Cops Shoot a Blind AND Deaf Man in the Back - in His Own House

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

So, thus, all cops are bad. Yeah, I know. We get it.

You don't post these things in concern for the person who died, just so you can steer a false narrative.

Speak for yourself.

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

It does look really bad, but the article gives very little details and too dependent on the family's lawyer claims of the event.

I think it would be wise to wait for the investigation to be completed first. The very last line in the article....,

"LASD said the case will be reviewed by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, which will determine if the shooting was justified."

And, as always, remember that it's ultimately not our judgement to make.
Yes, we all know you support summary execution for people who disagree with your politics. No need to reiterate.
I like it when the authoritarian fascists self identify.

Sadly, the Big Media/Big Tech alliance has made murderous lefty fascism acceptable, or at least removed the shame that used to be associated with it. It's now okay to kill your political opponents as long as they are conservatives.
This is why people argue that we need fewer cops and more mental health professionals.
This is just terrible, they're going to release the bodycam footage
Maybe you should start burning and looting now.
Really you don't have to have a reason.
I'm not a criminal and I don't do those things.
No one cares. And stop changing your avatar so much. I can never tell it's your dumb ass because you have a new pic every ohter day
Ok, dooky stain.
Why did you change it from shit to dooky?

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Another blue city murder.

Tell us again how only cops should have guns.
He was too stupid to understand it was a blue city murder You just know those cops were democrats,lol

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Another blue city murder.

Tell us again how only cops should have guns.
He was too stupid to understand it was a blue city murder You just know those cops were democrats,lol

Of course they were. And their chief is a Democrat. And their union reps are Democrats. And the mayor is a Democrat. And the city council are all Democrats. And the governor is a Democrat.
Of course they were. And their chief is a Democrat. And their union reps are Democrats. And the mayor is a Democrat. And the city council are all Democrats. And the governor is a Democrat.
But.... the kid grabbed for the cops gun.
This is just terrible, they're going to release the bodycam footage
Maybe you should start burning and looting now.
Really you don't have to have a reason.
I'm not a criminal and I don't do those things.
No one cares. And stop changing your avatar so much. I can never tell it's your dumb ass because you have a new pic every ohter day
Ok, dooky stain.
Why did you change it from shit to dooky?
Synonyms dooky stain

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Are the cops okay?

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Covid-1984 Scamdemic clearly showed that most of western 'cops' are brutal sadistic animals who shall be replaced later by humans

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Another blue city murder.

Tell us again how only cops should have guns.
He was too stupid to understand it was a blue city murder You just know those cops were democrats,lol

Of course they were. And their chief is a Democrat. And their union reps are Democrats. And the mayor is a Democrat. And the city council are all Democrats. And the governor is a Democrat.

marvin martian

You aren’t exagerating at all On that are you?o_O
Last edited:
The ghetto lotteries need to be made illegal. That would reduce 911 calls and the subsequent fake ass tears orchestrated by groups that feature race baiting "civil rights" and "community" professionals.
The police can shoot ANYONE dead as long as they "feel" like the person is trying to get their gun when they go hands on.

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.
Once the bodycams come out, the truth will be known. As to police action in general....the cops aren't called when a person is just sitting around, the autistic Cervantes was no doubt acting in an "unmanageable" manner. For those unfamiliar with autism, one might think of a child having a tantrum, BUT....children having tantrums are motivated in an attempt to get what they want and will resolve either by getting their way, or realizing that they are not going to get their way, no matter how much they scream and thrash about.
Autistics don't have "tantrums," they have "meltdowns." A HUGE difference. They become uncontrollable and they aren't looking for compliance for anything. It's a response to a high level of stress. Transfer that uncontrollable level of response to stress from a child to a full grown adult and you have an actual physical danger on your hands. That dangerous meltdown won't dissipate, once the stressor is removed, as the autistic individual will continue with the actions until he/she has exhausted him/herself out. In this case, adding in deafness only increases the problem.
The family called the cops because they were no doubt fearful for themselves, as well as for the autistic adult. Being deaf, he would not hear the officers and even if he could, wouldn't be able to respond, as he is in the meltdown state.
As to the family saying they were treated like criminals, they were no doubt trying to interfere with the officers trying to subdue him. If you try to interfere with law enforcement doing their job, you too can be physically detained. I said, we don't have the bodycam footage, so, we have to wait on that. However, as to where any blame may rest at this time:
1. The cops aren't schooled in dealing with an autistic individual and learning that autistic people having a meltdown, can't control their behavior.
2. The cops don't know that autistics having a meltdown, aren't even aware of guns, let alone actually try to go for one deliberately. The person is just flailing about, not going for specific items.
Blame is partially on the cops there, but largely due to lack of training regarding the mentally disabled and hearing impaired.
3. Being Hispanic, Hispanics have a tendency to keep problem family members close and try and solve issues themselves. Anyone with that severe level of autism that necessitates the police have to be called, should actually be housed in a facility that handles autistics, on medications, supervised and even then such individuals still have meltdowns, but at least they are in places specifically for them. So, some blame goes to the family.
4. City/county government can be blamed for not having 24 hour on-call professionals to become involved when calls dealing with the disabled (mentally or otherwise) persons. That however, may be a budgetary issue.
Last.....leave it to the minority community to ignorantly and publicly jump onboard every cop related incident when it deals with minorities, however, when it involves a white, they keep their mouths shut. There's some blame their for inflaming situations, rather than just letting the family, cops and local government handle the issue.

The family of a 25-year-old man with intellectual disabilities who was critically injured after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies shot him at his Cudahy home called for justice Monday in downtown Los Angeles.

“We are hurt, we are angry,” Yadira Cervantes, the man’s sister, said. “My brother’s not a criminal. We are not criminals, we were treated like criminals in our own house.”

Attorneys said the family called authorities March 31 to help calm Isaias Cervantes, who is autistic, deaf and has intellectual disabilities. Attorney Austin Dove said Isaias was unarmed and, within three minutes after arriving at the home in Cudahy, two deputies body slammed him face forward on the ground and choked him.

“With all that, they’re claiming that Isaias was trying to disarm them…it’s physically impossible,” Dove said. “And so within these seconds, he’s shot in the back from point blank range.”

Wow. Absolute monsters.

Another blue city murder.

Tell us again how only cops should have guns.
He was too stupid to understand it was a blue city murder You just know those cops were democrats,lol

Of course they were. And their chief is a Democrat. And their union reps are Democrats. And the mayor is a Democrat. And the city council are all Democrats. And the governor is a Democrat.

marvin martian

You aren’t exagerating at all On that are you?o_O
I’ll take tha as a no,as always the kid embarrassed himself,this time,with his OWN facts. Comedy gold :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The more undesirable it becomes (because of Leftists) to be a cop, the more substandard cops you'll recruit. This is a classic case of the fish coming back to bite you in the ass.

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