Coolest Summer I can remember...

Okra likes it okra is growing great but not producing much because it isn't getting hot and staying hot. Heats up for a day or two and then cools off....down in the 60's here in central NC last night...not typical at all.
Its a bloody heatwave over here, we live 10 mile away from the Hoylake Open so you will see it on your sports news.
Its 11.20am and 27c

Saturday is going to be a nightmare with torrential rain
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It really has been a cool year... Since last year. We were still getting really heavy snows in the Mountains pushing into the beginning of Summer.

We went through a pretty Severe Drought and Heat Wave over a Decade ago and I remember people saying this was the way of the Future, blah, blah, blah...

Now those same Asscunts are Complaining about how "it's not like Summer this year" and "When is this rain and cool weather going to stop so I can go to the lake or Waterworld"...

When it's 95 again next week the Parks will be empty... Like they always are.

I Hate Humans.


Last like 4-5 years it went right from Winter to 85 degree humidity in NY, but this particular year we actually got a Spring and good rains and what not.

This summer has not been too bad with humidity so far either, save for a couple of days here and there. It's been great.
Two 90 degree days all summer here in NewYorkistan. Low 90's to boot. People are in wtf mode all the time. Global warming jokes are the norm now amongst virtually everybody.......standard jokes of the day at bars and in the 7-11's.

Its been devastating to the AGW climate crusaders since so few people out there give a flying shit about the science. Since reality is 95% perception, at least here in NewYorkistan, absolutely NOBODY is an alarmist anymore. After general, people don't like to look like mental cases.
Two 90 degree days all summer here in NewYorkistan. Low 90's to boot. People are in wtf mode all the time. Global warming jokes are the norm now amongst virtually everybody.......standard jokes of the day at bars and in the 7-11's.

Its been devastating to the AGW climate crusaders since so few people out there give a flying shit about the science. Since reality is 95% perception, at least here in NewYorkistan, absolutely NOBODY is an alarmist anymore. After general, people don't like to look like mental cases.

The algorians will just tell you it's Hot in Palm Desert right now... And dry.

And wherever else on the Planet they can point to a dry and hot cycle.

Latest Data Shows Arctic Sea Ice Volume Has Increased

^Arctic Ice being 50% thicker from 2012 to 2013 won't be where they will be pointing though. :rofl:


Actually, because we're honest and intelligent, we'll keep pointing to the global average, like we've always done. June 2014 is either the hottest June ever or 3rd hottest, depending which algorithm you use.

Dishonest cherrypicking fallacies, we leave those to folks like Mal. After all, since all the science always disagrees with deniers, the dishonest cherrypicking is all they've got.
The last summer this cold was during an El Nino year - which I hope this one becomes.

We need rain!
is it the polar vortex or did starqueesha do a cannonball in the arctic ocean? :dunno:

Actually, because we're honest and intelligent, we'll keep pointing to the global average, like we've always done. June 2014 is either the hottest June ever or 3rd hottest, depending which algorithm you use.

Dishonest cherrypicking fallacies, we leave those to folks like Mal. After all, since all the science always disagrees with deniers, the dishonest cherrypicking is all they've got.

There is nothing honest, or intelligent at all about an average global temperature...on earth the temperature can range 150 degrees or more at different places at the same time....the idea of an average representing the temperature of earth is both dishonest and laughable.
Actually many places around the globe have been cooler than normal, but I bet when the AGW church posts their data, they will try and show that it was one of the warmest years on record..
Actually many places around the globe have been cooler than normal, but I bet when the AGW church posts their data, they will try and show that it was one of the warmest years on record..

Nah, they'll just say that cool weather is caused by global warming.
As can be seen from a number of sources, the average temperature of the globe has NOT gone down. We are NOT cooling off. There's no need to make up silly answers.
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As can be seen from a number of sources, the average temperature of the globe has NOT gone down. We are NOT cooling off. There's no need to make up silly answers.

Yet another lie by the AGW cult..


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

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