Cops shoot unarmed man

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The guy was unarmed, mentally ill, and got shot in the back 15-20 times after he raised his arms. Nothing new, right? This one was slightly different, they did it on live TV.

About 21:30 into the video.

[ame=]Pursuit of Silver Corvette Comes to Violent End in Downtown L.A. - YouTube[/ame]
this police idiocy shoot then ask questions should finally stop.
Looks like it may have been an accidental shooting. It appears that an officer or officers may have fired a beanbag round and other officers mistook it for the suspect firing shots and returned fire.
From the video, it sure appears he was surrendering. Perhaps the non-lethal rounds were mistaken for unfriendly fire. Either way, I feel a lot worse for the poor sucker that asshole t-boned than the dead guy recklessly fleeing from police. That said, it doesn't look like a good shooting on the part of the police.
They'll get away with it. They might get a paid suspension (read: vacation), and it will be quietly buried.

They should all get charged with and locked up for murder...a year each, in maximum security's general population.
The perp put himself in the situation, period.

He could have stopped anytime but no.

He could have laid down at anytime but no.

Asshole who hurt somebody.
The perp put himself in the situation, period.

He could have stopped anytime but no.

He could have laid down at anytime but no.

Asshole who hurt somebody.

When you wake up one day and wonder why the police are beating the crap out of you for no reason remember that you blamed the wrong people when you had a chance.
The perp put himself in the situation, period.

He could have stopped anytime but no.

He could have laid down at anytime but no.

Asshole who hurt somebody.

When you wake up one day and wonder why the police are beating the crap out of you for no reason remember that you blamed the wrong people when you had a chance.

How many times have you been beaten by the cops for no reason?
The perp put himself in the situation, period.

He could have stopped anytime but no.

He could have laid down at anytime but no.

Asshole who hurt somebody.

Ordinarily I'd agree with this. Flee from a lawful order to stop it's your a$$, but if this guy was in fact mentally ill and in the middle of some delusional episode or the like, what you or I would do doesn't translate to what seemed sensible to him. That said, if his hands were up, it's impossible to justify firing on him.
The perp put himself in the situation, period.

He could have stopped anytime but no.

He could have laid down at anytime but no.

Asshole who hurt somebody.

Ordinarily I'd agree with this. Flee from a lawful order to stop it's your a$$, but if this guy was in fact mentally ill and in the middle of some delusional episode or the like, what you or I would do doesn't translate to what seemed sensible to him. That said, if his hands were up, it's impossible to justify firing on him.

So what if the guy was mentally ill? That's something that would be known after the fact not during the event itself.

BTW mentally ill people can be just as dangerous if not more so than a sane person.
You've obviously never been around people in crisis. When someone's in the middle of a psychotic break or other delusional impairement they're not perceiving things like we are. Depending on how long the pursuit lasted, there have been chases where officers knew who they were chasing and about any issues they had. Whether this was one of those or not doesn't matter though. If he was surrendering, it's not justified to use lethal force.
You've obviously never been around people in crisis. When someone's in the middle of a psychotic break or other delusional impairement they're not perceiving things like we are. Depending on how long the pursuit lasted, there have been chases where officers knew who they were chasing and about any issues they had. Whether this was one of those or not doesn't matter though. If he was surrendering, it's not justified to use lethal force.

You have no idea what types of crisis I've been around and you have no idea what the police knew or didn't know about this suspect.

You can speculate all you want but speculations do not make facts.

Judging from the video, he was not surrendering, he exited the car and ran.
Do you know that to be fact? Just curious.

The police have said both were true. I assume it is possible they are lying to make themselves look bad, but I really doubt that is what happened.

Do you have a link for that? I'd like to be able to back it up if I were to repeat it.

You were able to find about the (alleged) bean bag round, but can't find the police admitting the guy was unarmed?


LAPD chief: Too early to judge fatal shooting of unarmed suspect -
He brought it on himself.

No he did not. If he had pulled a gun when he got out of the car you could have said he brought it on himself. If he had used the car to try and run over the cops you could have also said that. But there is no way anyone who has their hands in the air and is facing away from the police brought being shot in the back on himself.

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