Cool stuff in Qatar as they work to solve long term problems

Thought it worth sharing for those who haven't seen it.

Death ray?

Well anything that they may have gain just went away as I looked into Qatar further. These Arab assholes are almost worse than our bankers class here (some of the bastards here are one in the same) and need to be taken down and ran back into the deserts where their ancestors lived from day to day.

And some dumb asses wonder why people don't want these Muslims anywhere near us. I have to wonder why the countries where these poor souls came from are not arrested those who have assisted in talking these people into going into a country that permits modern day slavery.

Been catching up for the last year + a few months as we did not have Internet in house for years. It looks to me like a lot of the Intel that was most likely known or should have been known by our intelligence services is now more public. Its a shame that so many are still in denial about the threat these bastards are to our liberty. Then again the previous admins through the years allow these creeps to be bully and now it looks like we will have to deal with their sons throughout the world.

Personally I have always thought if you let a bully bully you around you will continue to be bullied by them (personal experience being the youngest and most vulnerable in the family prepared me somewhat for what the world would toss at me in the years ahead).

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