Cops Called Over Anti Trump T-Shirt. Could Not Do Anything About It

I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.

If he had an Obama shirt you'd want one. Typical hypocrite.
Wanting one and wearing it in PUBLIC is a different matter. I would not wear curse words on my body in public. Its disrespectful to everyone.
Im a very considerate person IRL
The shirt is inappropriate to be seen by children who are all around the country being sexually molested by homosexuals on a daily basis........especially by same sex married couples with adopted kids.
What a stupid fucking statement.

You mean all your compadres on this list are homos...?
* Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a juvenile.

* Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

* Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

* Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

* Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

* Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges.

* Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

* Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

* Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a minor working as a congressional page.
I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.

If he had an Obama shirt you'd want one. Typical hypocrite.
Wanting one and wearing it in PUBLIC is a different matter. I would not wear curse words on my body in public. Its disrespectful to everyone.
Im a very considerate person IRL

Except for the shirt your Mom disposed of.

The ability to wear something that isn't 'right' makes us NOT Russia.
This story made my day. Trump snowflakes have a meltdown and the guy in the shirt walks because he knows the law.
Where in the article does it say anything about "Trump snowflakes", jackass?

And where is the evidence that the cops were called other than an obviously deranged idiot's unsupported claim on his Facebook post?
This story made my day. Trump snowflakes have a meltdown and the guy in the shirt walks because he knows the law.

The Police Were Called Over Man’s Anti-Trump T-Shirt; His Response Is Perfect


Garland, Texas resident Andy Ternay had quite a day over the weekend and it was all over this t-shirt which reads, “F*ck Trump — and f*ck you for voting for him.” The back of the t-shirt reads,“FUCK THE RACIST ALT-RIGHT.” Ternay was at a First Watch cafe with his partner Mary Ann when a manager approached him to say that customers “were very distressed” by his t-shirt and that “children might see it.” Mr. Ternay detailed what took place in a Facebook post that has gone viral.

They finally left....and then.........

Ternay got into his car and started to leave when the Richardson police suddenly pulled up.

“I stop the car and ask the officer if she is there over a t-shirt,” he writes. “She affirms this to be true and asks my name which I respectfully decline to give; she starts in on the shirt – whereupon I cite Cohen v. California, 1971, in which the Supreme Court upheld the right to wear a T-shirt saying: FUCK THE DRAFT.”

The officer just looked at Ternay and said, ‘Just leave, okay?’
More likely some libtard offended cry baby.
I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.

If he had an Obama shirt you'd want one. Typical hypocrite.
Wanting one and wearing it in PUBLIC is a different matter. I would not wear curse words on my body in public. Its disrespectful to everyone.
Im a very considerate person IRL

Except for the shirt your Mom disposed of.

The ability to wear something that isn't 'right' makes us NOT Russia.
It wasnt cussing. I was also 16. I am a man now, cupcake.
I dont want it to be illegal. I have stated that already. I just think its inconsiderate and disrespectful.
Russia isn't a communist nation?
No, why do you think they have been crossed off the democrats christmas list?...dude I thought you were being facetious when you called them communists...not knowing that means you must have a college left wing education...when they were a communist country [countries actually] liberals bent over backwards defending them against the right here in America, why do you think they despised McCarthy so much?
"The police were called."

Enough already.

Such gratuitous use of the passive voice is a code phrase meaning that some "gentleman" disrespected a "lady" in some respect, willfully and intentionally failed to take off his hat or open tbe door for her or something like that, which is a felony in such a red-light district.

Such passive femininity is an ironclad defense against making a false police report, while the male, fuck, is such an arsehole for wearing a shirt like that he's lucky not to get himself on the registered sex offender list for wearing it.

Fuck, the police were called, don't you get it already?
Registered as a sex offender??!!

I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.
When you wear a shirt like that in public, you're exposing every kid who is old enough to sound out words to the F word. There are still some parents who don't want their kids using that word as normal vocab. So I wouldn't want him wearing it in my store, either. I don't know if I could have done anything about it, but he would have heard about it from me, and hopefully it would have pissed him off enough to get him to leave.
Kick his ass out. If he dont leave, call the cops. Our institutional discrimination laws dont cover vulgar tshirts lol

Actually his right to wear that shirt is Constitutionally protected, and upheld by SCOTUS. Neither the store owner that entered into a legally binding contract with him by serving him and taking his money, nor the police can do anything about it. If that police officer would have in any way detained him, would have opened the city up to a suit that he would have prevailed.
Owners can kick customers out for offensive clothing, or lack thereof.
I didnt say it was illegal or anything. But nice "gotcha" anyways :dunno:

Owners can kick customers out for offensive clothing, or lack thereof.

