do with your FAKE NEWS...

You yup it up like a kitty cat with warm milk....

You really don’t have a clue.....

Think about it....

You are a RACIST saying this about Whites...

I bet you support antifa....

Well Nazi, what about it?
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
He will never be a 2 termer. Kamala will though
Daughter of wealthy Black owners of slaves who fucked her way to the top.
You may have something there...
Women will love you to do that to her. Please do.

You elected the biggest scumbag. Nothing she did trumps the shit he’s done. He’s a daddy’s boy who went bankrupt.

And he lied. Again. Said we could see after the audit. You don’t care if he lies though but many fair neutral moderate independents do.
This is the epitome of Trumpbot insanity.

There is nothing whatsoever that merits Trump a Nobel.

Trump is a racist, bigot, and militarist; his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible scuttling of the Iran nuclear accords and one-sided blind support of Israel hostile to the Palestinians have destabilized the Middle East making it that much more difficult to bring peace to the Region.

Trump embraces despots and dictators, fawns over authoritarian neo-fascists, and has pursued a reprehensible, inhumane, and brutal immigration policy.

The notion of Trump being awarded any sort of award associated with peace is madness.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
I’m going to volunteer for the suicide prevention line when Trump wins again.
Will trump give up power when he loses? And will you defend him?

Republicans want a king. They hat3 democracy.
Another retard response. You are like a damn parrot.
Even if trump does one great thing he’s not a man who gets a Nobel prize.

If lex Luther were president and he made peace with North Korea and Iran it wouldn’t undo all the evil shit he did like kiss the Saudi king murderers ass or side with russia over American intelligence or even his actions with John McCain.
Don’t fret...Trump will never become President.
Maybe if you can buy one
I’m going to volunteer for the suicide prevention line when Trump wins again.
I will gladly be a volunteer. When they call saying they are going to commit suicide. I’ll tell them do it pussy do it.
I bet you are pro life
The Nobel committee did not state this as the reason.

Now, what did they say?
That he promised to pursue global peace.
An overt admission of non-accomplishment.
In other words, they sucked minority cock.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world’s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama’s appeal that “Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.”
Remember the people who don’t like obama now didn’t like Mohammad Ali or mlk either
I remember how Republicans treated Dr King
Wasn’t pretty
But would modern day republicans admit that back then they would have been anti mlk? They would have been rooting for the cops and dogs.

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