Actually they can't once they serve them, and take their money, which constitutes a legally binding contract at that point. Unless you become disruptive at that point there is nothing the owner can do.

Also if you read the article you would have noticed this.

Cohen v. California, 1971, in which the Supreme Court upheld the right to wear a T-shirt saying: FUCK THE DRAFT.”

At which point the officer that responded and told him to leave, gave an unlawful order that he did not have to comply with, and any action by that officer to enforce that unlawful order would have resulted in a law suit the city would have lost.

My personal feelings about the shirt, as well as yours, are irrelevant.

Though I find it distasteful he would where the shirt displaying that language in front of children. My support for his Constitutional rights supercedes those feelings.

With a culture of bullying that has become acceptable because of the exact same language by the very President that shirt is aimed at, I salute this individual for fearlessly standing up to the bully in chief and his base of moronic supporters who he unapologetically waved in their faces and dared them to do anything other than to stfu and call the police like the fragile little snowflakes they are.
I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.
When you wear a shirt like that in public, you're exposing every kid who is old enough to sound out words to the F word. There are still some parents who don't want their kids using that word as normal vocab. So I wouldn't want him wearing it in my store, either. I don't know if I could have done anything about it, but he would have heard about it from me, and hopefully it would have pissed him off enough to get him to leave.
Kick his ass out. If he dont leave, call the cops. Our institutional discrimination laws dont cover vulgar tshirts lol

Actually his right to wear that shirt is Constitutionally protected, and upheld by SCOTUS. Neither the store owner that entered into a legally binding contract with him by serving him and taking his money, nor the police can do anything about it. If that police officer would have in any way detained him, would have opened the city up to a suit that he would have prevailed.
Owners can kick customers out for offensive clothing, or lack thereof.
I didnt say it was illegal or anything. But nice "gotcha" anyways :dunno:

Owners can kick customers out for offensive clothing, or lack thereof.

Actually they can't once they serve them, and take their money, which constitutes a legally binding contract at that point. Unless you become disruptive at that point there is nothing the owner can do.

Also if you read the article you would have noticed this.

Cohen v. California, 1971, in which the Supreme Court upheld the right to wear a T-shirt saying: FUCK THE DRAFT.”

At which point the officer that responded and told him to leave, gave an unlawful order that he did not have to comply with, and any action by that officer to enforce that unlawful order would have resulted in a law suit the city would have lost.

My personal feelings about the shirt, as well as yours, are irrelevant.

Though I find it distasteful he would where the shirt displaying that language in front of children. My support for his Constitutional rights supercedes those feelings.

With a culture of bullying that has become acceptable because of the exact same language by the very President that shirt is aimed at, I salute this individual for fearlessly standing up to the bully in chief and his base of moronic supporters who he unapologetically waved in their faces and dared them to do anything other than to stfu and call the police like the fragile little snowflakes they are.
well, genius, my first post in this thread said i would have never let him in the first place.
Of course it does. The COTUS supercedes all.
I understand they are irrelevant but that doesnt mean i wont talk about it. If thats the way you feel, why post at all? It is ALL irrelevant :thup:
Though I find it distasteful he would where the shirt displaying that language in front of children. My support for his Constitutional rights supercedes those feelings.
ditto...that is why opposing gun control is necessary as well
I wouldnt have let that vulgar shirt into my store in the first place.
What a disrespect for society. He is definitely a deplorable.

If he had an Obama shirt you'd want one. Typical hypocrite.
Wanting one and wearing it in PUBLIC is a different matter. I would not wear curse words on my body in public. Its disrespectful to everyone.
Im a very considerate person IRL

Except for the shirt your Mom disposed of.

The ability to wear something that isn't 'right' makes us NOT Russia.
It wasnt cussing. I was also 16. I am a man now, cupcake.
I dont want it to be illegal. I have stated that already. I just think its inconsiderate and disrespectful.

It is almost certainly intentionally disrespectful.
Registered as a sex offender??!!

Felony failure to doff one's hat for a lady is definitely a felony sex offense on the part of a gentleman in such a district.

Of course only gay men "doff" their hats for anyone, but that is another matter, because then we have to get into gay rights, federal civil rights, blah blah blah ...
Registered as a sex offender??!!

Felony failure to doff one's hat for a lady is definitely a felony sex offense on the part of a gentleman in such a district.

Of course only gay men "doff" their hats for anyone, but that is another matter, because then we have to get into gay rights, federal civil rights, blah blah blah ...

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